Info: |text and more text | is it's own skill so |text| |text| |text| is 3 skills. Assume that it fits to the "standard" skill level up template like Axton's or Maya's.
Background Info: This is Mordy from an alternate reality where Jack won and he(Mordy) stole some Hyperion Tech and went back in time but has amnesia for stuff like the Tundra express etc.
BL2 Mordecai Class
Action Skill: Damage buff of 25% and reveal critical weak spots, cool down 30 seconds lasts for 10
“Pistols and Sniper Rifles“ Tree:
Background Info: This is Mordy from an alternate reality where Jack won and he(Mordy) stole some Hyperion Tech and went back in time but has amnesia for stuff like the Tundra express etc.
BL2 Mordecai Class
Action Skill: Damage buff of 25% and reveal critical weak spots, cool down 30 seconds lasts for 10
“Pistols and Sniper Rifles“ Tree:
Tier 1: |Accuracy increase for guns in general 7% increase each level and sway reduced by 8% per level on snipers and pistols| |Critical hit damage increase 6% per level bullet damage increase by 3% per level|“Melee and More Melee” Tree:
Tier 2: |Magazine size increase of 5%(minimum 1) per level and decrease reload time by 4% per level| |Zoom increase of 5% per level, reduces sway by 3%|
Tier 3: |Landing a critical hit increases damage (~3% per stack) for a short while (~6secs and resets timer after each critical hit) and stacks the bonus after hit successful hit| |Gamechanger: Increases action skill duration by 5 seconds, while in action mode critical hits get an increase of 10% | |Increase of 5% damage for body shots (non critical) which stack after each successful hit and also increase of 1% gun damage|
Tier 4: | After kill fire rate, reload speed and weapon swap speed faster by 10% per level|
Tier 5: |Bullet speed increase of 35%, gun damage 3%, HP regen of 5% per kill|
Tier6: |Bullets fire through enemies and richiot 3 times, increase bullet damage by 25% when done|
Tier 1: |HP increase of 15% per level, shield decrease of 5% level| |Melee attacks increased by 10%, gun damage increase of 5% and accuracy decrease of 5% level|“General BadAss” Tree:
Tier 2: |Melee strike speed decrease (faster swing) by 10% per level, Melee damage increase by 5%| |Movement speed increase of 10% per level|
Tier 3: |HP regen of 5% max health on Melee kill| |Gamechanger: Melee weapons get an increase of 50% damage for melee strikes| |Regen 4% of shield per kill over 3 seconds per level|
Tier 4: |After a successful melee attack, melee damage gets a 3% increase and stacks, after successful hit with a gun, damage increase of 2% and stacks, lasts for 5 seconds|
Tier 5: |Shield decrease of 3% and HP increase of 10% per level and regen 5% per second constantly|
Tier6: |Action skill last for 10 more seconds, cool down increase of 5 seconds, and melee has a 25% chance of doing double damage while in action mode|
Tier 1: |Shield increase of 10%, recharge rate increase of 10%, shield delay decrease of 10%| |Damage increase of 1% for everything, weapon swap faster by 1%, reload speed faster by 1%|Tier 6 has 3 seperate capstones, not 1
Tier2: |On kill, increase gun damage/firerate/ by 7% | |On kill, reload speed is improved by 7% and gun accuracy is increased by 5%|
Tier3: |Hip firing accuracy on Snipers increased by 30%, general accuracy increase of 7%| |NO GAMECHANGER| |Melee damage increase of 3%, melee kills regen 5% max HP per kill|
Tier4: |Action skill cool down by 5%|
Tier5: |Magazine size increase by 15% per level, reload speed improved by 10%|
Tier 6: |Critical hit location always shown, even when not in action mode| |Named bosses receive 25% more damage| |Constant HP regen of 5% max HP in 1 second|