All items scaled to level 50
skycaller(e-tech spiker handgun)
rate of fire-1.0
reload speed-3.1
clip size- 1
The sky.. Is falling.
(the red text makes it so after the spike explodes a beam comes from the sky dealing 300,000 in a 3m radius of spike)
-firing increases stability
tortuise shell longbow(long bow gernade)
blast radius-478
fuse time-0.0
(the red flavor text makes it so when the gernade explodes it produces a sheild almost identical to the commando's "Phalanx Sheild" for his turrets, damage is changed to sheild health; so the gernade doesn't acually do any damage)
explosive potions(relic)
-increases explosive damage by 15%
-10% of all explosive damage dealt is turned into transfusion orbs
metalic projector(sheild)
recharge rate-550
recharge delay-2.1
Like a stone...
(red flavor text makes it so the sheild campacity is acually armor campacity: so a yellow bar not a blue one)
-20% chance to resist corrosive damage
-based on how depleted your sheild is you gain a 10-30% speed increase
syrgical shotgun(shotgun)
rate of fire-2.0
reload speed-4.0
magazine size-5
Friendly fire!!
(red flavor text makes it so when shooting an ally heals them for 10% of the damage)
-recoil reduction
titan conductor(assault rifle)
damage-(no bullet damage)
rate of fire-5.0
reload speed-8.0
magazine size-36
chance to electricute-100% chance
electricity damage per sec-10,000
With thunder..
(red flavor text makes it so when fired it releases a constant stream of electricty, and when shot at a friend restores their sheild based on 25% of damage)
Entreprenuer(class mod)
class required-any
health regen +300 OR sheild recharge delay -25%
-all healing effects received are increased by 30%
-healing pots are now free at all Dr. neds vending machines
- +5-10 talents free to spend
eridian manipulatorrelic
-at the cost of 1 eridian every 30minutes,it will give specific abilities (ie. 2,000 bonus damage to each projectile shot while this relics equiped,melee damage increased by 10,000 and has a 15% chance to slag,gernades doing slag/extra dmg, increase in AS time by 60%,regens ammo of current equiped weapon)
or my favorite, increase in rare loot dropping everytime eredian is consumed,stacking up to 99 times if unequiped buff and stacks are instantly lost.
Anyway those are just a couple ideas,i want to see maybe some action skill augmentations or melee ovride skills on class mods,or a class mod that gives you a talent instead of increasing an already existing talent,and dont EVEN get me started on melee weapons. A slot must be added for melee!! think about all the new cool loot O.O
So if you have any thoughts on my post or just have some cool ideas of your own feel free to post.
Please rate my post, and thank you for reading!
skycaller(e-tech spiker handgun)
rate of fire-1.0
reload speed-3.1
clip size- 1
The sky.. Is falling.
(the red text makes it so after the spike explodes a beam comes from the sky dealing 300,000 in a 3m radius of spike)
-firing increases stability
tortuise shell longbow(long bow gernade)
blast radius-478
fuse time-0.0
(the red flavor text makes it so when the gernade explodes it produces a sheild almost identical to the commando's "Phalanx Sheild" for his turrets, damage is changed to sheild health; so the gernade doesn't acually do any damage)
explosive potions(relic)
-increases explosive damage by 15%
-10% of all explosive damage dealt is turned into transfusion orbs
metalic projector(sheild)
recharge rate-550
recharge delay-2.1
Like a stone...
(red flavor text makes it so the sheild campacity is acually armor campacity: so a yellow bar not a blue one)
-20% chance to resist corrosive damage
-based on how depleted your sheild is you gain a 10-30% speed increase
syrgical shotgun(shotgun)
rate of fire-2.0
reload speed-4.0
magazine size-5
Friendly fire!!
(red flavor text makes it so when shooting an ally heals them for 10% of the damage)
-recoil reduction
titan conductor(assault rifle)
damage-(no bullet damage)
rate of fire-5.0
reload speed-8.0
magazine size-36
chance to electricute-100% chance
electricity damage per sec-10,000
With thunder..
(red flavor text makes it so when fired it releases a constant stream of electricty, and when shot at a friend restores their sheild based on 25% of damage)
Entreprenuer(class mod)
class required-any
health regen +300 OR sheild recharge delay -25%
-all healing effects received are increased by 30%
-healing pots are now free at all Dr. neds vending machines
- +5-10 talents free to spend
eridian manipulatorrelic
-at the cost of 1 eridian every 30minutes,it will give specific abilities (ie. 2,000 bonus damage to each projectile shot while this relics equiped,melee damage increased by 10,000 and has a 15% chance to slag,gernades doing slag/extra dmg, increase in AS time by 60%,regens ammo of current equiped weapon)
or my favorite, increase in rare loot dropping everytime eredian is consumed,stacking up to 99 times if unequiped buff and stacks are instantly lost.
Anyway those are just a couple ideas,i want to see maybe some action skill augmentations or melee ovride skills on class mods,or a class mod that gives you a talent instead of increasing an already existing talent,and dont EVEN get me started on melee weapons. A slot must be added for melee!! think about all the new cool loot O.O
So if you have any thoughts on my post or just have some cool ideas of your own feel free to post.
Please rate my post, and thank you for reading!