Channel: The Gearbox Software Forums - Art & Fiction
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Borderlands Blade I Made

Just having some fun with my new belt and handheld sander, and I made this!

It's too cool for school!:dukeego: (the sanders mostly)

Still working on it, mostly trying to figure out which spray paint looks the closest to metal. Might try some clear coat as the base before the metallic paint. Dunno.

Anyway, my intention was to get a local knife maker to actually make the blade into a smaller knife, but he's moving to Houston :dukecry:, oh well.

Lethal Strike! :blattidude:

Reyd as the WereSkag

So because I found out the more classes are being released, I have an idea I would like to share. A WereSkag class

Action Skill: WereSkag

Skill Tree #1 would be things that help you as a human

Skill tree #2 would help as a skag and a human and benefits your teammates also

Skill tree #3 could be called alpha which helps you as a skag. I have come up with a few skills for this particular tree: a skill could be skag howl where fellow skags come to the resvue, another one could be an auto turret on the skags back.

The name Reyd is in memory of my cousin that passed away on new years

Just an idea

Borderlands 2 Sprite (More coming!)

I remember seeing someone with a sprited Claptrap for an Avatar, got some inspiration and started spriting some BL2 characters.

Only have Maya done atm, but this should start this thread out nicely.

I liked how this turned out honestly. C': Who should make next? Salvador? Axton? Zer0? Gaige? Handsome Jack? Face McShooty?

Seraph Weapon Concept: Tediore Pitcher

So, uh, here's mah thing.
Half full, or half empty? - Decreased magazine size, decreased reload speed, reloading only fills half the clip.
Manufacturer: TEDIORE
Texture Color 1: MANILLA
Texture Color 2: RED
The concept of this weapon was to optimize the use of Tediore guns as grenades by numbing down the consequence of missing the last shot, and allowing you to throw the gun at ludicrously fast intervals. This is done so by halving the magazine size, and having the reload fill only half the clip, bringing the magazine size to five (seven with the Mag Size accesory.) This minimizes ammo wasted when missing a throw. And if that wasn't enough, there's an increased reload speed, perhaps 0.6, to boot.

eridium ideas

They should make a machine in which you deposit a gun and pay 99 eridium.
The gun is then level'd up one level,maybe randomly changes elemental effect to another,
Or maybe elemental wise you can only pay 99E and it gives the gun slag.
Just some thoughts. feel free to add..

[TexMod] Gaige Skins

Had some free time on my hands, finally got around to some skinning I've wanted to do for a while. Thanks goes to DoubleTrouble for the original Skimpy Gaige skins.

Without further ado, what have I done?
As it stands I have three actual texfiles:
-Default Gaige + Arm
-Default Gaige + X3
-Skimpy Gaige + Socks + Arm + Tummy

The 'Arm' refers to when I have made it so that Gaige's robotic arm will change colour with the [ingame] skin.

'Socks' indicates the long socks.

'Tummy' is where I have added some musculature to the abdomen.

'X3' is... a surprise! [Uses default Gaige head]

On top of that, I've fiddled with the jacket clip - it's gone from the tiny smiley to a slightly larger skull and a little extra fabric [don't worry, it's not too much more].

Here are some screens:

These display the 'Skimpy Gaige + Socks + Arm + Tummy' pack.

This shows the difference between the tummy tweaks and the original. I felt the original was a little too plain.

Whilst I've only got these three files compiled right now, if you want a certain selection of the different things I've edited let me know and I'll mix the skins accordingly.


A Poem To Gaige

Oh Gaige, how playing as you is pretty fun,
We don't aim, but we never miss with our gun!
"Smash the system" you scream as bullets fly,
Watching limbs and heads rolls as bandits die!

You should know your skill called Anarchy is the tits,
It keeps getting stronger as it blasts bandits into bits.
But when your shield is depleted and health is quite low,
Raise your hand to digistruct as the air before you starts to glow.

Then body parts and scrap metal start flying after a loud thunderous clap,
Look at the blood dripping off your beloved fearsome, vicious Deathtrap!
Quickly he soars gracefully through the air towards you,
With out-stretch hand he repairs your shield as good as new.

Hearing the scream as Deathtraps reaps a bandit's limbs and head,
It is starting to sound like music but with screams and moans instead.
Quickly the sounds fall silence with only the stench of blood and dust,
You and Deathtrap stand victorious above Handsome Jack's blood lust!

Your Biggest Fans,
The Players!

Tiny Tina on canvas

I just had to share this wonderful canvas that I got in the mail today. I have some pretty amazing friends.

Art done by Souzou Inc

My Claptrap cosplay from Pax East 2011-12

Hello there, just wanted to share some Claptrap cosplay i had done at Pax east the last 2 years and a hint of what i have planned for this year. I'm going to include some step by step photos in case anyone is interested in how i did it or to make one themselves.

Pax East 2011

This was the end result.

The was how the idea originated. I was originally going to do some Fallout 3 vault dweller cosplay but while playing borderlands with a buddy i told him id make him up a Claptrap suit because it sounded uncomfortable and im a jerk. As it turned out i was so impressed with my handiwork i made it my focus and we took turns wearing it.

This is the view from the inside. Cramped, dark and no peripheral vision.

Escalators become a nightmare.

Pax East 2012

The idea this year was same but more of it.

For this guy i had to use woodgrained contact paper.

The Jacobs Claptrap was by far the most of a pain in the ass.

This was on the exhibition floor in front of a couple thousand people.

Photo with Randy Pitchford and David Eddings.

On display before an easter morning Gearbox panel.

Another 1500 people in line for said panel.

After the panel i left them behind for the Gearbox to take back to their studio.

Except for this one which i cut the face off of and threw the rest in a dumpster. THEY HAVE NO FEELINGS!!!

The rest were safely transplanted to the studio where they were promptly put to work.

And apparently commandeered as halloween costumes for the lazy!

And makeshift chili guardians?

This is my only hint for this year's Pax East. if everything comes together it should be pretty cool and ill throw the pix up here as well.
I really should also point out that i didnt make this mask. It's a premade kit from punished props. I only painted it basically.

Borderlands the Show!!!

Hammerlock Seraph weapon videos!

Hi im a borderlands 2 youtuber and have started a new series of seraph weapons in the new hammerlock dlc!
Please check out my first episode here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaamZ...ature=youtu.be

Remember if you enjoyed then please like comment or fav, ill be doing these very 2-3 days, and videos in between!

Sir Hammerlocks DLC let's play (contains spoilers)

I decided to make a let's play out of the new dlc.

This is my first let's play so it contains some "uhms" and the microphone had to high sensitivity, I made a sound check before I started recording but I never realised my voice was that loud at some points, so I'll look into that before I make a part 2.

Also some pronunciation error aswell grammar.

But it'll improve in the future!

Happy vault hunting!

Borderlands 2 Ebay

This was just a random idea I had while trading, but what if there was a way to advertise your unwanted weapons online and in-game. Thats what Borderlands 2 Ebay would be, and you can post a trade, sell it for Blands money or even give them away. This would be a really fast and easy way to get the guns of your dreams.


Easy interface: place weapon in vending machine set price or trade item.

Buying:First one to meet the price requirements or place the wanted weapon in the machine gets the listed weapon.

Pros: Fast, easy trading. No more trade mistakes or meeting people you don't get along with, players could make a transaction without even being online

Cons: possible glitches, accidental dupe, no more interaction with possibly awesome people, takes a long time to list a lot of weapons.

If anyone would like to critique my work or leave improvement ideas, feel free

Borderlands 2 Multiplayer Hijinks

Hi everyone! I recently uploaded a video featuring some fun moments I've had in four player multiplayer. Thought I would share it here with other fans of the game and series.

Watch it, if you'd like! Comments and feedback always appreciated.


I so need the new weapon, the Chopper...

I have been a big Arnold fan forever, always quoting him in person and in my live stream show.

Got all my friends into it, saw the new weapon called the chopper and the red text "Get to it" and I was so excited :D

Just made this in honor of the new weapon, hope to farm for it this weekend.

Edit: Oh yeah may as well plug the show while I am at it.
4 Player Static Team on PC all w/ Voice Chat (and commentary from my Girlfriend from time to time)

Live: Http://Twitch.TV/ViciousXUSMC
Archive: http://www.youtube.com/user/4KGames/featured

Hammerlocks Seraph weapon videos!

Borderlands 2 Big Game Hunt DLC YouTube Series

Borderlands 2 weapon videos!

Harlow the Nightingale - Class Idea

((Currently a WIP and readily welcoming suggestions))Now introducing,

((Oh my goodness, this style was hard to replicate. Did a shoddy job of it, too.
So thankful I was able to find the Compacta SH-Bold font to use, though!))
((Also! To be frank, I haven't actually come to finalizing the design, so any suggestions would be appreciated, apart from colour schemes. I'm planning on doing different skins and textures, along with 12 other heads.))

Nightingale, a medic style class focused upon corrosive and remedial skills.
((Would have gone with 'Medic' alone, but I felt it was too much like TF2, so I went with 'Nightingale', surname of Florence Nightingale, probably the most famous nurse to live.))

Harlow was a freelance doctor on her planet of origin, Asclepias, before finding herself with Anshin for 3 years. After multiple personal experiments, potentially deadly maybe, with caustic chemicals and anything else biohazardous, (For Science!), Harlow is relieved and tries to make due once again and then idk somehow finds a way to pandora jesus christo this all needs revising so bad oh my god.

TOXIC Skill Tree focuses on corrosive elemental damage and also includes melee buffs.
((For instance, a perk that could paralyze an enemy for a certain amount of time, or one that gives a percent chance to do corrosive damage when using melee??))

CURATIVE Skill Tree focuses on stamina, health, and shield buffs.
((Probably would be more useful in Co-Op I guess?? I was thinking on doing skills that lower the time of reviving a teammate [I hate it when I go down reviving my sister], et cetera.))

FINAL UNNAMED Skill Tree Focuses on action skill perks, which have not actually been worked out yet...,,,,

Give me a couple days and I'll have visual skill trees here with icons and stuff. I'm good at art, but this characterization thing catches me, which is why I am extremely open to suggestions about the character... I, however, feel obligated to give a bit of info on the character design.
  • Shield and Grenade Mod will be fixed onto the waist belt.
  • Class Mod is her Shoulder plate.
  • Left hand has brass knuckles for melee.
  • Has Anshin Rejuvenator!s clipped onto her belt.
  • Has a Caduceus tattooed on her left forearm instead of the Rod of Asclepius, because let's face it, almost everyone everywhere mistakes the Caduceus for a medical symbol, when it was carried by Hermes?? The Rod of Asclepius is a rod with a single snake, wielded by Asclepius who is the Greek god of Medicine. Mythology man, who even knows.
Anyways, I know this is extremely rough as of yet, but I would like to get this out for anyone to possibly shed some lovely opinions while I continuously update this thread. (or maybe I had a hankering to show my unfinished art and ask for critique. if you can't tell, i'm an artist not a writer...,,,)


What if your turrets talked

I had this crazy idea

What if your turret(s) had an AI that talked like some of the guns in the game? If you ever played Portal 2 and found Wheatley awesome, I’m going for a similar voice here.

It could say different things like
When you are down
When you spawn it next to a badass
When its on fire (literally)
When its on fire (figuratively)
When you have two turrets out in a dull moment
When you have two turrets out in action
When you reclaim it
When you reclaim it at full duration
When it uses nuke
When your being idiot
When you’re using a slag gun when it has double up
When it gives you a second wind
When you accidental throw it out of orbit

I’m open for dialog suggestions and ill edit in stuff as it comes to me
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