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My CC: Ezra the Protector

Ok I have literally tried 4 times to get the Backstory up and it either disappears or the link accidently gets closed. So for now I am going to put up the skill trees and I will edit in the backstory and appearance later. I have been working a LONG time on this so let me know whatcha think. Also some of this won't make sense until I add the backstory so hang with me.

Action Skill: E-vincible- Ezra activates the E-vincible suit which digi-structs around him. Upon activation, shields are instantly refilled. You gain 90% Damage Reduction and 100% melee damage. You also have decreased movement speed by 10%. You cannot use guns in this mode but you can melee and shoot spikes made of Eridian metal at enemies with your two "E-viserators". (Shoot using same buttons for aiming and shooting. The melee during this mode is two swipes one from each hand.) Holding down (reload) will teleport the player anwhere within 20 meters. 15 second duration, 45 second cooldown.

Skill Tree 1: Shields Up!- Focuses on, you guessed it, shields. All types of things including novas, absorb chance, and elemental resistance.

Tier One: Defensive: +10% shield capacity per level
Stainless: +4% elemental resistance per level

Tier Two: Unwilling: Kill Skill- Recharges shield 0.6% and 1% Damage Reduction per level
Faster: Increased recharge delay 5% per level

Tier Three: Not Today: Gamechanger- While E-vincible, your shield will recharge constantly and you get an additional 50% melee damage. 4% a second on the recharge.

Rock Solid: -4 movement speed and gun damage per level. +10% Damage Reduction and health per level.

Improving: Adds absorb chance to all shields +2% per level. If it is already an absorb shield, +1% per level

Tier Four: Coursing Veins: You regenerate health while in E-vincible mode. 0.4% per level.

Tier Five: Blast-off: All explosions/novas get better blast radius and damage. 4% per level

Tier Six: Capstone- Radiation: When your shield returns to full, a nova will go off damaging the enemies around you. The element of nova is random. Also you get +20% movement speed while E-vincible.

Skill Tree 2: Super-Soldier- Focuses on improving E-vincible. Movement Speed, melee, and damage reduction bonuses.

Tier One: Just Getting Started: +3% melee damage and Damage Reduction per level.

Bulk: +5% Max Health increase per level

Tier Two: Faster than the Competition: +2% movement speed per level. Bonus 2% per level for a short time after a kill.

Stronger than the Competition: +2% melee damage per level. Bonus 2% per level for a short time after a kill.

Tier Three: Gamechanger: Personal Trainer- For every second that passes while you are E-vincible, you gain a Personal Trainer stack. Every stack increases melee damage and damage reduction by 2%.

Exercise: +2% melee damage while E-vincible per level.

Rubber Bullets:+2% damage reduction while E-vincible per level.

Tier Four: Mega Melee: The first melee swing you hit after going E-vincible deals massive damage. 100% melee damage per level

Tier Five: The Original: Non-Elemental damage is increased 8% per level

Tier Six: Better than the Best: Capstone- Length of E-vincibility is increased by 5 seconds. When you kill someone while E-vincibility is active it adds 2 seconds to its duration. Adds 10 seconds to the cooldown.

Skill Tree 3: Slag Healer: As it suggests, this tree is very supportive. It is sort of like Maya's Harmony tree except more tank-like.

Tier 1: Purple Person: +6% Slag chance

Give that BACK: +0.5 health regeneration per level

Tier 2: Get Up!: -4% time to revive a teammate per level. +10% FFYL time.

Slag Killer: +6% Slag Damage

Tier 3: Slag it Up: Gamechanger- All slag damage now heals you and your teammates. 5% of slag damage is returned as health. (Works like Moxxi weapons)

No Chance: Kill Skill- +8% Gun Damage and Fire Rate per level after a kill.

Defense Player: When your shield is depleted you get 50% Damage Reduction.

Tier 4: Charity: When E-vincibility is activated, everyone gets 1% of their health back per level.

Tier 5: Getting Creative: For every 60 seconds you aren't in combat you get 1 Creative stack. These stacks are basically used as temporary huge Badass Rank stats. They last for one minute. Holding down (reload) is what spends the stack. The bonus is random.

Tier Six: Try Me: Capstone- All damage done while E-vincible is now slag damage. When E-vincibility is activated, there is a singularity affect. This affect also pulls downed players to you. +60% Damage Reduction and +10% movement speed in E-vincibility.

I will post the rest later but I wanna hear opinions! Thanks.

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