T4-NK-Bt or Tank Bot is a robot who believes that all life is pointless.
To see if his beliefs are correct, he attempts to go on an adventure that can let him experience a fulfilling life.
But T4-NK-Bt is an emotionless, and lifeless machine, so his quest obviously leads nowhere.
Here's the concept Skill Tree:
● I am NOT a Borderlands developer, so T4-NK-Bt may be overpowered.
● The Skill Tree was made on MS Paint out of boredom, so it looks completely horrible.
● Since I made it out of boredom, both the spelling & grammar are both bad.. crazy bad..
● I did not include the actual boosts from skills due to not knowing what percentages would be balanced.
If you took the time to look at the Skill Tree, please be sure to leave any opinions.
To see if his beliefs are correct, he attempts to go on an adventure that can let him experience a fulfilling life.
But T4-NK-Bt is an emotionless, and lifeless machine, so his quest obviously leads nowhere.
Here's the concept Skill Tree:
● I am NOT a Borderlands developer, so T4-NK-Bt may be overpowered.
● The Skill Tree was made on MS Paint out of boredom, so it looks completely horrible.
● Since I made it out of boredom, both the spelling & grammar are both bad.. crazy bad..
● I did not include the actual boosts from skills due to not knowing what percentages would be balanced.

If you took the time to look at the Skill Tree, please be sure to leave any opinions.