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A new class idea, The Saboteur.

Hiya, I've been studying the Borderlands 2 Art book which I recently acquired, and I wanted to try and create a class for what has become my favourite game of all time. I'm still in the process of colouring the actual art, but I can give you the run down of what he'd be like now and the basic black and white sketch. http://twitpic.com/byl321

The character in question is Flynn (temporary name, seeing as it's not incredibly French, and we already have Flynt) as the Saboteur. As you probably guessed this is sort of French character, possibly drawn a bit from my time living in a French Polynesian country.

As you can see on his left hand is a very special glove. This is a longbow technology glove, and The Saboteur's action skill utilizes it to teleport (with limits, we don't wanna break the game here!) around in battle. The animation would be similar to that of a longbow grenade, where in it shoots the energy orb animation wherever you aim it, when it collides with a surface, you teleport there. The melee weapon for the Saboteur would be a French Rapier.

All three skill trees have skills to support the teleport action skill, (i.e. no action skill focused tree) and they are:

Duelist - A Melee and pistol focused tree, with skills focused on adding melee buffs after teleporting, teleporting more often, shooting faster and more accurately, moving and attacking faster, and being able to sap shield energy by destroying opponents shields. The final skill I thought of would be:
"Bayonets are for chumps" (Melee Override)- All bayonet melee bonuses given by guns in your 4 slot loadout are accumulated onto your Sword. A melee strike regardless of gun equipped gains the bonus, and a different sword animation is displayed. Especially effective if you have say 4 Captain Blade Rapiers or Laws in your loadout, though this would limit you in terms of your gunmanship, which is worth concentrating on to accompany your melee.

Renegade - An explosive, incendiary, and grenade focused tree, with skills focused on increasing the damage of those two elements, making grenades more effective, increasing all round effectiveness with guns, and devastating large groups of enemies. For the final skill:
"Surpriiiiiiiiise!" When teleporting, you leave an explosive mine at your original position, it implodes when an enemy goes within a certain range so that many other enemies are brought closer, and then explodes to deal massive damage to the crowd. Very effective when used with a cooldown rate relic or classmod and explosive damage relic or classmod.

Surgeon - A healing and survivability (and minorly long range guns) focused tree, with skills focused on boosting your and your teammates health, increasing your range, lifesteal through critical hits, healing through meleeing your allies, and being able to shoot your longbow teleport orb at a downed ally to teleport them close to you so you can easily revive them without having to deal with the enemies that surround them. I'm not sure about the final skill on this one, the teleporting of downed enemies towards you might do, but I'm not sure it compares to the final skill of the other two trees.

I've you've made it this far, thanks for reading! I've put a bit of thought and effort into this idea, and it's been a long-time dream of mine to design characters for video games. If Gearbox somehow decided to use this idea (and I do give my consent to them, as long as credit is given :D), I would probably be the happiest guy alive. Please be sure to leave comments and suggestions for skills, names (let's be honest Flynn sounds more American) and even more classes! I'd love to bring other peoples ideas to life. I adore the concept art style from the art book and will continue to hone my skills by studying it.

Thanks again

The Return of Eridian Weaponry (Not E-Tech)

Not sure if this is a "fan creation" or not. It just seemed to fit here.

Anyway, I loved Eridian weapons from the first game, and I love E-techs from this one. They fit in spirit but not in form. I propose a new manufacturer called Eridian. They will make pistols, shotguns, snipers, and shields. All of their weapons will use a new ammo type, heat sinks! The special "thing" about these weapons though, is that they charge up when you look down the sights consuming a certain amount of ammo to release one huge blast of energy at the target.

As for the shields they'll be called Heat Transferrence Modules and as long as you wear an Eridian shield, ammo won't be consumed to do a charge shot. With any other weapon manufacturer, it's just a shield.

So that's what I think. If something else comes to me I'll come right back here. In any case... thoughts?

I need a new avatar.

Similar to my current, with the lil *King Gothalion* gimmick on the bottom and blending into the forum color scheme. But I want it to be Zer0.... holding a hammer.


Xbox Mech mods

So guys, I spent a time reading those mods threads with beautiful skins and body mods for the game, but they are all into PC gamers. I was wondering if there's any mod avaliable for the Mechromancer to xbox players and how to install them.

If there's already another thread about it, sorry, didn't found it.

Can anyone get me 3D renders from the PC ver?

Both my PC and I suck too much to handle PC gaming, so I have the xbox360 version. I was wondering if any kind hearted soul out there might be able to rip me the 3D render of these two guns. I would be eternally grateful as I'm trying to build replicas. Or even multiple view angles would be great.

All of the thank yous.

Gaige Wallpaper

Sully, Skag Tamer

Sully, Skag Tamer

A close range fighter. He can obviously use any weapon but I wanted a class that fills a niche role much like Borderlands 1.

A Pandora native, he grew up being bullied and psued around. He was the quiet kid that everyone called "weird" due to his obssession with...you guessed it...skags. He always wanted a skag of his own but no one trained skags. At least, no one in their right mind...right?

Sic 'Em - Calls pet to fight at side for 45 seconds. 1 minute cooldown.

1. Fueled up! - Increase elemental dmg 1% - 5% 0/5
2. Short-Circuit - Decrease sheild recharge delay .1s - .5s 0/5

1. More is Better - Increase magazine size annd reload speed 2% - 10% 0/5
2. Fire! - Add fire dmg to all shots fired Fire dmg level 1 - 5 0/5

1. Rainbow Armor - Increase elemental resistance 1% - 5% 0/5
2. A Skag of a Different Color - Skag element matches your gun type 0/1
3. Bitten! - Skag is healed for 5% - 25% of bite dmg as a HoT 0/5

More Fuel! - Increase skag elemental dmg 1% - 5% 0/5
Red Text: You can never have enough cowbell...

Evolution - turns skag into a bigger, badder version with a pulsating aura to match its element. 0/1


1. Specialist - Increase bullet dmg 2% - 10% 0/5
2. Bullseye! - Increase critical hit dmg 3% - 15% 0/5

1. Paws Up - Increase skag melee dmg 4% - 20% 0/5
2. Bonded - Repair shields for 2% - 10% of bullet dmg when skag is out

1. Chase Down - Skag will attack your target at the time of call (When/if target dies it will chose a target at random.) 0/1
2. Bull Rush - Skag will rush at target when called for 20% - 100% Weapon dmg 0/5
3. Special Bonds - Regenerate for 2% - 10% of health 0/5

Watch out it Spits - skag will spit for heavy AoE corrosive dmg 0/5

Skaggy Snack - When you your shield depletes your skag enters Beserk mode in which it deals double normal dmg. (30 second internal cooldown)
Red Text - He'll do anything for one of these...

1. Beefy! - Increase your/skag health by 5% - 25% 0/5
1. Modded - Increase your shield capacity by 2% - 10% 0/5

1. Hungry Fella? - Shooting your skag will heal it for 1% - 5% 0/5
2. Swipe - Skag attacks with damage an addition 1-2 targets for 10%-50% dmg
(1 additional target at 3pts and 2nd target at 5pts) 0/5

1. Bad Diet - Skag will explode upon death/dismissal 0/5 (points effect dmg level)
Red Text: That probably wasn't good for him.
2. Man's Best Friend - Skag will attract attention of 1-3 mobs when called to the field for duration (or until mob dies). 0/1

Service Skag - Each kill you/skag acquire adds .5 - 2.5 seconds to duration of Sic'Em 0/5

PETS - Skag gains copy of your shield. 0/1
Red Text - Pandorians for the Ethical Treatment of Skags

Hope you find it interesting, edits to come as the first build was just for fun and some of it may be a bit overpowered.

EDIT: Meant to be bullet dmg not shotgun/smg

Wallpaper sig's

Here are some wallpapers reduced to Sig size for you guys to use should you want one.
I have contacted the designers and received their permission to post them. All i have done is to re size them.













Looking to do some Photoshop work

I would like to help people with banners, avatars, signatures.

I can not draw well, do not ask me to draw something.


1st - What you would like done
2nd - How you would like it done
3rd - PM me colors or images you would like me to use.

I plan on finishing the items when I have the time, This could be days, or it could be hours.

If you wish to have me do something in an allotted time let me know and ill see what I can do.

I'm not the best at using Photoshop, I want to use this as a learning experience. If I do something you don't like on your image let me know. Do not however be rude about it as doing so will result in me deleting your image and moving on to the next person.

Thank you.
PM me any questions you have.

Borderlands Renders

So I searched this forum rather... briskly but couldn't find a place for renders of characters/guns/anything Pandorian.
And as I'm looking to make an avatar/sig for this forum rather soon I thought I'd chime in and say, can we just dump renders here?? All credits to original creators etc.
And if I'm breaching some kind of forum rule... My apologies :(

Destroying the Core: A Boss Concept

This is a boss concept that I designed.

It is NOT polished and has a distinct lack of numerical values for this early build phase.

Currently the battle is specifically ordered but could be easily tweaked to randomize it.


Circular arena. (P) Pillars/Platforms surrounding the center at (D) Distance, numbered from 1 to P: clockwise.

Platforms are 10% lower than player max jump height and spaced 90% of max player jump distance apart.

Platforms covered and rendered unusable by laser columns except when the arena floods.

Arena Flooding:

10 seconds before the arena floods the laser columns deactivate.

Entire map fills with lethal liquid to a level equal to 87% player max jump height. Kills in 3 seconds.

1 player, now located on top of a numbered platform, is chosen at random and the mortar assault begins.
(Chosen player can be a decoy provided it is located on top of a platform)

Mortar Assault:

Launched at chosen player and the two numbered platforms preceeding him. Player location (L), L-1, and L-2.

Denoted by standard targeting circles. Down time of 5 seconds before launch, 10 before impact

Mortar assaults will proceed to "chase" chosen player in this fashion to L+P-3 (the safe zone, S) at a speed
equivalent to 90% max player sprint speed.

Weak point will be exposed to S 5 seconds after initial impact. Closes 5 seconds after final mortar strike.
Damage to this area amplified by 200%

Laser columns will reactivate 10 seconds after final mortar strike causing instant death.

Inner-ring nova will trigger 3 times (Guaranteed player death if caught by all 3) Nova range = D

Outer Ring:

Standard damage can be dealt from here. Inner-ring nova will trigger every 10 seconds

Upon reactivation of laser columns, enemies will spawn in the outer ring (Types to be determined)

50 seconds after enemies spawn an alarm will sound.

10 seconds after the alarm sounds the final Inner-ring nova will trigger and a laser grid will appear between
the arena edge and every pillar leaving lanes equal to pillar gap width.

Laser grid kills players in 3 seconds.

Large missiles will appear in these lanes as well as 1 surveyor per missile providing a reflective shield.


Will appear starting at the gap between L and L+1. 1 per lane. Clockwise. 2 seconds between missiles.

Will move in a straight line towards the core and will strike it 30 seconds after launch.

After the destruction of the surveyor, missiles can be "charged" with damage by the players. (Immune to melee)
Charged damage is amplified by 500% and is applied to the core on impact.

Standard (uncharged) missile damage to core is 1 million.

Will leave a trail of fire so the Outer Ring remains inaccessible.


Upon reaching the core, will heal it. (Method undecided. Either %HP/Sec or 1 time %HP)

Will attack a player every 5 seconds after spawning until reaching the core.

Inner Ring:

Phase begins 10 seconds after the last missile strike (or the last surveyor is destroyed if they heal %HP/Sec)

2 Laser beams will be emitted by the core along the floor. 1 pointing at L and the other 180 degrees from it.

The core will spin. These lasers do MASSIVE damage but can be avoided by jumping (Think jump-rope)

Cannot be outrun by standard player sprint speed. All damage during this phase is amplified by 150%

Lasts 30 seconds

A wave of EXP Loaders or another suicidal enemy type will spawn.

15 seconds after this wave the laser columns will deactivate.


Update. Couple things that were madehttp://imgur.com/a/aL2t2
---------- Post added at 05:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ----------

Anyone know how you can show pictures you have saved to your desktop? Can't seem to figure it out

What's possible with Texmod?

Hey guys. i've seen some people do some nice work here with texmod, and i was wondering if someone could make me some edits if its possible. i would try it myself but i suck at anything creative, lol.

Mainly, i'm interested in where certain textures are applied on the model.

First ones, see how the camo is applied on the headband/hat here?

But with this skin its applied as facepaint.

Is it possible to swap it so the camo is applied to the hats instead? i much prefer that look.

and for the last case, can we get that "carbon fiber" texture on the hat, or would you have to modify every single head i wanted to use it on?

thanks in advance.

Raid Boss: The Creed The Invincible

Hear me out, Gearbox. This idea could totally work. I've got no concept art yet though.

In The Beginning...
So hear is how it starts. The ground starts violently shaking. The ground rips open. Wha-bam! The Creed rises out on a chariot made of men. A flaming horse flies him out. The chariot goes up and he jumps off. HAITI! The ground shakes. He stomps the ground and a skeleton hand hands him a staff of death.

Do not not about the fight
This boss would have no shields. It would just be a large, muscular, handsome human. He would have an eyepatch and be armored. Basically, the boss would use fire based attacks and could summon servants. He wouldn't use lolnovas.

Here are some attacks accompanied with lines.

The Creed uses a staff to summon a fire storm.

Your mother is a whore.
The Creed insults the protagonist. This enrages him and causes the protagonist rage and lose massive gun accuracy.

I swear this isn't sexual.
The Creed lashes the protagonist with a whip.

I am better than you.
The Creed summons a ton of loyal minions to kill the player.

The Challenge
Obviously this guy would be a DPS monster. To challenge players like Bahroo and Gothalion, I've decided to make this boss literally impossible to beat. That's right. You can not kill him. His health can not go down.

Do you like what i've done?

I'd say, class made dis

Hope you liked! :blyoohoo:


iPad wallpapers

Anybody got some good iPad wallpapers?

Axton Sound Clip Request - Boomshakalaka

Can anybody get me a sound clip of Axton saying "Boomshakalaka"?

If you can get it for me that'd be great, but if you give me instructions I can probably get it myself.

Googling didn't help much so hopefully one of y'all will know.

What the fans want! (Or at least my observations...)

Since I joined a little while back, I've been browsing the forums here pretty regularly, and I've seen so many fascinating ideas. So many in fact I figured it'd be worth making a rather large post about it, and injecting my view of them here and there. So I'll break it down into sections so you can skip to stuff you want read:

Increasing the Level Cap:

This one should kinda go without saying, and from what recent news has told us, it will be addressed soon.

New Raid Bosses:

Now this is kinda a tricky subject, because people want different out of raid bosses, most want loot, and others a challenge. So here is what I propose: A raid boss that will be difficult, but not impossible. And that requires use of tactics that make sense and aren't super cheesy (Heres looking at you Voracidous). And that when killed drops unique and useful items, with low but not non-existent drop rates. That sound about right?

New Character Classes:
I can't tell you how many new class ideas I have seen, but from what I can gather from the gist of them, granted not all of them (like the wereskag and a few others that are pretty unique), they break down into these three:

Medic/Support Character:
A character that has a heavy emphasis on healing and supporting other vault hunters, or just being really sustainable. Some characters have trees dedicated to supporting others, but people, including me, just want more!

Bandit Character:
Everyone wants to be a bandit! Why? I don't know... But why not? Everyone else wants to be one, and I'd love to play as one myself, I've even made a character concept of one, that I may or may not go back and refine (The Doctor Bandit, so it was a fusion both of these first two actually).

Demolitionist Character:
When all else fails, BLOW IT THE F%@# UP! Honestly I'd love to see a class like that, maybe with an action skill that summons a giant bomb?

I'll have to break this one into a few sections, but I'll start with the most relevant:

More Legendaries:
Who doesn't want to collect all the guns that do all the crazy stuff? So it stands to figure to make more of them. Right?

More Customization:
More heads and styles to collect? Yes please! But while we're at it, maybe some new clothes that can be changed around as well? Axton in a Tux? Gaige in Overalls? Zero running around in nothing but his heart pattern boxers? The possibilities are endless. Post some idea if you'd like!

New Elements:
So far the majority of people want an ice element, or again what I've observed anyway. I think its a COOL idea, but it would require some mechanics and play with the other elements in order to make sense. So Here is what I think think Ice Element should do: By itself, it would build a stacking dot and slow enemies up to a cap (Maybe call it chilled?), upon reaching the cap the enemy should either freeze solid and become stunned, or for bigger enemies or bosses become brittle. Heres where the other elements come into play, while frozen or brittle enemies shot with an explosive weapon will shatter for massive damage and/or die outright, but shattering will also reset the DoT and the slow. Being shot with the fire element will thaw them out and due reduced damage until they are fully unchilled. Also hitting them with fire will rapidly reduce their chill stacks if not frozen completely. Moving on to slag, slagged enemies should freeze faster and shatter for more damage. I imagine corrosive and shock wouldn't have much bearing on a frozen target, correct me if I'm wrong though. Other than Ice though, the other elements suggested (Haven't seen anything beyond ice and Hybridized), don't make sense.

Manufacturer Changes:

Returning or New Manufacturers:

S&S and Atlas seem to be missed horribly, but I can't imagine where or even how they'd able to fit in. Every stat on the gun has been covered by the different companies: Damage from Torgue and Jakobs, Accuracy from Hyperion, Fire Rate from Vladof, Reload Speed from Tediore, Magazine Size from Bandit, Elemental from Maliwan, and Explosions from Torgue. Granted Dahl is an exception, with their alt fire mode they stand apart from the others. If they bring back an old company or make a new one, it'd be nice to see something we haven't seen before!

Current Manufacturers:

This may be just me here, but there maybe others that like this, so follow me for a sec. I feel all manufacturers should make all guns, as well as a shield and grenade line specific to them. Kinda like this:

Guns: Add Sniper Rifles (For sniping while running around like a lunatic?)
Shields: Roid Shields
Grenade: Sticky Grenades (Dunno if they have a default type of grenade)

Guns: Add Shotguns and Rocket Launchers (Burst fire FTW!)
Shields: Bosster Shields
Grenade: Bouncing Betty Grenades

Guns: Add Assault Rifles and Rocket Launchers (Accuracy is always good)
Shields: Amp Shields
Grenade: Singularity Grenades

Guns: Add SMGs and Launchers (Cannon that shoots 1 giant bullet maybe?)
Shields: Rough Rider Shields (+Health and Flat damage Resist for 0 capacity)
Grenade: Shrapnel Grenades (Not high tech, but effective)

Guns: Add Shotguns and Assault Rifles
Shields: Spike/Nova Shields
Grenade: AoE Element Grenades (Switching some around here)

Guns: Add Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles
Shield: Disposable Shields (Like the Cradle, but less sucky)
Grenade: Standard Grenade (Again dunno if they have a default type)

Guns: Add SMGs and Sniper Rifles (BOOM! Headshot...)
Shields: Explosive/Manly Shields (Nova/Spike with +health and explosive res)
Grenades: MIRV Grenades

Guns: Add SMGs and Shotguns
Shield: Absorb Shields
Grenade: Bullet Storm Grenades (The ones that bounce around and shoot)

Guns: Add all guns (Shots heal allies, hits enemies for 1/2 damage, stacks with skills)
Shields: Adaptive Shields
Grenade: Transfusion (No clue how Maliwan got these)

Guns: Add all guns (Shots restore allies shields, hits enemies for 1/2 damage)
Shield: Turtle Shields
Grenade: Cover Grenades (Upon Detonation it leaves behind a shield like Axton's Phalanx Shield for a few seconds)

New Weapon Types:

So far I think the only idea here has been Flamethrowers and the like. But do Correct me if I am wrong. (Don't count melee weapons though)

Aka the flame thrower. I imagine these puppies would all have to be element and, thus exclusively E-Tech due to that property. They would shoot out in a certain arc and cone-shaped spread based on accuracy (less accuracy equals more spread, but less distance covered), applying damage per second to a target the stream is in contact with. The steam consumes ammo as long as it is active. Even with that in mind, they could still work for all Manufacturers like so:

Larger tank size (More ammo)

Burst Fire (Shoot a few clouds of the liquid?)

Increasing Accuracy (Spray starts wide and focuses over time)

High Damage (Maybe a legendary high powered squirt gun? Cold water for the frost element?)

More Elemental DoT damage

Exploding Chuckable Fuel Tanks!

Explosive (Shoots a stream of nitro that explodes after contact with the air?)

Shoots faster

Healing Beam (Think like TF2 Style?)

Shield Restoring Beam

In Closing
well if ya made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope I captured most of the ideas floating around here on the forums, but even if I didn't post and tell me so! Its been great fun hanging around here on the forums, hope to have many great conversations on this and other topics!

Project ICEcubed (UPDATE)

Hey guys sorry for not posting progress for a while.

I just got back from a 2 week holiday and have received my CapCard in the mail.

What I'd like to discuss is that in the next upcoming weeks, I will be uploading Video Logs of the progress of the project, now that I am back at school.

Anyway, since I am starting the logs, I was thinking of using Gamplays alongside the Updates, as a way to make the video more enjoyable.

So what I thought was why not use Borderlands 2 as my first gameplay.

Now the question is, what would you guys like to see most, that would keep you entertained as I update?

So I was thinking:

-Straight-up, raw gameplay.
-Montage of mass killing moments.
-Raid Boss farming.
-Doing missions.

So all I ask is, what would you like to see. Thanks for viewing guys.

Blake the Blastmatician

A little background-

Originally a teacher on a not-so-distant planet from Pandora, he had a generally good life. That is, until a clan of pirates attacked his small city, destroying the school he worked at and, in the process, killing his 10 year old son. In his emotional Rage, he left his planet and dedicated his life to finding, and killing, the pirates that ruined his life. Knowing what Pandora held, he went there hoping for vengeance.. Upon finding Pandora, he kills a Bandit with his bare hands who reveals to Blake a Torgue Pistol. He then falls in love with Explosions.

Action Skill: For 10 seconds, Blake loses his control, going into a Rampage. He gains bonus explosion damage, health regeneration, and reload speed, and moves considerably faster. 20 second recharge

Skill Trees: Discipline, Problem Solving (more based on teamwork), and Rage (damage)

I have some of my own ideas for this (I come up with Ideas a lot) but this is my first I thought I should share and take some opinions from the community..

So, thoughts?
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