That's right folks, I was hit with another wave of extreme boredom at work and have decided to go ahead and give my hand at another character concept! For those of you who haven't seen it (which probably isn't many, considering the smaller number of posters here), my first successful character concept was the Cleric! If you haven't perused it yet, I would love for you to take a look!
Now that the shameless self promotion is over, I want to unveil my most recently completed character concept: Erik as the Buccaneer!
I haven't finished the call outs or ECHOs for his back story yet, so here's what I can show you.
Back Story
Erik was the crewman on Captain Scarlett's ship who easily had the most swagger. He was constantly bragging about how he couldn't be killed, and about how he seemed to move so much faster than everyone else when he wanted to. This, naturally, got quite annoying to some of the other members of Captain Scarlett's crew. However, there was also some truth to the claims of this swashbuckler.
After Scarlett got her crew stuck in Wurmwater while searching for Captain Blade's lost treasure, Erik quickly became bored. There was little to do except pick off Sand Worms and the occasional boat patrol that came through. Erik was quite clearly the best of the crewmen at these activities and dangerously close to Captain Scarlett's skill level as well. She eventually banned these activities, fearing Erik would stage a mutiny by rallying the crew around his superior skill. All this did was add to Erik's boredom and level of unrest.
As luck, or fate, would have it, this was also around the time a man named Shade was able to make contact with Captain Scarlett. He said an angel had visited him in a dream and told him Captain Scarlett was stranded in Wurmwater. Curious about this new development, Scarlett asked Shade what else this angel had told him. Shade mentioned a troublesome crewmember, and then something about a secret Vault.
Scarlett had heard of Vault Hunters, but had never met one. That didn't stop her from devising a plan, however. All she had to do was convince Erik that he was actually a Vault Hunter! It didn't prove too hard, as Erik's boredom would have led to his doing almost anything to get out of Wurmwater. Scarlett was thereby able to make her most talented crewman happy while eliminating the threat of an impending mutiny. Since it did not appear her ship would be leaving anytime soon, she felt free to let Erik chase this little fantasy.
Unbeknownst to Scarlett and Erik, Handsome Jack had recognized Erik as a Vault Hunter, therefore a potential threat, and played an important role in getting information about the Vault to him. Although Handsome Jack managed to badly injure Erik on the train ride through Windshear Waste, he was unable to kill him, and Erik teamed up with the other Vault Hunters on the train to track down Handsome Jack and the Vault.
Action Skill: Swashbuckle
Erik gains +35% movement speed and an increased chance to dodge enemy bullets. The chance to dodge bullets starts at 15% and slowly increases to 70% by the end of Swashbuckle. However, because of his need to stay loose in order to dodge, Erik loses the ability to crouch while Swashbuckle is active. Erik gains a small amount of health regeneration (2%/sec) and an increased elemental effect chance (+50% elemental effect chance). All of Erik's bullets have a 10% chance to cause a bleed effect on the target (non-elemental DoT) based on the level of the gun.
Duration: 30 seconds
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Tier 1
Shiver Me Timbers: increases bullet damage, decreases shield capacity (+3/6/9/12/15% gun damage, -5/10/15/20/25% shield capacity)
Parlay: killing the enemy that put you into FFYL before you gain a Second Wind, or killing the enemy that put an ally into FFYL before they gain a Second Wind, grants you double experience
Yarrr!: increases the length of Swashbuckle by 15 seconds, but also increases the cooldown length by 20 seconds *prerequisite for skill: Bombs Away
Tier 2
Yo Ho Ho: increases bullet speed, gun accuracy, and shield delay (+15/30/45/60/75% bullet speed, +6/12/18/24/30% gun accuracy, +.8/1.6/2.4/3.2/4 seconds shield delay)
Walk the Plank!: increases damage dealt and damage taken (+4/8/12/16/20% damage dealt, +5/10/15/20/25% damage taken)
Tier 3
Courtesy Shot: the first and last shot in a magazine have a chance to do extra damage (9/18/27/36/45% chance to do extra damage, 60/48/36/24/12% extra damage)
Mutiny: increases Critical Hit damage, but the player can now take friendly fire damage (+6/12/18/24/30% CH damage, 50% friendly fire damage reduction)
Bombs Away: while Swashbuckle is active, throwing a grenade will instead deploy a cannon that shoots explosive cannonballs for the duration of Swashbuckle. *prerequisite skill: Yarrr!
Tier 4
Pirate Ninja: killing unaware enemies has a chance to not make other enemies aware of your presence (20/40/60/80/100% chance)
Bloodsail: increases explosive and non-elemental damage but decreases shield recharge rate (+3/6/9/12/15% explosive damage, +4/8/12/16/20% non-elemental damage, -3/6/9/12/15% shield recharge rate)
Tier 5
Davy Jones' Locker: cannonballs have a chance to daze enemies (12/24/36/48/60%)
Purplebeard: cannonballs can now slag enemies, but can also deal minor damage to allies (50% slag chance, 20% damage to allies) *prerequisite for skill: The Black Pearl
The Black Pearl: the cannon can now swivel and shoot in all directions *prerequisite skill: Purplebeard
Tier 6
First Mate: increases the cannon's threat amount and health; however, also increases damage taken by the player while the cannon is active (+100% threat, +150% health, +50% damage taken by player)
Tier 1
Avast!: increases fire rate and reload speed (+2/4/6/8/10% fire rate, +3/6/9/12/15% reload speed)
Ball & Chain: increases movement speed while Swashbuckle is active (5/10/15/20/25%)
Aim Ready Fire: during Swashbuckle, player gains increased ADS speed and increased movement speed while aiming (+50% ADS speed, +70% movement speed while ADS) *prerequisite for skill: Polly Wanna Cracker
Tier 2
Crow's Nest: Kill Skill: killing an enemy while in the air increases movement speed and gun damage for a few seconds (+4/8/12/16/20% movement speed, +5/10/15/20/25% gun damage)
Riding on Coat Tails: slagging an enemy increases weapon swap speed and reload speed for a few seconds (+14/28/42/56/70% weapon swap speed, +7/14/21/28/35% reload speed)
Tier 3
Carnage: Kill Skill: killing an enemy increases the chances of ammo, health, and money drops for a few seconds (+20/40/60/80/100% chance for ammo to drop, +10/20/30/40/50% chance for health to drop, +15/30/45/60/75% chance for money to drop)
Twin Rover: Kill Skill: killing an enemy gives guns a chance to fire two bullets for the price of one with each pull of the trigger; the chance is higher for pistols (5/10/15/20/25% chance to fire two bullets, 8/16/24/32/40% chance for pistols)
Polly Wanna Cracker: while Swashbuckle is active, pressing the action skill button again will send out Polly the Parrot, who will target enemies behind cover and enemies with low health; Polly's damage is based on the user's level *prerequisite skill: Aim Ready Fire
Tier 4
Hide and Seek: Polly deals additional damage to enemies behind cover (+12/24/36/48/60% damage)
I Want It All: Polly has a chance to steal health and ammo from enemies it attacks (9/18/27/36/45% chance to steal health/ammo)
Tier 5
Bleeding Scarlett: Player takes decreased damage while Swashbuckle is active (-7/14/21/28/35% damage taken)
Polly Wanna Get You Up: Player can summon Polly in FFYL *prerequisite for skill: Polly Wanna Crack Them
Polly Wanna Crack Them: Polly does double damage if used during FFYL *prerequisite skill: Polly Wanna Get You Up
Tier 6
Polly Wanna Get Some: Polly does not need to be re-deployed if it kills an enemy or attacks an enemy behind cover. Polly cannot attack the same enemy twice in one flight. Polly can be recalled by pressing the Action Skill button again.
Scurvy Dog
Tier 1
Curse of Regeneration: increases max health and grants a small amount of health regeneration (+4/8/12/16/20% max health, +.4/.8/1.2/1.6/2% health regeneration)
Curse of the Heavy Hand: increases melee damage (3/6/9/12/15%)
Curse of the Swagger: activating Swashbuckle immediately restores 25% of your maximum health *prerequisite for skill: Curse of the Bloody Sword
Tier 2
Curse of the Deep Cut: increases bleed damage (+8/16/24/32/40%)
Curse of the Elements: elemental DoTs have a chance to leave behind a bleed DoT when they expire (10/20/30/40/50% of elemental DoT continued as bleed DoT)
Tier 3
Curse of Agony: increases cooldown rate of Swashbuckle (6/12/18/24/30%)
Curse of the Swashbuckler: increases chance to inflict bleed DoT with Swashbuckle active (+30/60/90/120/150% chance to cause bleed)
Curse of the Blood Sword: Melee Override: while Swashbuckle is active, attacking with melee will attack with Erik's rapier, cutting enemies and dealing a bleed DoT based on the weapon currently being held (+75% melee damage) *prerequisite skill: Curse of the Swagger
Tier 4
Curse of Sharp Bullets: non-elemental bullets have a chance to cause a bleed DoT even if Swashbuckle is not active (2/4/6/8/10% chance to cause Bleed DoT)
Curse of Transfusion: a percentage of bleed damage is returned to the user as health (5/10/15/20/25%)
Tier 5
Curse of Eternal Life: when shields are down and Swashbuckle is active, bullets that would do health damage have a chance to instead heal the player for a percentage of the bullet damage (5/10/15/20/25% chance to heal, 6/12/18/24/30% of bullet damage healed)
Curse of the Captain: attacks with the rapier can cause Massive Cuts, which do additional damage and can stagger enemies (+150% melee damage, 20% chance to cause Massive Cut, 40% chance to stagger enemies) prerequisite for skill: Curse of Dr. Ned
Curse of Dr. Ned: Massive Cuts can become Infected, dealing more damage as a bleed DoT (+75% bleed DoT) prerequisite skill: Curse of the Captain
Tier 6
Curse of the Fast Hand: Kill Skill: killing an enemy with a bleed DoT or rapier while Swashbuckle is active increases fire rate and melee speed; this can stack infinite times until Swashbuckle ends (each stack: +2% fire rate, +4% melee speed)
I know that's a lot to digest, but please look it over and let me know what you think! There are a few new mechanics introduced here, so if something's not clear, please let me know and I'll do my best to clear it up!
Now that the shameless self promotion is over, I want to unveil my most recently completed character concept: Erik as the Buccaneer!
I haven't finished the call outs or ECHOs for his back story yet, so here's what I can show you.
Back Story
Erik was the crewman on Captain Scarlett's ship who easily had the most swagger. He was constantly bragging about how he couldn't be killed, and about how he seemed to move so much faster than everyone else when he wanted to. This, naturally, got quite annoying to some of the other members of Captain Scarlett's crew. However, there was also some truth to the claims of this swashbuckler.
After Scarlett got her crew stuck in Wurmwater while searching for Captain Blade's lost treasure, Erik quickly became bored. There was little to do except pick off Sand Worms and the occasional boat patrol that came through. Erik was quite clearly the best of the crewmen at these activities and dangerously close to Captain Scarlett's skill level as well. She eventually banned these activities, fearing Erik would stage a mutiny by rallying the crew around his superior skill. All this did was add to Erik's boredom and level of unrest.
As luck, or fate, would have it, this was also around the time a man named Shade was able to make contact with Captain Scarlett. He said an angel had visited him in a dream and told him Captain Scarlett was stranded in Wurmwater. Curious about this new development, Scarlett asked Shade what else this angel had told him. Shade mentioned a troublesome crewmember, and then something about a secret Vault.
Scarlett had heard of Vault Hunters, but had never met one. That didn't stop her from devising a plan, however. All she had to do was convince Erik that he was actually a Vault Hunter! It didn't prove too hard, as Erik's boredom would have led to his doing almost anything to get out of Wurmwater. Scarlett was thereby able to make her most talented crewman happy while eliminating the threat of an impending mutiny. Since it did not appear her ship would be leaving anytime soon, she felt free to let Erik chase this little fantasy.
Unbeknownst to Scarlett and Erik, Handsome Jack had recognized Erik as a Vault Hunter, therefore a potential threat, and played an important role in getting information about the Vault to him. Although Handsome Jack managed to badly injure Erik on the train ride through Windshear Waste, he was unable to kill him, and Erik teamed up with the other Vault Hunters on the train to track down Handsome Jack and the Vault.
Action Skill: Swashbuckle
Erik gains +35% movement speed and an increased chance to dodge enemy bullets. The chance to dodge bullets starts at 15% and slowly increases to 70% by the end of Swashbuckle. However, because of his need to stay loose in order to dodge, Erik loses the ability to crouch while Swashbuckle is active. Erik gains a small amount of health regeneration (2%/sec) and an increased elemental effect chance (+50% elemental effect chance). All of Erik's bullets have a 10% chance to cause a bleed effect on the target (non-elemental DoT) based on the level of the gun.
Duration: 30 seconds
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Tier 1
Shiver Me Timbers: increases bullet damage, decreases shield capacity (+3/6/9/12/15% gun damage, -5/10/15/20/25% shield capacity)
Parlay: killing the enemy that put you into FFYL before you gain a Second Wind, or killing the enemy that put an ally into FFYL before they gain a Second Wind, grants you double experience
Yarrr!: increases the length of Swashbuckle by 15 seconds, but also increases the cooldown length by 20 seconds *prerequisite for skill: Bombs Away
Tier 2
Yo Ho Ho: increases bullet speed, gun accuracy, and shield delay (+15/30/45/60/75% bullet speed, +6/12/18/24/30% gun accuracy, +.8/1.6/2.4/3.2/4 seconds shield delay)
Walk the Plank!: increases damage dealt and damage taken (+4/8/12/16/20% damage dealt, +5/10/15/20/25% damage taken)
Tier 3
Courtesy Shot: the first and last shot in a magazine have a chance to do extra damage (9/18/27/36/45% chance to do extra damage, 60/48/36/24/12% extra damage)
Mutiny: increases Critical Hit damage, but the player can now take friendly fire damage (+6/12/18/24/30% CH damage, 50% friendly fire damage reduction)
Bombs Away: while Swashbuckle is active, throwing a grenade will instead deploy a cannon that shoots explosive cannonballs for the duration of Swashbuckle. *prerequisite skill: Yarrr!
Tier 4
Pirate Ninja: killing unaware enemies has a chance to not make other enemies aware of your presence (20/40/60/80/100% chance)
Bloodsail: increases explosive and non-elemental damage but decreases shield recharge rate (+3/6/9/12/15% explosive damage, +4/8/12/16/20% non-elemental damage, -3/6/9/12/15% shield recharge rate)
Tier 5
Davy Jones' Locker: cannonballs have a chance to daze enemies (12/24/36/48/60%)
Purplebeard: cannonballs can now slag enemies, but can also deal minor damage to allies (50% slag chance, 20% damage to allies) *prerequisite for skill: The Black Pearl
The Black Pearl: the cannon can now swivel and shoot in all directions *prerequisite skill: Purplebeard
Tier 6
First Mate: increases the cannon's threat amount and health; however, also increases damage taken by the player while the cannon is active (+100% threat, +150% health, +50% damage taken by player)
Tier 1
Avast!: increases fire rate and reload speed (+2/4/6/8/10% fire rate, +3/6/9/12/15% reload speed)
Ball & Chain: increases movement speed while Swashbuckle is active (5/10/15/20/25%)
Aim Ready Fire: during Swashbuckle, player gains increased ADS speed and increased movement speed while aiming (+50% ADS speed, +70% movement speed while ADS) *prerequisite for skill: Polly Wanna Cracker
Tier 2
Crow's Nest: Kill Skill: killing an enemy while in the air increases movement speed and gun damage for a few seconds (+4/8/12/16/20% movement speed, +5/10/15/20/25% gun damage)
Riding on Coat Tails: slagging an enemy increases weapon swap speed and reload speed for a few seconds (+14/28/42/56/70% weapon swap speed, +7/14/21/28/35% reload speed)
Tier 3
Carnage: Kill Skill: killing an enemy increases the chances of ammo, health, and money drops for a few seconds (+20/40/60/80/100% chance for ammo to drop, +10/20/30/40/50% chance for health to drop, +15/30/45/60/75% chance for money to drop)
Twin Rover: Kill Skill: killing an enemy gives guns a chance to fire two bullets for the price of one with each pull of the trigger; the chance is higher for pistols (5/10/15/20/25% chance to fire two bullets, 8/16/24/32/40% chance for pistols)
Polly Wanna Cracker: while Swashbuckle is active, pressing the action skill button again will send out Polly the Parrot, who will target enemies behind cover and enemies with low health; Polly's damage is based on the user's level *prerequisite skill: Aim Ready Fire
Tier 4
Hide and Seek: Polly deals additional damage to enemies behind cover (+12/24/36/48/60% damage)
I Want It All: Polly has a chance to steal health and ammo from enemies it attacks (9/18/27/36/45% chance to steal health/ammo)
Tier 5
Bleeding Scarlett: Player takes decreased damage while Swashbuckle is active (-7/14/21/28/35% damage taken)
Polly Wanna Get You Up: Player can summon Polly in FFYL *prerequisite for skill: Polly Wanna Crack Them
Polly Wanna Crack Them: Polly does double damage if used during FFYL *prerequisite skill: Polly Wanna Get You Up
Tier 6
Polly Wanna Get Some: Polly does not need to be re-deployed if it kills an enemy or attacks an enemy behind cover. Polly cannot attack the same enemy twice in one flight. Polly can be recalled by pressing the Action Skill button again.
Scurvy Dog
Tier 1
Curse of Regeneration: increases max health and grants a small amount of health regeneration (+4/8/12/16/20% max health, +.4/.8/1.2/1.6/2% health regeneration)
Curse of the Heavy Hand: increases melee damage (3/6/9/12/15%)
Curse of the Swagger: activating Swashbuckle immediately restores 25% of your maximum health *prerequisite for skill: Curse of the Bloody Sword
Tier 2
Curse of the Deep Cut: increases bleed damage (+8/16/24/32/40%)
Curse of the Elements: elemental DoTs have a chance to leave behind a bleed DoT when they expire (10/20/30/40/50% of elemental DoT continued as bleed DoT)
Tier 3
Curse of Agony: increases cooldown rate of Swashbuckle (6/12/18/24/30%)
Curse of the Swashbuckler: increases chance to inflict bleed DoT with Swashbuckle active (+30/60/90/120/150% chance to cause bleed)
Curse of the Blood Sword: Melee Override: while Swashbuckle is active, attacking with melee will attack with Erik's rapier, cutting enemies and dealing a bleed DoT based on the weapon currently being held (+75% melee damage) *prerequisite skill: Curse of the Swagger
Tier 4
Curse of Sharp Bullets: non-elemental bullets have a chance to cause a bleed DoT even if Swashbuckle is not active (2/4/6/8/10% chance to cause Bleed DoT)
Curse of Transfusion: a percentage of bleed damage is returned to the user as health (5/10/15/20/25%)
Tier 5
Curse of Eternal Life: when shields are down and Swashbuckle is active, bullets that would do health damage have a chance to instead heal the player for a percentage of the bullet damage (5/10/15/20/25% chance to heal, 6/12/18/24/30% of bullet damage healed)
Curse of the Captain: attacks with the rapier can cause Massive Cuts, which do additional damage and can stagger enemies (+150% melee damage, 20% chance to cause Massive Cut, 40% chance to stagger enemies) prerequisite for skill: Curse of Dr. Ned
Curse of Dr. Ned: Massive Cuts can become Infected, dealing more damage as a bleed DoT (+75% bleed DoT) prerequisite skill: Curse of the Captain
Tier 6
Curse of the Fast Hand: Kill Skill: killing an enemy with a bleed DoT or rapier while Swashbuckle is active increases fire rate and melee speed; this can stack infinite times until Swashbuckle ends (each stack: +2% fire rate, +4% melee speed)
I know that's a lot to digest, but please look it over and let me know what you think! There are a few new mechanics introduced here, so if something's not clear, please let me know and I'll do my best to clear it up!