I've seen a lot of new vault hunter ideas on this part of the forums. The thing that gets me is why the huge obsession with Handsome Jack? Why do so many people need to associate their character to a dead villain. Unless it's for Borderlands 2. Which is rather pointless, there are no more characters being implemented. Borderlands 3 is in the making, I'm suggesting people make character concepts for that. Try not to use Handsome Jack guys. He's dead. Also Borderlands 2 vault hunters had no relationships with Borderlands 1. Maybe Acton, that's about it. Just my two cents.
Name: Hark
Class: Necromancer
Class Trees: Death, Reanimation, Plague
Death - Focused on maximising damage.
Reanimation - Focused on the Raise the Dead action skill.
Plague - Focused on corrosive and AoE damage.
Action Skill: Raise the Dead
Action Skill Description: Dead enemies within a killed during the duration of Raise the Dead will be revived into a zombie like state. Different resurrected enemies have different effects.
Specialty: Smgs, pistols.
Melee weapon: A dagger with a rose crest.
Bio: Hark's family consisted of only him and his sister, Rose. Hark was usually very dark, quiet while his sister was loud and adventurous. He always managed to change into a more cheerful mood when he was with his sister. He was left at an orphanage at a young age but was never adopted and neither was his sister. After being treated horribly while living there, Rose devised a plan for them to escape. After escaping, they lived their life away in hiding. His sister was always out on mercenary missions while Hark fixed her up whenever she got back. Whenever she wasn't on jobs, she would train Hark to be more efficient with guns. But one day he was called to see his sister, who had died due to a bullet wound to the heart.
He carried her back home, insisting on being able to revive her with his medical skills. He never gave up hope. He kept her preserved in cryogenics while he searched for a way to revive her, then he found out about the incident at Jakobs Cove. So he turned to necromancy. The years of seclusion and training turned him half mad. Resulting in a dark maniac of a personality, wanting death and destruction. The only thing keeping him sane was the memory of his sister and the possibility of a cure.
After trying several years to revive his sister. He succeeded, but his sister was almost brain dead and feral. So he kept her in a cage, he told her stories. But only one ever seemed to calm her and that was whenever the vault was mentioned. So Hark set out when he heard that a new Vault had opened, after failing to find the other two, knowing that his sister would have wanted him to.
Joining a game:
I'm ready to bring death to the ones who deserve it.
I hear the voices. The voices of the damned...
I foresee a lot of corpses in this barbaric adventure. This vision is rather satisfying.
Weather forecast: Cloudy with a chance of death.
Killing multiple enemies in a row:
I'm not just killing and reviving the same people over again am I?
Join my army of the dead!
Corrode to nothingness you fiends!
The dark days have only just begun.
Into the graves where you belong! I'll need you later though so don't get comfy.
Reviving an ally:
I guess there's more than one way to revive someone.
Hopefully you don't become a zombie...
I'm helping you up only because you're good at causing death.
I am currently reinitiating your life through medical means. Please stop squirming.
Being revived:
It seems as if the board has been turned around.
Hurry up. I have people to kill and zombies to create.
I used to know who to provide medical services. I think I forgot how to.
I knew I didn't kill you for a reason.
Throwing grenade:
It's like death in the palm of my hand. Oh wait...
Boom. Dead.
Hopefully the limbs will remain intact...
Levelling up:
Rose would be proud...
More death. More zombies.
I used to be an egg, now I am a bird of prey.
The souls of the dead have fed me well.
Using Raise the Dead:
Rise my minions!
I hope you like monsters that eat brains.
I hope you don't mind killing your friends.
The dead become the living.
I'm better than Dr. Zed. This is rich.
Seeing a badass:
What elegance, what strength, what beauty. An excellent addition to my cause.
If only she could see me stomp this piece of **** into the ground.
Second Wind:
I rise from the dead!
I don't die. Learn that in your next life.
I feel a surge of death coming. You've made me angry.
Fight for you life:
This is not going as planned...
I'll just revive myself. No problem...I think...
Rose. Thank the dead you're not seeing this right now...
Comparing items:
If this kills better than that, then this makes me more involuntary recruits.
Death death death death, death death death death. *tune of a doorbell*
Rose would have loved these...
Level Up:
*breathes in deeply* I smell a plague coming.
One more step to becoming a grim reaper.
The dark souls make me stronger.
Damn, disfigured body...
Useless vessel anyways.
Hardly a thorn.
Standing Idle:
While I stand here and do nothing, there will be nothing dying...I NEED TO SEE SOMETHING DIE!
Do I have to shoot myself to see some death around here?
Rose would find something to murder right now...
I see no rotting corpses. I see no burned flesh. I see no melting foes. I see no destruction...I'm going to rip out my eyes.
Out of ammo:
I'm out of death...
Minion, get me some ammo.
There seems to be an inadequate amount of munitions in this killing contraption.
*click* Yep...
This is just the basic concept so far. I don't really know how I feel about going into detail on skills. I have a few in mind that would be cool to be implemented such as the end-tier game changer skills or the mid-tier game changer skills. But yeah. Feedback is appreciated. I might possible do the skill tree if people want it.
Name: Hark
Class: Necromancer
Class Trees: Death, Reanimation, Plague
Death - Focused on maximising damage.
Reanimation - Focused on the Raise the Dead action skill.
Plague - Focused on corrosive and AoE damage.
Action Skill: Raise the Dead
Action Skill Description: Dead enemies within a killed during the duration of Raise the Dead will be revived into a zombie like state. Different resurrected enemies have different effects.
Specialty: Smgs, pistols.
Melee weapon: A dagger with a rose crest.
Bio: Hark's family consisted of only him and his sister, Rose. Hark was usually very dark, quiet while his sister was loud and adventurous. He always managed to change into a more cheerful mood when he was with his sister. He was left at an orphanage at a young age but was never adopted and neither was his sister. After being treated horribly while living there, Rose devised a plan for them to escape. After escaping, they lived their life away in hiding. His sister was always out on mercenary missions while Hark fixed her up whenever she got back. Whenever she wasn't on jobs, she would train Hark to be more efficient with guns. But one day he was called to see his sister, who had died due to a bullet wound to the heart.
He carried her back home, insisting on being able to revive her with his medical skills. He never gave up hope. He kept her preserved in cryogenics while he searched for a way to revive her, then he found out about the incident at Jakobs Cove. So he turned to necromancy. The years of seclusion and training turned him half mad. Resulting in a dark maniac of a personality, wanting death and destruction. The only thing keeping him sane was the memory of his sister and the possibility of a cure.
After trying several years to revive his sister. He succeeded, but his sister was almost brain dead and feral. So he kept her in a cage, he told her stories. But only one ever seemed to calm her and that was whenever the vault was mentioned. So Hark set out when he heard that a new Vault had opened, after failing to find the other two, knowing that his sister would have wanted him to.
Joining a game:
I'm ready to bring death to the ones who deserve it.
I hear the voices. The voices of the damned...
I foresee a lot of corpses in this barbaric adventure. This vision is rather satisfying.
Weather forecast: Cloudy with a chance of death.
Killing multiple enemies in a row:
I'm not just killing and reviving the same people over again am I?
Join my army of the dead!
Corrode to nothingness you fiends!
The dark days have only just begun.
Into the graves where you belong! I'll need you later though so don't get comfy.
Reviving an ally:
I guess there's more than one way to revive someone.
Hopefully you don't become a zombie...
I'm helping you up only because you're good at causing death.
I am currently reinitiating your life through medical means. Please stop squirming.
Being revived:
It seems as if the board has been turned around.
Hurry up. I have people to kill and zombies to create.
I used to know who to provide medical services. I think I forgot how to.
I knew I didn't kill you for a reason.
Throwing grenade:
It's like death in the palm of my hand. Oh wait...
Boom. Dead.
Hopefully the limbs will remain intact...
Levelling up:
Rose would be proud...
More death. More zombies.
I used to be an egg, now I am a bird of prey.
The souls of the dead have fed me well.
Using Raise the Dead:
Rise my minions!
I hope you like monsters that eat brains.
I hope you don't mind killing your friends.
The dead become the living.
I'm better than Dr. Zed. This is rich.
Seeing a badass:
What elegance, what strength, what beauty. An excellent addition to my cause.
If only she could see me stomp this piece of **** into the ground.
Second Wind:
I rise from the dead!
I don't die. Learn that in your next life.
I feel a surge of death coming. You've made me angry.
Fight for you life:
This is not going as planned...
I'll just revive myself. No problem...I think...
Rose. Thank the dead you're not seeing this right now...
Comparing items:
If this kills better than that, then this makes me more involuntary recruits.
Death death death death, death death death death. *tune of a doorbell*
Rose would have loved these...
Level Up:
*breathes in deeply* I smell a plague coming.
One more step to becoming a grim reaper.
The dark souls make me stronger.
Damn, disfigured body...
Useless vessel anyways.
Hardly a thorn.
Standing Idle:
While I stand here and do nothing, there will be nothing dying...I NEED TO SEE SOMETHING DIE!
Do I have to shoot myself to see some death around here?
Rose would find something to murder right now...
I see no rotting corpses. I see no burned flesh. I see no melting foes. I see no destruction...I'm going to rip out my eyes.
Out of ammo:
I'm out of death...
Minion, get me some ammo.
There seems to be an inadequate amount of munitions in this killing contraption.
*click* Yep...
This is just the basic concept so far. I don't really know how I feel about going into detail on skills. I have a few in mind that would be cool to be implemented such as the end-tier game changer skills or the mid-tier game changer skills. But yeah. Feedback is appreciated. I might possible do the skill tree if people want it.