So overall Borderlands is epic, but one thing i never got/liked was the pvp.
First the only form of it is dueling,dont get me wrong while amusing not much of a rp experience.As in pvp combat is over within seconds of conflict more like a COD encounter.Wouldnt be awsome if you could take more damage from other players allowing longer more strategic fights more like an rpg experience.
Atleast make the roles matter in pvp were a tank can be tankin mass damage even from players, but a dps would be much more squishy.Instead of all characters being easily squished by another player.It may be as simple as increasing damage vault hunters can take but ncrease the amount creatures of pandora do.making it harder for players to kill players, or when in a qued battle all players get a buff increasing defensive stats making battle last longer.
Heres where my DLC content idea comes into play,when the next map pack comes out (because aspects such as storyline and quests arnt my concern gearbox already does a kickass job at that)add a small area/town were an npc allows you to que for games such as steal the flag, location control,deathmatch ect.broken down into level brackets.
were killing an enemy player grants a currency to buy items much like seraph crystals but for items oriented around pvp gear.or maybe a multiple kills grants badass point(s)
Each team having a base with vending machines,respec station, and respawn point.
Those are just some general ideas about it im sure ill add to it later.But any comments, criticism, or tips welcome please vote on the pole and leave a comment about what you think!
First the only form of it is dueling,dont get me wrong while amusing not much of a rp experience.As in pvp combat is over within seconds of conflict more like a COD encounter.Wouldnt be awsome if you could take more damage from other players allowing longer more strategic fights more like an rpg experience.
Atleast make the roles matter in pvp were a tank can be tankin mass damage even from players, but a dps would be much more squishy.Instead of all characters being easily squished by another player.It may be as simple as increasing damage vault hunters can take but ncrease the amount creatures of pandora do.making it harder for players to kill players, or when in a qued battle all players get a buff increasing defensive stats making battle last longer.
Heres where my DLC content idea comes into play,when the next map pack comes out (because aspects such as storyline and quests arnt my concern gearbox already does a kickass job at that)add a small area/town were an npc allows you to que for games such as steal the flag, location control,deathmatch ect.broken down into level brackets.
were killing an enemy player grants a currency to buy items much like seraph crystals but for items oriented around pvp gear.or maybe a multiple kills grants badass point(s)
Each team having a base with vending machines,respec station, and respawn point.
Those are just some general ideas about it im sure ill add to it later.But any comments, criticism, or tips welcome please vote on the pole and leave a comment about what you think!