Actually I had only the idea for one character but because he woudn't really match the Borderlands theme of bandits, murderes and outlaws, I thought of a concept for Borderlands 3.
Borderlands 3 Story Concept:
You are Handsome Jack if he had been a good guy!
Spoiler: Since the confirmation of Vault's all over the universe a few years have passed.
This time there're are not a few but a whole army of Vault Hunters has risen on the marked planets in search for fame, fortune and destiny.
One of these planets is Eden-5 (the home planet of Gaige). The once civilized planet has fallen to chaos and anarchy as bandits invaded it and the self-claimed new Vault Hunters taken over the power.
The only hope to stop these chaotic factions from getting the power that is inside Eden-5's Vault are four agents send by four different corporations who want the power for themselves "to restore peace and order on Eden-5".
But before their journey is over, they have to realise that the true Vault Hunters are the ones you would least expect them to be.
Character Overview:
Like in BL 2 the classes should be different from BL 1 but at the same time their successors.
In the game you discover through echo logs how they ended up working for their respective corporation.
- The Agent (Tediore Customer Service)(Zer0/Mordekai class successor)
And now...
The Agent
(Tediore Customer Service)
Name Suggestions:
- Ted
- Ben
- ...
(I'm gonna call him Ted because I like the name (also "Ted-iore") until I have a better idea)
Idea And Specialization:
The Agent is specialized in digistructing weapons and ammunition, because I really liked that feature in BL 2 after playing Gaige for a while.
And Tediore is the only one of the corporations who based their weapons on that technology. I mean, you throw an exploding gun at your enemy and a completely new one filled with ammo digistructs right back in your hands, just how cool is that?! (and the service is awesome too!)
I want him to be specialized with pistols and melee but I'm not really sure about that yet.
Appearance And Clothing:
Ted is a really normal black haired guy who wears even in battle a white shirt (with hitched up sleeves) with a black tie and jeans.
He also has black leather gloves and beltbag which is attached to his actual belt and goes over his left shoulder and down his back.
Strapped to the front of the beltbag is a strange black device, which has the same pattern as black Tediore weapons and a blue lens.
Why Ted is working in the customer service of Tediore can also be found out through echo logs, although I have an idea I don't think it is good enough to be written out just yet.
But the reason why he was chosen to go to Eden-5 is simple: He was the only one available at the moment.
Ted is a really normal, young family father kind of guy (but doesn't have a family) and worked quite normal at the customer service of the Tediore headquarters, which is normally a boring desk job.
But unfortunately for Ted, Tediore treats their personal like their weapons - Quantity over everything.
With the rise of the new Vault Hunters, Tediore sends out more and more agents to reach Vault's before they do. Only a few return alive from the hundreads they send.
As some time passes, Tediore has barely any personnel left who is trained to do these kinds of jobs to cover all the planets, so they just start to send any other personnel they have left - Including Ted.
To the surprise of nearly everybody Ted returns from his first mission, not only as the lone survivor but also successful.
Until today it is a mysterium how he did it while over a hundread died beside him and even if somebody asks he won't anwser what happend after the commucation was cut off.
His mission was to retrieve a valuable piece of alien technology, a alien weapon database in form of a black device.
The Tediore corporation uses that device and combines it with their latest, prototype digistruct technology.
Equipped with this new weapon, called 'Arsenal', Ted as the only one left is send to Eden-5 in hope he can repeat that miracle of his first mission, and not only stop the Vault Hunters but also bring back what is inside of the Vault.
(You will never know how he survived and successed in his first mission, because you yourself define it by choosing from his skill trees - one is based on his arsenal, one is based on skill and one is based on safety and luck)
Skill Trees And Action Skill:
Action Skill: Digistruct Arsenal
Action Skill. Activate the Arsenal to digistruct more appropriate weapons for the situation.
As long as Arsenal is active you have Infinity Ammo, but every time you reload it loses 1 second Arsenal Duration.
Lasts: 45 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds.
If you unlock the skill, it only digistructs dual pistols. One black Tediore pistol in every hand, which digistruct while he does the move to draw them with crossed arms. If the clip of one is empty, he just drops the weapon (instead of throwing them), before a new one is digistructed right into his empty hand.
You can add more weapons and stuff to digistruct through the skill trees.
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.![]()
(If you want to do something like this yourself, you are free to copy the skill tree thingy I edited. It is based on Axtion's skill tree :) )
A-Skilltree (Left): Over Quantity
A1 Skill: More And Better - As long as you hold down the trigger, for every bullet that doesn't hit an enemy, bullets that hit deal more damage.
(0/5) NEXT LEVEL: Gun Damage +0.4%
A2 Skill: Mass Production Effect - Your bullets have the chance to malfunction and deal Explosiv Damage.
(0/5) NEXT LEVEL: +2% Chance to deal Explosiv Damage
A3 Skill:
A4 Skill:
A5 Skill:
A6 Skill:
A7 Skill: Give Me More Power! - Increases the Arsenal Duration.
(0/5) NEXT LEVEL: +3 seconds
A8 Skill: Capture The Flak - Granade Override Skill. While Arsenal is active, digistruct Cluster Granades instead of throwing normal grenades. Cluster Granades explode in the air near surface, causing Digi-splosions and deal massive Explosive Damage around them. Also if you throw a grenade while Arsenal is active, you lose 5 seconds of Arsenal Duration.
(0/1) NEXT LEVEL: "Back home in time for cornflakes."
A9 Skill:
A10 Skill: Ultra Arsenal - While Arsenal is active, as long as you hold down the trigger your weapons keep auto-firing and Arsenal will keep digistructing different weapons around you and in your hands which fire at the general direction of your crosshair before they drop down. Arsenal Duration won't lose seconds due to reloading anymore.
(0/1) NEXT LEVEL: +X000% More Weapons, "Weapons Found: Many."
B-Skilltree (Middle): Hidden Potential
B1 Skill: Truxican Standoff - If you fight more than one enemy at the same time, your Gun Damage and Accuracy is increased.
(0/5) NEXT LEVEL: Accuracy +2%, Gun Damage +2%
B2 Skill: Don't Look At The Explosion - You gain Damage Reduction if you take damage from the sides or from behind. Also grants you Resistance to Explosive Damage.
(0/5) NEXT LEVEL: Damage Reduction +2%, Explosive Damage Resistance +6%
B3 Skill:
B4 Skill:
B5 Skill:
B6 Skill:
B7 Skill:
B8 Skill:
B9 Skill:
B10 Skill:
B11 Skill: Bullet Time - While Arsenal is active, the speed of everything you do is halved, including the Bullet Speed. But the Accuracy of all of your weapons increases by 100% and you gain 50% Damage Reduction.
(0/1) NEXT LEVEL: "Why is he moving so slow?"
C-Skilltree (Right): Normal Everyman
C1 Skill: Safety Fi(r)st - Grants you Shield Regenration and increases your Melee Damage for a few seconds if an enemy hits you before you hit him.
(0/5) NEXT LEVEL: Regenrates 0.3% of your shield per second, Melee Damage +4%
C2 Skill: Lucky Number - Increases your chance for Rare Loot and Jackpots. Also every uneven numbered round in your clip has a chance to Hit Critical.
(0/5) NEXT LEVEL: +1% chance for Rare Loot and Jackpot, +3% Chance to Hit Critical
C3 Skill:
C4 Skill:
C5 Skill:
C6 Skill: Knife Round - Melee Override Skill. While Arsenal is active you digistruct two Jack Knives as Special Melee Attack which you throw automatically at the enemy after using them, dealing Ranged Melee Damage, before they digistruct back into your hands. Every time you use a Melee Attack while Arsenal is active you lose 1 second Arsenal Duration.
(0/1) NEXT LEVEL: "Guns are too quick."
C7 Skill: Life Insurance - Kill Skill. Killing an enemy grants you a stack of Life Insurance. Every stack of Life Insurance increases your Maximum Health and the Fight For Your Life Duration and if you die while Life Insurance is active you pay less for New-U or get Money based on how many stacks of Life Insurance you have. Also if you reach the Stack Cap of Life Insurance you get revived on the spot if you die, but all stacks of Life Insurance will be removed.
(0/5) NEXT LEVEL: +0.2% Maximum Health per stack, +0.2% Fight For Your Life Duration per stack, Life Insurance Stack Cap: 100
C8 Skill:
C9 Skill:
C10 Skill:
C11 Skill: Ideas Are Bulletproof! - While Arsenal is active, you Absorb Damage until your Shield gets depleted. As long as your Shield is depleted your Melee Damage, Gun Damage and Movement Speed increases based on how much Damage you took.
(0/1) NEXT LEVEL: "My turn."
Thread Updates:
(23.10.12) - Posting Thread. I'm not done yet, just want to think some skills trough. Please tell me what you think of my ideas anyway. I hope you don't mind some grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language.
Borderlands 3 Story Concept:
You are Handsome Jack if he had been a good guy!
Spoiler: Since the confirmation of Vault's all over the universe a few years have passed.
This time there're are not a few but a whole army of Vault Hunters has risen on the marked planets in search for fame, fortune and destiny.
One of these planets is Eden-5 (the home planet of Gaige). The once civilized planet has fallen to chaos and anarchy as bandits invaded it and the self-claimed new Vault Hunters taken over the power.
The only hope to stop these chaotic factions from getting the power that is inside Eden-5's Vault are four agents send by four different corporations who want the power for themselves "to restore peace and order on Eden-5".
But before their journey is over, they have to realise that the true Vault Hunters are the ones you would least expect them to be.
Character Overview:
Like in BL 2 the classes should be different from BL 1 but at the same time their successors.
In the game you discover through echo logs how they ended up working for their respective corporation.
- The Agent (Tediore Customer Service)(Zer0/Mordekai class successor)
- This guy was actually the character idea I was talking about so more of him down below.
- I want Tiny Tina as an character to play and since you learn in the story that she used to be fighting bandits side by side with Brick and the way she is, she would be a perfect and unconventional for the Zerker class.
In BL 3 she would be more grown up (still as crazy) and trough logs you would learn how she ended up with Torgue (her talent to blow stuff up was a great help of course) and later on Eden-5.
Her Action Skill would be something based on different kinds of explosions like pulling out really different bombs with both hands and throwing them continually at your enemy.
- One of the 3 missing Siren's who was right before Jack's eyes the whole time and now took over a great deal of Hyperion after he was defeated. She herself came to Eden-5 to restore the reputation of Hyperion after that disaster on Pandora and to become the hero Jack never truly was.
- No idea yet.
And now...
The Agent
(Tediore Customer Service)
Name Suggestions:
- Ted
- Ben
- ...
(I'm gonna call him Ted because I like the name (also "Ted-iore") until I have a better idea)
Idea And Specialization:
The Agent is specialized in digistructing weapons and ammunition, because I really liked that feature in BL 2 after playing Gaige for a while.
And Tediore is the only one of the corporations who based their weapons on that technology. I mean, you throw an exploding gun at your enemy and a completely new one filled with ammo digistructs right back in your hands, just how cool is that?! (and the service is awesome too!)
I want him to be specialized with pistols and melee but I'm not really sure about that yet.
Appearance And Clothing:
Ted is a really normal black haired guy who wears even in battle a white shirt (with hitched up sleeves) with a black tie and jeans.
He also has black leather gloves and beltbag which is attached to his actual belt and goes over his left shoulder and down his back.
Strapped to the front of the beltbag is a strange black device, which has the same pattern as black Tediore weapons and a blue lens.
Why Ted is working in the customer service of Tediore can also be found out through echo logs, although I have an idea I don't think it is good enough to be written out just yet.
But the reason why he was chosen to go to Eden-5 is simple: He was the only one available at the moment.
Ted is a really normal, young family father kind of guy (but doesn't have a family) and worked quite normal at the customer service of the Tediore headquarters, which is normally a boring desk job.
But unfortunately for Ted, Tediore treats their personal like their weapons - Quantity over everything.
With the rise of the new Vault Hunters, Tediore sends out more and more agents to reach Vault's before they do. Only a few return alive from the hundreads they send.
As some time passes, Tediore has barely any personnel left who is trained to do these kinds of jobs to cover all the planets, so they just start to send any other personnel they have left - Including Ted.
To the surprise of nearly everybody Ted returns from his first mission, not only as the lone survivor but also successful.
Until today it is a mysterium how he did it while over a hundread died beside him and even if somebody asks he won't anwser what happend after the commucation was cut off.
His mission was to retrieve a valuable piece of alien technology, a alien weapon database in form of a black device.
The Tediore corporation uses that device and combines it with their latest, prototype digistruct technology.
Equipped with this new weapon, called 'Arsenal', Ted as the only one left is send to Eden-5 in hope he can repeat that miracle of his first mission, and not only stop the Vault Hunters but also bring back what is inside of the Vault.
(You will never know how he survived and successed in his first mission, because you yourself define it by choosing from his skill trees - one is based on his arsenal, one is based on skill and one is based on safety and luck)
Skill Trees And Action Skill:
Action Skill: Digistruct Arsenal
Action Skill. Activate the Arsenal to digistruct more appropriate weapons for the situation.
As long as Arsenal is active you have Infinity Ammo, but every time you reload it loses 1 second Arsenal Duration.
Lasts: 45 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds.
If you unlock the skill, it only digistructs dual pistols. One black Tediore pistol in every hand, which digistruct while he does the move to draw them with crossed arms. If the clip of one is empty, he just drops the weapon (instead of throwing them), before a new one is digistructed right into his empty hand.
You can add more weapons and stuff to digistruct through the skill trees.
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.

(If you want to do something like this yourself, you are free to copy the skill tree thingy I edited. It is based on Axtion's skill tree :) )
A-Skilltree (Left): Over Quantity
A1 Skill: More And Better - As long as you hold down the trigger, for every bullet that doesn't hit an enemy, bullets that hit deal more damage.
(0/5) NEXT LEVEL: Gun Damage +0.4%
A2 Skill: Mass Production Effect - Your bullets have the chance to malfunction and deal Explosiv Damage.
(0/5) NEXT LEVEL: +2% Chance to deal Explosiv Damage
A3 Skill:
A4 Skill:
A5 Skill:
A6 Skill:
A7 Skill: Give Me More Power! - Increases the Arsenal Duration.
(0/5) NEXT LEVEL: +3 seconds
A8 Skill: Capture The Flak - Granade Override Skill. While Arsenal is active, digistruct Cluster Granades instead of throwing normal grenades. Cluster Granades explode in the air near surface, causing Digi-splosions and deal massive Explosive Damage around them. Also if you throw a grenade while Arsenal is active, you lose 5 seconds of Arsenal Duration.
(0/1) NEXT LEVEL: "Back home in time for cornflakes."
A9 Skill:
A10 Skill: Ultra Arsenal - While Arsenal is active, as long as you hold down the trigger your weapons keep auto-firing and Arsenal will keep digistructing different weapons around you and in your hands which fire at the general direction of your crosshair before they drop down. Arsenal Duration won't lose seconds due to reloading anymore.
(0/1) NEXT LEVEL: +X000% More Weapons, "Weapons Found: Many."
B-Skilltree (Middle): Hidden Potential
B1 Skill: Truxican Standoff - If you fight more than one enemy at the same time, your Gun Damage and Accuracy is increased.
(0/5) NEXT LEVEL: Accuracy +2%, Gun Damage +2%
B2 Skill: Don't Look At The Explosion - You gain Damage Reduction if you take damage from the sides or from behind. Also grants you Resistance to Explosive Damage.
(0/5) NEXT LEVEL: Damage Reduction +2%, Explosive Damage Resistance +6%
B3 Skill:
B4 Skill:
B5 Skill:
B6 Skill:
B7 Skill:
B8 Skill:
B9 Skill:
B10 Skill:
B11 Skill: Bullet Time - While Arsenal is active, the speed of everything you do is halved, including the Bullet Speed. But the Accuracy of all of your weapons increases by 100% and you gain 50% Damage Reduction.
(0/1) NEXT LEVEL: "Why is he moving so slow?"
C-Skilltree (Right): Normal Everyman
C1 Skill: Safety Fi(r)st - Grants you Shield Regenration and increases your Melee Damage for a few seconds if an enemy hits you before you hit him.
(0/5) NEXT LEVEL: Regenrates 0.3% of your shield per second, Melee Damage +4%
C2 Skill: Lucky Number - Increases your chance for Rare Loot and Jackpots. Also every uneven numbered round in your clip has a chance to Hit Critical.
(0/5) NEXT LEVEL: +1% chance for Rare Loot and Jackpot, +3% Chance to Hit Critical
C3 Skill:
C4 Skill:
C5 Skill:
C6 Skill: Knife Round - Melee Override Skill. While Arsenal is active you digistruct two Jack Knives as Special Melee Attack which you throw automatically at the enemy after using them, dealing Ranged Melee Damage, before they digistruct back into your hands. Every time you use a Melee Attack while Arsenal is active you lose 1 second Arsenal Duration.
(0/1) NEXT LEVEL: "Guns are too quick."
C7 Skill: Life Insurance - Kill Skill. Killing an enemy grants you a stack of Life Insurance. Every stack of Life Insurance increases your Maximum Health and the Fight For Your Life Duration and if you die while Life Insurance is active you pay less for New-U or get Money based on how many stacks of Life Insurance you have. Also if you reach the Stack Cap of Life Insurance you get revived on the spot if you die, but all stacks of Life Insurance will be removed.
(0/5) NEXT LEVEL: +0.2% Maximum Health per stack, +0.2% Fight For Your Life Duration per stack, Life Insurance Stack Cap: 100
C8 Skill:
C9 Skill:
C10 Skill:
C11 Skill: Ideas Are Bulletproof! - While Arsenal is active, you Absorb Damage until your Shield gets depleted. As long as your Shield is depleted your Melee Damage, Gun Damage and Movement Speed increases based on how much Damage you took.
(0/1) NEXT LEVEL: "My turn."
Thread Updates:
(23.10.12) - Posting Thread. I'm not done yet, just want to think some skills trough. Please tell me what you think of my ideas anyway. I hope you don't mind some grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language.