How well do YOU know your Borderlands. Let's find out. Below you will find a quiz I've put together with various elements from both games, DLC and non-dlc.
Remember, don't allow others to see your answers
1. Who was General Knoxx's admiral?
2. Who was Moxxi's SECOND husband?
3. What is the name of the vehicle used in Captain Scarlett's DLC?
4. Who was the "boss" of Hyperion before Jack?
5. What was the name of the siren that was killed by the Spoiler: Destroyer?
6. How many children does Moxxi have?
7. Who was the man that Scooter had killed because he had made fun of Scooter's mom?
8. Finish the quote: "Smokin' Jesus, ______________, that is a MOOONSTER!"
9. What did Dr. Ned hate? (Hint: It was a type of food)
10. What female does Axton seem to like, based on quotes?
11. What does Gaige mean when she says "DT"?
12. Challenge: What was the bright green assault rifle, manufactured by S&S, that when shot, made bullets that resemble a serpentine?
13. What element does Gaige specialize in?
14. What is the skill that allows Salvador to do massive damage on the last shot of a magazine?
15. What are the elements of the novas that Pyro Pete uses?
16: LAST QUESTION: What is the prefix that allows for the most bodyshot damage on Jakobs AND Maliwan sniper rifles? (2-part question)
I hope you guys liked it. Please give positive feedback and no hate comments.
Remember, don't allow others to see your answers
1. Who was General Knoxx's admiral?
2. Who was Moxxi's SECOND husband?
3. What is the name of the vehicle used in Captain Scarlett's DLC?
4. Who was the "boss" of Hyperion before Jack?
5. What was the name of the siren that was killed by the Spoiler: Destroyer?
6. How many children does Moxxi have?
7. Who was the man that Scooter had killed because he had made fun of Scooter's mom?
8. Finish the quote: "Smokin' Jesus, ______________, that is a MOOONSTER!"
9. What did Dr. Ned hate? (Hint: It was a type of food)
10. What female does Axton seem to like, based on quotes?
11. What does Gaige mean when she says "DT"?
12. Challenge: What was the bright green assault rifle, manufactured by S&S, that when shot, made bullets that resemble a serpentine?
13. What element does Gaige specialize in?
14. What is the skill that allows Salvador to do massive damage on the last shot of a magazine?
15. What are the elements of the novas that Pyro Pete uses?
16: LAST QUESTION: What is the prefix that allows for the most bodyshot damage on Jakobs AND Maliwan sniper rifles? (2-part question)
I hope you guys liked it. Please give positive feedback and no hate comments.