Anyone interested in fanfic...?
For anyone who is interested in fanfics.... here is the link to mine. its currently a work in progress, any constructive critism is appreciated too, just not too harsh plz! I understand it might not be...
View ArticleBorderlands Story: Jezebel (Character)
So I had been reluctant to post this because there's a mass amount of different ideas being tossed around and - well, we're our own worst critic right? A couple friend read it, and encouraged I posted...
View ArticleCreate-A-Class: T4-NK-Bt, the Immortal Machine.
T4-NK-Bt or Tank Bot is a robot who believes that all life is pointless. To see if his beliefs are correct, he attempts to go on an adventure that can let him experience a fulfilling life. But T4-NK-Bt...
View ArticleLilith Signature
Just made this: (Yes, it IS supposed to be dark as hell) Rate, please ^^
View ArticleModify XP gain
I already asked this question for the first Borderlands a while ago, but nobody replied me there. Is it possible to somehow modify xp gain to recive less xp? I always feel like I'm overleveled in this...
View ArticleMore references to pop culture
My idea is a PSYcho. It would be a normal psycho, but with sunglasses, a tattoo of an undone bow-tie around the neck, and the suicide ones would horse dance (which I believe is the one he did with Ban...
View ArticleClass Mod Idea
Why is it only the Gunzerker can regen ammo? In BL1 the Soldier could do it, but why can no one else in BL2? If nothing else, there should at least be a Commando Class Mod for ammo regen, but voice...
View ArticlePsycho Midget Munny
Here's my attempt at turning a 4" munny into a psycho midget. If you're not familiar, Munnys are vinyl toys made for customizing. It's fun!
View ArticleFan art - Ink sketches
[IMG][/IMG] http://[IMG]http://th07.deviantart.n....jpg[/IMG] ok, so I have been having trouble trying to post a few pics that I have drawn, (bit on...
View ArticleCharacter idea: Nutcase/Bomber
This is my idea for a character class, I'm not going to go mong-scat and make an overly detailed skill tree because I'd rather see what the real devs could do with the concept, I'm just going to drop...
View ArticleMiracleofSound - Breaking down the borders
MiracleofSound has released a song based on BL2 and it's awesome! the music fits borderlands style perfectly enjoy! link:
View ArticleBorderlands 2 Fan Film
Hey guys! I made a Borderlands 2 short film, Borderlands 2 - Vault Hunters It was made with a next to nothing budget, let me know what you guys think! -John
View ArticleCow Level
With zombie claptraps, dinosaurs (specificaly t-rexes) with lasers and dubstep for battle music. To round it all out, a level 52 t-rex loader the size of two and a half terramorphouses. Weakness is his...
View ArticleHandsome Jack art WIP men of BL2 need drawings too .
This is very hard for me to do.. but i want to do it because i want to share this with people :) I am working on a picture of Jack.. this is the first picture i have done in about three years. After...
View ArticleSapper the Ex-Engineer
I have been reading ideas about a Hyperion Engineer becoming a vault hunter and the next playable character. I want to give a try at making a basis for the character and letting the community help...
View ArticleGun wallpapers by Leymil
Requests are welcome, but i'd prefer if you didn't expect me to finish within a couple of hours/days, though if i find the request interesting enough, i might do it pretty quickly. Also, if the request...
View ArticleHandsome Jack costume/cosplay
Hey everyone! i've made a Handsome Jack costume for Halloween! Tell me what you guys think?
View ArticleSweetFX video guide
Hiya guys Been really enjoying playing borderlands and trying to get my game looking as good as possible. I've already done videos looking at 'no outlines', 'downsampling' and now I've been taking a...
View ArticleUpdated Original Classes
Not sure if this has been said before, if it has please direct me to the thread. This will contain spoilers if you havent completed BL2 Anyway I would like to see the original classes return to BL2 but...
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