Welcome, this thread serves as a place for ideas to be formed. Having multiple level 50 characters, and multiple hours of farming. I have come to the conclusion, that I overall am okay with Terra and Verm. But Hyperious and Master Gee were clearly not truly given fine thought out points in there creations.
So, I have just created a thread for anyone to input there thoughts on possible "New Raid Bosses" we could potentially hope to present and maybe we could actually have a voice in are own games for once!
Raid Boss:
GreyMong The Invincible: Instead of such a pethetic representation of the final bullymong class known sadly as "King Mong"(Hes legitally weak) they should add a Raid Bullymong thats huuuuuuuge, it can also throw various objects on the place of battle. Such as Windhelm did with the train car.
Now to make this fight difficult, he could also leap about the map on top of rock formations around the sides of the Arena using all four of his arms and thowing a lot of huge boulders.
Crystalferous - (He should already be a Raid Boss variant of the Crystalisk. . .
Cerberskuss The Invincible - Hyperion doing all those genetic experiments on Skags, so how about this idea!
One mutated Three heads due to the experimentation, each head has a different element such as (Shock)(Fire)(Corrosion) and the tail is the (Slag) variant, this idea is like a chimera.
DraccoRakk The Invincible - Has anyone else always just wanted a Rakk to be randomly ******* epic? Seriously like in Bl1 there was a huge Rakk that was hard to kill (Just a idea) dragon like Rakk
Spiderant(I am thinking on this but it has so much potential to create something cool, I'll leave this one open just like the Rakk Concept.
(On a Sidenote: Vote for me to be you're next "Borderlands Content Writter" :)
So, I have just created a thread for anyone to input there thoughts on possible "New Raid Bosses" we could potentially hope to present and maybe we could actually have a voice in are own games for once!
Raid Boss:
GreyMong The Invincible: Instead of such a pethetic representation of the final bullymong class known sadly as "King Mong"(Hes legitally weak) they should add a Raid Bullymong thats huuuuuuuge, it can also throw various objects on the place of battle. Such as Windhelm did with the train car.
Now to make this fight difficult, he could also leap about the map on top of rock formations around the sides of the Arena using all four of his arms and thowing a lot of huge boulders.
Crystalferous - (He should already be a Raid Boss variant of the Crystalisk. . .
Cerberskuss The Invincible - Hyperion doing all those genetic experiments on Skags, so how about this idea!
One mutated Three heads due to the experimentation, each head has a different element such as (Shock)(Fire)(Corrosion) and the tail is the (Slag) variant, this idea is like a chimera.
DraccoRakk The Invincible - Has anyone else always just wanted a Rakk to be randomly ******* epic? Seriously like in Bl1 there was a huge Rakk that was hard to kill (Just a idea) dragon like Rakk
Spiderant(I am thinking on this but it has so much potential to create something cool, I'll leave this one open just like the Rakk Concept.
(On a Sidenote: Vote for me to be you're next "Borderlands Content Writter" :)