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BL2 Mordecai Class

Info: |text and more text | is it's own skill so |text| |text| |text| is 3 skills. Assume that it fits to the "standard" skill level up template like Axton's or Maya's.

Background Info: This is Mordy from an alternate reality where Jack won and he(Mordy) stole some Hyperion Tech and went back in time but has amnesia for stuff like the Tundra express etc.

BL2 Mordecai Class

Action Skill: Damage buff of 25% and reveal critical weak spots, cool down 30 seconds lasts for 10

“Pistols and Sniper Rifles“ Tree:
Tier 1: |Accuracy increase for guns in general 7% increase each level and sway reduced by 8% per level on snipers and pistols| |Critical hit damage increase 6% per level bullet damage increase by 3% per level|

Tier 2: |Magazine size increase of 5%(minimum 1) per level and decrease reload time by 4% per level| |Zoom increase of 5% per level, reduces sway by 3%|

Tier 3: |Landing a critical hit increases damage (~3% per stack) for a short while (~6secs and resets timer after each critical hit) and stacks the bonus after hit successful hit| |Gamechanger: Increases action skill duration by 5 seconds, while in action mode critical hits get an increase of 10% | |Increase of 5% damage for body shots (non critical) which stack after each successful hit and also increase of 1% gun damage|

Tier 4: | After kill fire rate, reload speed and weapon swap speed faster by 10% per level|
Tier 5: |Bullet speed increase of 35%, gun damage 3%, HP regen of 5% per kill|
Tier6: |Bullets fire through enemies and richiot 3 times, increase bullet damage by 25% when done|
“Melee and More Melee” Tree:
Tier 1: |HP increase of 15% per level, shield decrease of 5% level| |Melee attacks increased by 10%, gun damage increase of 5% and accuracy decrease of 5% level|
Tier 2: |Melee strike speed decrease (faster swing) by 10% per level, Melee damage increase by 5%| |Movement speed increase of 10% per level|
Tier 3: |HP regen of 5% max health on Melee kill| |Gamechanger: Melee weapons get an increase of 50% damage for melee strikes| |Regen 4% of shield per kill over 3 seconds per level|
Tier 4: |After a successful melee attack, melee damage gets a 3% increase and stacks, after successful hit with a gun, damage increase of 2% and stacks, lasts for 5 seconds|
Tier 5: |Shield decrease of 3% and HP increase of 10% per level and regen 5% per second constantly|
Tier6: |Action skill last for 10 more seconds, cool down increase of 5 seconds, and melee has a 25% chance of doing double damage while in action mode|
“General BadAss” Tree:
Tier 1: |Shield increase of 10%, recharge rate increase of 10%, shield delay decrease of 10%| |Damage increase of 1% for everything, weapon swap faster by 1%, reload speed faster by 1%|
Tier2: |On kill, increase gun damage/firerate/ by 7% | |On kill, reload speed is improved by 7% and gun accuracy is increased by 5%|
Tier3: |Hip firing accuracy on Snipers increased by 30%, general accuracy increase of 7%| |NO GAMECHANGER| |Melee damage increase of 3%, melee kills regen 5% max HP per kill|
Tier4: |Action skill cool down by 5%|
Tier5: |Magazine size increase by 15% per level, reload speed improved by 10%|
Tier 6: |Critical hit location always shown, even when not in action mode| |Named bosses receive 25% more damage| |Constant HP regen of 5% max HP in 1 second|
Tier 6 has 3 seperate capstones, not 1

Borderlands 2 Big Game Hunt DLC YouTube Series

Borderlands 2 seraph weapon videos!

Hi, i love borderlands 2 and love making videos of it even more. So if you could please check out my latest video i would be sooo thankful! Its on a new seraph weapon called the hawkeye

Check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LY9v...ature=youtu.be
Remember if you like the video please like comment or subscribe!

Borderlands 2 Gameplay

I have a ton of vids on my youtube channel. Check it out if you're looking for some gameplay with Zer0. I play all the DLCs, but I do things my way :D


Thanks for taking the time!

[TexMod] Skimpy Zer0

Welp, I finished making Skimpy Zer0. Just for you.
Good god was it a pain in the ass. Stupid bits getting mirrored here, more seams there... Ended up fixing some seams that remain fairly visible on the default texture. Weird huh.

If you need help with using the mods, check out this fantastic guide by TheAdipose.

Without further ado, what have I done?
-Skimpy Zer0
-Skimpy Zer0 without muscle
-Zer0 Dragon Head - White [only affects default Zer0 head]
-Zer0 Dragon Head - Skin1 [only affects default Zer0 head]
-Zer0 Dragon Head - Skin2 [only affects default Zer0 head]

Wait, wut?
Okay, so the Skimpy Zer0 looks like this:

And Skimpy Zer0 without muscle is the same, only with blank skin. This is mainly for anyone who wants to work on it to get a better final result than mine. Of course, if you want to play as a Zer0 with baby-skin then who am I to judge you?

The Heads:
Well, I figured I may as well cobble something together quickly [and I mean quickly] so here is Zer0's default head with a dragon tattoo I nabbed from Google pasted on the front. 'Cuz what kinda ninja wants to be stealthy?

It comes in three variants. The first is where the dragon is pure white regardless of the ingame skin you wear. The second and third change the colour of the dragon based on the skin you wear, and so there's two variations. One mod will look better with some skins, the other better with others. It's just a matter of preference.

Hopefully you get a vague sense of what I meant from the following pics:




Anyway, you get the general idea.

As always, please give advice and feedback whilst excusing my ignorance of most relevant technical terms. I'll try and do any requests you might have, no guarantees.

For those still interested:
I gave a half-hearted go at adding musculature to the arms but the texture warps so much there, with the seams are right in the way as well, and basically, I couldn't be bothered.

The straps from the upperbody-jacket-thing to the hotpants weren't originally gonna be there but when I came to add the body tone I was getting greif form the seams. [The mirrored section was mirroring part of the other sides bumpmap which of course then has the effect inverted. I suppose there IS a way of blending it seamlessly despite this, but I couldn't find one.]

There are a few tenacious bits that refused all my attempts to fix. Some related to the bloody mirroring as well.

And to finish off, I'll just mention that the main thing that has caught my attention from the hours of staring at Zer0 is that he has a tight ass. That is all.


Was bored, so... BL3 plotlines!

I thought it was cool that the first two games mostly centered around one of the weapons manufacturers and how they operate, so I went with that. Each manufacturer listed is a different potential plot.

Anyway, here's what I jotted down:

S&S -- When main HQ received the news that bandits had destroyed their Pandora operation, and that Hyperion/Atlas/Dahl were no longer a threat, they decided to send a full force out to wipe out the bandits and conquer Pandora. No aliens/eridium in the main storyline, but Eridium still maintains its use as currency.

Dahl -- Dahl left the planet before anything was known about the vault being any more than a legend. Now they regret that decision, and want "their" planet back. No aliens/eridium in the main storyline, but Eridium still maintains its use as currency.

Torgue -- Torgue has found that there are more vaults even deeper beneath the surface, near Pandora's core. They've decided to blast their way down there, slowly destroying the planet itself.

Bandit -- A Bandit woman develops siren powers, replacing Angel as the universe's 6th Siren. She unites the bandit tribes under one banner and attempt to take over Pandora.

Jakobs -- Hyperion's army isn't gone yet. The Crimson Raiders' numbers were dwindling, and with Roland gone, they mostly desert. Without Brick to keep them in check, the Slabs started a massive war with another bandit tribe and were slaughtered. Left with no one to help them defeat Hyperion, the remaining vault hunters hire Jakobs wipe out the remaining Hyperion personnel. In addition to the discussed pay, the Jakobs corporation decides to enslave the whole planet, forcing its population to work in the eridium mines.

Vladof -- The Vladof corporation contracts a group of heroes (not referred to as vault hunters for most of the game) to travel to a distant planet and free one race of aliens from the oppression imposed upon them by another native species. The heroes, not having met the vault hunters from the first two games, know nothing about there being a vault on the planet. About midway through the game (when the previous characters show up), it's revealed that Vladof have two goals. One is to make nice with the aforementioned enslaved aliens so they allow Vladof to open their vault, and the other is to kidnap a child who has begun to manifest Siren powers, taking Angel's place as one of the 6 sirens.

Maliwan -- The leader of Maliwan has discovered a way to infuse normal beings with eridium and grant them siren-esque powers. Unlike Handsome Jack, Boss Maliwan does this slowly, allowing the body to adjust to its new capabilities. However, he is constantly pumping said bodies full of as much eridium as he can, so most of his experiments die anyway. As you progress through the story, sabotaging Boss Maliwan's operations, you discover "Siren" mutants, the failed experiments. The successful "Siren" experiment enemies get stronger and stronger until one of two things happens:

1: Full sirens are created, becoming Maliwan's new army.

2: Having more than 6 true sirens in the universe wakes up some crazy alien being (or maybe the actual eridian race) to destroy all excess Sirens.

Just curious what people think. :P

Would you play these games?

The Invincible to end all Invincibles

What do you guys think?

Joshtannis the Invincible

Appearance - Looks like a oversized GODLiath, But instead of a disfigured head, He has a medieval war helmet, and gigantic black antlers. For clothing he just has torn blue jeans and no shirt. During the battle he slowly grows in size, similar to Hyperius.


from 100% health to 26% health, he behaves similar to a GODliath, from 2% to 25% health, he speeds up a bit and behaves like a Gorilla. at 1% health he falls into final stand mode.


Opening Attack - When first engaged, He lets out a roar that causes extreme knockback, but only deals around 8-10k damage.

2% - 100% Health attacks

Flying Fire Fist - Similar to when Goliaths do their flying punch, only with it deals flaming damage. damages anyone close range and causes knockback. does 40k health damage.

Antler Gore - Tannis ducks his head down and runs at an enemy, ramming into them and dealing massive damage. does 60k damage

Basic Melee - Just a basic melee attack, does 20k

2% - 75% Health attacks

Slag Wave - Tannis slams the ground with a massive punch, causing Pyro Pete style Explosion. The explosion does no damage, buts slags anyone hit by it for 30 seconds. Tannis can only use this ability once every 1 1/2 minutes.

Caustic Vomit - Fires a volley of 10 fast moving Caustic Orbs. Getting hit only does 10k damage, however can cause Caustic infection that does 4k damage a second for 12 seconds. This ability can only be used once every minute

2% - 50% Health attacks

Shield Cracker - Tannis beats his chest like a gorilla then does a huge clap above his head, causing a Shockwave that knocks out shields. shields do not restore for 15 seconds. This attack can only be used once every 2 minutes.

Caustic Vomit now reduces speed of those infected to 20% or normal speed until infection wears off.

2% - 25% Health attacks, the Berserk Stage

Pyro Nova - Similar to his opening move, Tannis roars and becomes engulfed in fire, deals 50% damage to enemies and causes extreme knockback. This attack is only used once when Tannis reaches 25% health.

Fire breath - Tannis chases down a selected target and shows a stream of fire at them, the stream of fire does 15k damage a second while caught in in, and causes a fire infection that lasts 15 second, doing 5k damage a second.

Melee Flurry - repeatedly melees an enemy 10-12 times. each strike does 8k damage. This attack can only be used once every 30 seconds.

Horns of Joshtannis - An Antler headbutt that causes and explosion on its target, and extreme knockback. This is generally his most feared move, with the melee dealing 20k damage, and the explosion dealing 100k damage.

1% Health, The final stand of Joshtannis

At 1% Health, Joshtannis falls into fight for your life, and gains an effect similar to the effect of the "Fire Bee" grenade mod, only roughly 2x the range of the flamethrowers, and 3x the range of the fire spikes. He also spurts out an explosive rocket similar to the Nukem launcher once every second. the rockets are randomly aimed.

Flamethrower Damage - 12k a second
Fire Spike Damge - 25k a hit
Nukes - 85k
Nuke Splash damage - 30k

Elemental Resistance, Weakness, and Health

Hitpoints are 1,000,000,000

26% - 100% Health
Fire - 1.5x damage
Shock - 1.0x damage
Caustic - 1.0x damage
Cannot be slagged

1% - 25% Health
Fire - .50x damage
Shock - .9x damage
Caustic - .9x damage
Can be slagged, slag is wiped clean after 2 seconds.


Every minute and a half, 6-10 Midget Savages are spawned, the midgets have 500k health and only do basic melee attacks. The melee attacks do 20k a hit. The midgets also attack Joshtannis, but he seems to ignore them for the most part. rarely he will backhand one out of the way and kill it instanly.

1% Chance to drop a unique Joshtannis item
25% Chance to drop a random Seraph item
50% Chance to drop a random Orange item
25% Chance to drop an E-Tech item
Drops 4-6 Purple
Drops 6-8 Blue
Drops 8-12 Green
Drops 16-20 Whites
Drops around 250k cash

Blood of Joshtannis
Damage Resistance +25%
Weapon Damage +25%
Melee Damage +30%
Health +25%
Health Regen/Second +2.0%

Armor of Joshtannis

Capacity 50,000
Recharge Rate 5,000
Recharge Delay 3.00
Nova Damage 200,000
Nova Radius 2000
Elemental Resistance +50%
Max Health +20,000
Fear the Mighty, Crush the weak.
Must fully recharge between Novas
Nova bypasses shields

Right Arm of Joshtannis
Submachine Gun, Bandit
Damage - 4,500 x 3
Accuracy - 85.5
Fire Rate - 12.0
Reload Speed - 6.0
Mag Size - 120
Elemental Dmg/Sec - 5,500
Elemental chance - 20%
Shots fired alternate between all elements.

Borderlands 2 Big Game Hunt DLC BOSS FIGHT

Sorry youtube has messed up the video we will post the link when we re uplaod it

Borderlands 2 Big Game Hunt DLC BOSS FIGHT

[TexMod] Maya - Fixed Eyes

As jd641 noticed in this thread certain heads for Maya do not natively have the eyes change colour with the skin - but instead remain grey.

If you need help with using the mods, check out this fantastic guide by TheAdipose.
Using these mods will not cause any problems with online play.

And so here are the files:
-Pretty In Punk
-Pigtail Pugilist
-Nevermore - 'lil subjective as to whether it was broken in the first place, since the grey irises are fairly appropriate.
-Kawaii Killer - again, I think the original version is intentional.

-The SuperBigMultiPack! - It's just a combined version of the above. Makes selecting them in TexMod five times faster.

A picture showing the issue, casually stolen from the original thread:

And a picture demonstrating the fixed version. It's roughly useless since you can probably infer what it looks like. But oh well:

And that's all of them now fixed.

Psychichazard The Invincible! Boss Idea

Now I have been on the forums for a while. and By far Psychichazard Is the most active moderator .So sorry for not going very in depth about it, but I think Gearbox should tip their hat to the gearbox forums by adding psychichazard as a raid boss. Why, because it would be hilarious.

A BL2 Fanfic Mission Script "Time to Go Nuts!"

Starting by talking to Claptrap in santuary..

Claptrap: "MINION! i have a Quest for you!"

Claptrap: "I want to you to gather some "sacks" of Nuts i, Totally by mistake, Left in various locations around Pandora!"

Claptrap: "The first few "Sacks" is in Thousand cuts, Go there now!"

(after traveling to thousand cuts)

Claptrap: "Huh, the should have been right next to that pile of trash... i guess the Bandits took off with them.. You will just have to shoot them and loot their "Nut sacks"!"

(Area waypoint in Thousand cuts, Area spawns Enemies called "Nutty Slabs" first bag of nuts drops, Item card reads "25LB nut sack")

Claptrap: "wow look at the size of that "Nut Sack"! im sure that bandit wont miss it.."

Claptrap: "Anything? anything at all?"

(after collecting 3 more bags in the area)

Claptrap: "Wow those bandits sure are "Nuts" for those Nuts!"

(short pause)

Claptrap: "Sigh, never mind.. just get the last bag.."

(Psycho called "Nut Lover" appears)


Some additional Dialog from Nut Lover while fighting him


(player kills Nut Lover)

Claptrap: "Great! Get the nuts out of his Corpse."

Brick: "Oh you already killed him.. i was about to ask you to kill those crazy guys myself! No one wants to know about how many nuts you can shove up your....."

Claptrap: "AAAAH hah.. hahaha.. we get the picture.."

Claptrap: "Well that was creepy.. Maybe the next place will be better."

Claptrap: "Head the Wildlife Exploitation preserve.."

(short Pause)

Claptrap: "Well that was a humor bomb..."

(player travels to the Exploitation preserve)

Claptrap: "Ok, I hid my nuts nearby. Go find them!"

(waypoint in dock yard appears)

Claptrap: "Did i say i hid them? i ment left! on accident."

(Player reaches way point to find empty bags of nuts)

Claptrap: "Huh, i guess the engineers fed the nuts to the animals.."

Claptrap: "Oh well, Guess you gotta search the piles to find the nuts! Dont worry, they are like rocks! NOTHING could digest them.."

(Area waypoint where Pimon and Tumba Spawn Appears Player)

(Player Searches Several creature waste piles in the area untill a Quest item marked "Pile of Nuts" with the comment "Not even slightly changed by digestion" appears)

Claptrap: "eww... ok im going to level with you. Sent you out to make some Nut Related jokes hoping you would get a laugh out of it."

Claptrap: "The Rest of the nuts are at my old place on the southern shelf, just go get them so we can end this."

(player fast travels to Claptrap's Place)

Claptrap: "I left the bags by the fire, was going to make a joke about freezing your nuts off while they roasted, or something similar... but that time has passed..."

(player enter the front area to find nothing near the furnace)

Claptrap: "Annnnnd their gone... Of course."

Claptrap: "sigh... one of the bully mongs must have run off with them.. just go find it. get my nuts back..."

(waypoint just outside of Claptraps place in the direction of the door to Liars Berg)

(Bully Mong Named "Nut Chucker" appears)

Claptrap: "Craaaap, That bullymong must have ate the nuts! Kill it would you?"

(notes on Nut Chucker)

Boss is effectively a named Bullymong Slinger that throws Several Projectiles per toss

(end Notes on Nut Chucker)

(Fight Starts)

Claptrap: "Is it throwing the nuts at you? I was so sure it had eaten them!"

(Brief Pause)

Claptrap: "ohh... it did, didn't it.... Well, thats kind of funny... Right?"

Claptrap: "oh who am i kidding..."

(player kills Nut Chucker)

Claptrap: "You know what? dont even bother bringing those nuts back... I dont want them any more. Just come back and i will give you a reward."

(player returns to claptrap in santuary)

(Turning in the quest)

Claptrap: "What a waste of a good prop... oh well maybe ill make you laugh next time!"

(Quest ends)

Unique Jacobs Assault rifle
Pea Shooter

Has below average Base damage, but high Crit Multiplier (+300%)
Claptrap will comment on reloading, critical hits, Killing enemies, Going In and Out of FFYL

as for the comments the gun makes itself... well i will leave that part up to anyone wanting a part of this silliness =P


This Silly Quest was inspired by a real life 5lb bag of roasted peanuts i have been eating for the past few weeks.


Introducing, Dexter as the ranger

Was bored so…

Introducing, Dexter as the ranger

Action Skill: Dead Eye
Everything moves at 30% normal speed including bullets and the players. It would start with a total duration of 5 seconds, and instead of a cooldown the skill can be turned on and off with the action button and recharge at a starting rate or .25 sec per sec. This is pretty much a rip-off of all the countless games with bullet time, but it’s just so dam cool.
This could cause a lot of problems in a co-op game so I was thinking of changing my concept to where friendlies aren’t affected by Dead Eye, but that wouldn’t make sense. Open for ideas here.

Melee Weapon:
Giant bowie knife

Skill Tree 1: Patriot
Pistol and general combat focused skill tree





Skill Tree 2: Saboteur
Based on a looting and utility
Sash: increases inventory space





Skill Tree 3: Insurgent
Precision and accuracy tree



Dexter is Mr. Jacobs’s right hand man working his way to the highest possible rank within the Jacobs family. He works for the Jacobs Corporation as an agent, pulling off all kinds of heists all around the world/universe, gathering Intel on Jacobs’s competitors, and sabotaging any big operations that would hurt business. His latest assignment puts him on Pandora to investigate the increased Hyperion activity and destroy their operations.

Ill add in more as it comes to me.

[TexMod] Robo-Gaige

So I one day I was looking at the 'Mecha Wrecka' head, thinking to myself how odd it was for it to have such disparity with the body...
Well no more! Here's introducing Robo-Gaige. Mecha-mancer. Mechro-bot? Iunno, you think of a name.

Quick preface to later ranting: GBx is a dick and made the head and body have different skin colours. Enjoy your grey.

If you need help with using the mods, check out this fantastic guide by TheAdipose.
Using these mods will not cause any problems with online play.

Without further ado, what have I done?
- Robotic Gaige Body
- Robotic Gaige Body for 'Chaos Reigns'

- 'Mecha Wrecka' for Robotic Gaige. Changing ingame skin affects:
- Eyes
- Eyes and Markings
- Eyes and Markings, removed 01.
- Mask
- Mask, removed 01.
- Face
- Face, removed 01.
-'Circuit' pattern - SC Wire WO - Glow
- 'Mecha Wrecka' for Non-Robotic Gaige. Has 'Circuit' pattern:
- Grey Wire
- SC Wire - Bright
- SC Wire - Dark
- SC Wire WO
- SC Wire WO - Glow
- White Wire
- Face

So first and foremost, here is the Robo Gaige skin:

Here are the variations on the 'Mecha Wrecha' head that are compatible with it:

And here is the epitome of glowy times:
You will need the base RoboGaige skin when using the 'Chaos Reigns' skin in order for the first person mode hands to be correct. Also use the " 'Circuit' pattern - SC Wire WO - Glow" for the glowing circuitry.

Here are the 'Circuit' patterned 'Mecha Wrecka' variations:
Just a quick note - the Glow version only glows when using the 'Chaos Reigns' skin. Sorry to disappoint.

And here is a bonus head:
The Face. Somewhat defeats the point of the skin. I made it before I actually started working on the RoboGaige skin so I didn't render half of it grey to match [it's on my to-do list now].

Okay, so I mentioned some ranting. Here we go now:

The original plan was for the 'Mecha Wrecka' head to be left in its default state. Aka with colours that the ingame skin dictates. So I did a quick editing of the body textures to make Gaige's skin change colour with the ingame skin as well. The ingame skins have three colours that are used to colour your character and one of the textures is done in solid red, green and blue to determine which of the skin's colours is referenced. So I matched the colours up with the head. All pretty like.

And then fired up the game.

And then observed a discrepancy.

The head was a completely different colour to the body. I cycled through a bunch of skins, some matched, some were different shades but workable. Some had matching colours, only they were in the different places to last time colours matched. Some had no matching colours at all ['Punk You' skin for example].

And there's nothing I can do about it. Perhaps there's something someone more accustomed to TexMod than I can. But I can't. If you're familiar with TexMod, you'll know that the way to extract the textures you want to change is done with the logging mode wherein you're ingame highlighting all the visible textures green until you find the one you want. I spent a lil while looking carefully at each of the 140 odd textures that were loaded on the offchance I'd find one that contained the three/six colours used for the ingame skins. To no avail. I assume they're just numbers in some code somewhere anyway.

To long, didnae read: Robo-Gaige is grey and there's nothing you can do about it. Apart from asking me to change the colour to a specific one. One colour, one new mod. Sigh.

Erm, on another note, you might be interested to know that most of the new skins since Hammerlock DLC use unique textures. This means I have to find these extra ones and change them too in order for the mod to work. Hence the extra mod above for the 'Chaos Reigns' skin. On another curious note, the max resolution on the original diffusemaps is 2048, the max on the the one for the 'Chaos Reigns' skin is 4096. Ironically, the extra resolution for that texture isn't noticeable barring a few places whereas the orange circle patterns on it [which are a seperate texture that gets overlayed] have max resolution of 256.

[SARCASM] Clearly they prioritized the cutting back on the texture resolution to maintain performance in the most sensible manner. [/SARCASM]

Anyway, you won't see any difference in resolution quality if you use my Robo-Gaige 'Chaos Reigns' mod since I made it on the default 2048 res textures and found that the 'Chaos Reigns' was 4096 atferwards. And there was no way I was going to redo it.

Lastly, the 'Chaos Reigns' skin doesn't use any bumpmap, default or otherwise. Presumably this is so that the glow effect from the skin doesn't make it go screwy, but it could just be another of the many shortcomings these new skins&heads have had so far. Who knows.

Anyway, yeah. Enjoy a less eye-bleeding texmod this time.

[TexMod] Gaige - Better 'Chaos Reigns' Skin

Alright, funny story this, I was messing around with the magic circle overlay for the 'Chaos Reigns' skin. Since the default max resolution for this overlay is 256x256, which is glaringly pixelated at 1080p, I grabbed a hi-res magic circle from google images [and I mean high-res] and replaced the original. I stuck it in at 1024, hoping that it didn't have to be the same size as the original.

And whaddya know, it doesn't.

So I immediately reverse-searched the original overlay texture, found a 900x900 version (exact same everything) and used that to quickly bundle up a hi-res magic circle mod.

If you need help with using the mods, check out this fantastic guide by TheAdipose.
Using these mods will not cause any problems with online play.

Without further ado, what have I done?
- Better Magic Circles
- Cluttered Magic Circles

If you are using other texmods alongside this, make sure this is at the top of the list. [I believe I unthinkingly left the default overlays in my latest Robo-Gaige skin, so if you have the load order wrong the better versions will be re-replaced. Derp. I'll fix that sometime.]

Here's the good 'ole side by side comparison:
Order goes: Original / Better / Better + Cluttered

Just a note, there's horrible seams where this overlay crosses them and just stops. I can't do anything about that I'm afraid, their positioning is predetermined. I'll be damned if I know why they released it with such poor resolution versions of the overlays in the first place. What with all the bugs it's looking increasingly likely that they just rushed the release.

Anyway, I was amused that I actually found a perfect copy of it online though, I guess I just assumed they made all their own assets. Here's the place I found it if you wanna check it out. Feel free to request alternative magic circles / overlays in general.


Spiderpants Returns

The Last season pass DLC

So as you all know there is only 4 DLC for season pass which i think should stick with the main story plot, after the 4 DLC comes out gearbox should just make random DLC for what every they want. Alright this is what i thought about may not be good but it is a good thought IMO.

As handsome Jack leader of the hyperion falls bots are still being sent to pandora and your going to settle this once and for all.
You and your crew build a new ship (Like cpt scarlet ship) then fly to hyperion while on the way you have to defend your ship from incoming bots, after you hit the hyperion base you began your planning.
After you take down all the laboratory or constructors in the base you face off the big man of hyperion (2nd in charge after handsome jack). After killing him he has a bomb on him and when he dies a room opens up containing XXX amount of chest you have 3 minute to open all the chest before the whole hyperion base blows up and you hop on your ship and leave, and if you die with him you will lose all the weapon you took, and there would be 2 different endings. :dukeohnoes:

[PC] Borderlands 2: Full List Of TexMod Skin Creations


__________________________________________________ ______________________________


I've created this thread because of 2 reasons:
To have a full list of TexMod Skin Creations and to get an single link containing
all texmod creations for my other thread
"[PC] Borderlands 2: Full list of released Mods".
Suggestions are welcomed!
Have fun!

__________________________________________________ ______________________________

Borderlands 2 Full TexMod List

Note: Click on the Skin Name and you'll be redirected to the Skin homepage.
You can find support, info, instructions, download and more there.

Mod Video Tutorials

Texture Mod Tool (TexMod) - By RS ◀
Maya & Gaige Skimpy Skins #1 - By DoubleTrouble ◀
Gaige Skimpy Punk Skins #2 - By Psychos1s ◀
Maya Costum Skin #3 - By LukaszR ◀
Maya Nude Skin #4 - By NudeMods ◀
Gaige Skins #5 - By Bligglenuber◀
Skimpy Zer0 #6 - By Bligglenuber◀
Robo-Gaige #7 - By Bligglenuber◀
Maya Fixed Eyes #8 - By Bligglenuber◀
Gaige Magic Circles #9 - By Bligglenuber◀
▶ More is coming... ◀

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TexMod Instructions

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CL4P-TP's Girlfriend 3d Model (Help me name her)

Hey there.

Big fan of borderlands here. I've been learning 3d modeling lately and decided to try to make a girlfriend for him.

I'm pleased with how it turned out so I decided to share with you guys.

Also I'm trying to figure out a name for her. Maybe you guys could give me some suggestions.





Gun Manufacturers Vector Logo Resource

Hey everyone.

As you know I've been making several posters (with some more in the works). While making them, I spent an inordinate amount of time recreating manufacturer logos because I just couldn't find any online of a high enough quality.

After making four or five of the logos, I figured I should finish the set and make them available to others, so they wouldn't have to spend the time that I did :)

They aren't 100% accurate, as I couldn't find a high resolution bandit logo (and it's quite rough anyway). I also disliked the 'W' and 'A' of Maliwan and how they just didn't fit together, so I adjusted the letters somewhat.

Anyway, download them and use them :) If you do, I'd like it if you'd let me know you've used it, so I can check it out :D

Download from deviantArt

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