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Introducing Dustin the Mechanic

I was bored today and had an idea in my head for a while, still working the idea out so its not complete, criticism and suggestions are always welcome. So…

Introducing Dustin the bandit Mechanic (berserker class)

Bio:“Hy lekse Fo shote thiGns wuthe hse Byg Gin. simctwly, Hy lekse yo hylop firdse alwot. ThWrdOluy, Dustin shote buade guoys. hy alswoz tlaks nt thired pirsoen adN cnat spowl hUrth o dumE.” – That’s him writing in third person
(50$ you can’t read that)

Action Skill: THE BYG GIN (name is temporary, maybe)
Dustin pulls out his minigun and goes to town. He taps into his secret reserve of ammo that never runs out, so he doesn’t run out of ammo while it’s active, also the mag is bottomless so no need to reload. His mini gun is made from scavenged parts, so it has that bandit brand look, and can be customized and upgraded throughout the skill trees. The fire rate increases over time, and the ADS button revs the barrel. You can still throw grenades and melee normaly with the minigun out, but movement is slowed 15%.
Duration 10 seconds, cooldown 30 seconds, and activating it again will start the cooldown early.

Melee weapon:
A heavy monkey wrench that can have deadly accessories added to it throughout the skill trees, if you’ve ever played Dead Island you should know what I’m talking about. Even if a weapon is bladed, he will still use his wrench but the extra melee damage would be added.

6’3 and a brute, he also has salvaged amour that is battle worn with the Crimson Raiders logo on his chest piece, covered with a heavy leather jacket. His amour can also improve with his skill trees. His mini gun is on his back, along with a backpack filled to the brim with scrap metal and bullets, so he’s at least running around with 150 pounds on his back.

Skill Trees

Ironclad , become an unstoppable armored tank

Tier 1

Thike skinde:
Increases health

Increase shield capacity:

Tier 2

Improves your resistance against explosive and melee damage, also provides a small health buff.

Iorn Hyid:
Adds extra armored plating, increases health and damage resistance

Tier 3

Increases mag size with all guns and adds some bad ass looking bandoleers over his jacket

Melee override, stomp the ground and create a shock wave that damages and sends everything flying, and this doesn’t make much sense, but all the bonus melee damage add-ons to the monkey wrench apply to any enemies caught in the shockwave.

Decreases the duration of all status effects on you, also a small health buff.

Tier 4

Almoist bulieteprof:
Improves bullet resistance and increases shield capacity.

Krank it up:
Kill skill, health and shields will constantly regen.

Tier 5

Stomr troper:
Outfits your backpack with a massive transistor and magnetic coils that grants immunity to electric damage and increases your auto pickup range 1000%.

HeaV leithr:
Embeds your jacket with layered titanium scales, gain massive elemental resistance and a health buff, along with a slight damage resistance increase, would give his jacket a scaly texture under the leather.

Tier 6

You’re the guy:
Its all good, you’re the guy, your shields now charge twice as fast and 1 secont is shaved off the recharge delay “its okay, I’m the guy”

Aggression, all about the guns, and melee

Tier 1

Increases damage, fire rate, and accuracy for all guns

Ful paks:
A very small health and ammo regen bonus

Tier 2

Toped off:
Slowly reloads any weapons that aren’t currently equipped

HeaV handed:
Weight plates are added to your monkey wrench; hitting enemies will have a chance to stun them and increases melee damage.

Tier 3

Deap inpact:
Blades are fastened to the end of your monkey wrench; increases melee damage along with a damage bonus against flesh

Gorila grip:
Improves weapon stability and recoil reduction for all weapons.

Rayn ov led:
Increases weapon fire rate and weapon damage.

Tier 4

The shawker:
Several dynamos are duct taped to your monkey wrench; enemies take shock damage with DoT along with an additional melee damage increase

HeaV wepons guy:
Every kill shaves off time on the miniguns cooldown, launchers and ARs also receive a damage boost, works even while the minigun is active.

Tier 5

Waking apacolipes:
Kill skill, ammo regen and damage bonus for the length of the kill skill

Attaches a blow torch to your monkey wrench; melee damage now sets enemies on fire, with added melee damage. Overkill, I think not.

Tier 6

Mazter ov inprovize:
You can now equip 2 weapons in one weapon slot, and 2 shields in your shield slot, but the weapons/shield are combined. The second weapon you’re equipping in a slot with one weapon already equipped in it would let you either add or replace one trait from the second weapon to the first, same would apply to shields. You’d only be able to combine weapons in the same class, like ARs with ARs and SMGs with SMGs. But any drawbacks or special gun traits that came with the second item carry over to the first.
You got a Jacobs assault rifle, you take a bandit gun and replace the Jacobs mag with the bandit mag so you’d have a Jacobs assault rifle with the mag size of a bandit gun
You got a maliwan fire smg, you take a hyperion smg and replace the maliwan barrel with the hyperion barrel, so the maliwan smg now has the accuracy and stability of the hyperion smg.
You got an absorption shield, you take an adaptive shields health bonus and add it to your absorption shield, you now got an absorption shield that gives you a health bonus.

The second item can always be unequipped or re equipped to change the trait you want added and if you’re respecking and the skill is lost all the second items will be added back into your inventory.

legendary, seraph, and pearlescent weapons cant be combined, but everything else, including unique and e-tech can.

Mechanist , skills to trick out your big gun, literally every skill is for your minigun

Tier 1

Loaded bullets:
Increases the damage of the minigun.

Adds reinforced barrels and stabilization cylinders to the barrels to reduce the recoil and increase the accuracy of the minigun.

Tier 2

Tesla cannon:
Adds a tesla coil to the side of the minigun, shots can ricochet and deal extra shock damage

Volley fire:
Adds an exposed gear system that increases the rate of fire and decreases rev time for the minigun, "It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon...for twelve seconds".

Tier 3

Hot lead:
Adds an internal heating system to the minigun that attaches fire bombs to every bullet and heats the bullets cherry red, bullets now cause fire damage and can ignore damage resistance, the fire damage can spread to nearby enemies.

Really big gun
Adds a rocket launcher to the minigun that randomly goes off while the trigger is held.

Auto mags:
Adds an auto-loading magazine to the minigun that decreases the cooldown time.

Tier 4

Safety first:
Adds a chemical sprayer that codes the bullets with hazardous stuff, all bullets do corrosive damage with a small chance to slag

Bottomless mag:
Increases the duration for the minigun

Tier 5

Extra lube:
Kill skill, Increases the rate of fire and adds a chance to shoot out twice as many bullets, works for the minigun obviously.

Keepin it hot:
Melee override, adds a flamethrower to the front of the minigun that deals massive DPS but using it will use the duration twice as fast, activates by holding melee with the minigun out and you can fire the minigun and flamethrower simultaneously

Tier 6

Meat grinder:
Adds a gas assisted firing mechanism to the minigun that increases damage and causes the rounds to explode with AoE damage.

I might go back and spell all the names for the skills wrong later.

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