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Jericho: The Chosen

Back with another character concept, this time it's a totally-not-done-before Seraph/Eridian character!


Jericho was an Atlas engineer researching Eridian Ruins beneath Pandora when the events of Borderlands1 occurred. The opening of the Vault, which triggered the massive changes and rise of Eridium for Borderlands2 did a number to the ruins Jericho was working in, causing them to collapse around him.

Several years pass before Jericho awakens mysteriously outside of Opportunity, the new resting place of Sanctuary after the events of BL2, with a strange Eridian Artifact* seemingly fused to his back. A voice wills him to enter the newly occupied city, and his journey for answers as a vault hunter begins.

*The Eridian Artifact will be grey in color like most all relics with the black parts being grey here, and the green parts being a very whitish blue by default. The artifact will look similar to the piece just on the back, none of the other bits would be on the character. As for what he looks like, he is built sort of like Axton, but with a more "civilian" look to him as opposed to his militaristic attire, with cargo pants, and an open red jacket by default.


The Chosen is a slightly different character than what we've seen in Borderlands currently. Jericho is a man taken from time to about 10 years in the future of Pandora and while he miraculously hasn't changed, everything he knew certainly has and he is craving answers in the potential BL3 environment. Having come from the time when Atlas was the big show on Pandora, he is often very curious and at times bewildered by the various advancements and events since his "incident", but otherwise is quick to adapt to the situation and is usually morally ambiguous, choosing the side that benefits himself more often than not early on due to the situation.

The Eridian side of him is mostly mysterious, as you discover more and more of it as you level up and gain skills, as well as progress through -his- story. An idea for BL3 could be small story arcs that bridge between main quest and side quest, that are different for each character, sort of like an expansion of the Echo Recordings seen in BL2. His story involves the mysterious Eridian Benefactor that now shares his body leading him through the site of the 1st Vault and delving into what the Eridians were really like as well as some history on Atlas and Pandora itself as a planet. Tied into this is the concept of choice brought up in BL2 but not *really* used beyond the aesthetic / loot, you will encounter various points in BL3 where your options can impact the story line, bit by bit. In Jericho's personal arc, you ultimately decide weather you give in to the lure of the Eridians with the "persuasion" of your artifact, turn over the secrets for profit, or resist temptation and use the powers and Atlas training to better Pandora instead of restoring power to the Eridian guardians.

The character could also easily fit into BL2 with just Echo Recordings detailing the Eridian backstory of how he uses the powers of the artifact to now not only help himself, but the people he's met along the way after emerging into a "new world".

In regards to playstyle, Jericho is split between high offense or defense in terms of skill trees, and is reliant on his Action Skill "Eridian Enhancement" to switch to a different mode in order to combat foes in a totally new way for a time. So similar to a few other characters, he is a balanced build but is encouraged to focus into an extreme between offense and defense to get through fights (more on that in a bit).


The Chosen's action skill covers him in a hard-light exoskeleton of sorts that vaguely resembles the Eridian Guardians from Borderlands 1. His Energy Blades (Melee attack has him swipe it and make it disappear) are always out and his smoothly glides across the floor instead of actually running. You also recieve the following buffs:
  • +50% Movement Speed
  • +50% Shield Capacity
  • +50% Shield Recharge Rate
  • -50% Shield Recharge Delay
  • +50% Shield "Special"
    • Nova Damage
    • Spike Damage
    • Elemental Resist
    • Absorb Chance
    • Booster Chance
    • -Amp Amount, +Amp Damage
    • +Roid when shield breaks during "EE"

Shields were always a defining feature of the Eridian Enemies in BL1, and seems fitting for a primary focus for the action skill, so much so that the Action Skill is directly tied to Shield HP. As long as your shield is up you can stay in your EE mode, but suffer a set time of 20 seconds worth of delay once it is broken from EE, +the normal shield's delay (allowing Roid Shields to experience a 20 second boost). This puts a slight spin on how players would normally view their shield, as it now is more of a resource on top of being Jericho's main form of defense.

As for offense, his energy blades have been mentioned (and have an entire tree and movement speed increase devoted to them), but like it always is in Borderlands: it's all about the guns! EE envelops the current gun you were using while you activated the skill in the same hard-light you are and transforms it into an Eridian Weapon. Not to be confused with E-tech, this is a Borderlands1-styled weapon with a "charge" meter replacing your ammo and everything!

Your gun will be generated based on 3 factors: Rarity, Type and Manufacturer. Combined this will give your new alien technology all sorts of crazy effects compared to normal weapons, in exchange for being stuck with it of course.
  • Rarity) Determines general "damage/quality" level like most all guns.
  • Type) Determines primary function of the gun, special guns may still carry their unique gimmicks on-hit, but projectile changes will not carry over as EE has it's own types of projectiles.
    • Example) Shotgun: Cone Blast, sends out a burst of energy in front of you at a short-medium range that is incredibly difficult for enemies to avoid.
  • Manufacturer) Bonuses such as Jakobs' higher damage will carry over, but in slightly different fashion than seen out of EE.
    • Example) Jakobs: Reddish/White Laser, deals incredible amounts of damage but overheats quickly.

While a bit complex at first glance, it really settles in how Jericho is able to really "transform" between a normal Vault Hunter mode and the Eridian Enhanced Mode. Some times one will be better than the other, some players may find it fun to build around staying in EE as often as possible and others may build around just being Jericho, but most will find switching between the two fun and rewarding when combined with how their loot takes on a second life as well!


To be added later due to time (excuses, excuses), I'll at least put up the names of the trees and their purpose.


Focused on Defense via Shields as well as Eridian Enhancement itself.


Focused on Ranged Combat as well as messing with what your guns can do.


Focused on Melee Combat and movement, as well as a unique "dual stack" system that you can choose how to spend.


Work in progress

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