The Day Fleshstick Died
I probably only will speak for myself,
on November the Thirteenth, two thousand and twelve,
A day that shall ever live in infamy,
And not because Gearbox said "Hell with the Bee."
I speak of a character close to our hearts,
and named after various lewd bodyparts.
They called him an exploit, they called him a glitch;
They called it unfair when I made him my bitch.
And even if morally speaking it's shifty,
He's still the whole reason my character's 50.
**** balance, **** fair, I just want to have fun,
Which is only possible with that Conference Call gun
and the best way to level yourself in the world --
by failing a quest for a twelve-year-old girl.
With a couple of hours and a six-pack of beers,
I could skip all that content they worked on for years.
But with the 1.2 patch they repaired you. I'm pissed.
I remember you, Fleshstick, and you will be missed.
You're my new favorite euphemism for "Dicks."
...but thank jesus that broken Bee shield got a fix.

I probably only will speak for myself,
on November the Thirteenth, two thousand and twelve,
A day that shall ever live in infamy,
And not because Gearbox said "Hell with the Bee."
I speak of a character close to our hearts,
and named after various lewd bodyparts.
They called him an exploit, they called him a glitch;
They called it unfair when I made him my bitch.
And even if morally speaking it's shifty,
He's still the whole reason my character's 50.
**** balance, **** fair, I just want to have fun,
Which is only possible with that Conference Call gun
and the best way to level yourself in the world --
by failing a quest for a twelve-year-old girl.
With a couple of hours and a six-pack of beers,
I could skip all that content they worked on for years.
But with the 1.2 patch they repaired you. I'm pissed.
I remember you, Fleshstick, and you will be missed.
You're my new favorite euphemism for "Dicks."
...but thank jesus that broken Bee shield got a fix.