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Class Concept: The Skirmisher


Kal AS The Skirmisher

Hired by the Vladof corporation, he arrived on Pandora to aid the Crimson Raiders in their revolution against Hyperion. Oh, and to open the Vault. And to make a profit. And to kill stuff.

The Skirmisher is particularly skilled in one area: guerilla warfare. Knowing that numbers alone won't bring Hyperion down, he relies on unleashing hell on his enemy and leaving the fight before they can recover and return the favor. To support this, Vladof outfitted his armor suit with newest digistruction technology, giving him the ability to teleport across the battlefield.

Kal's Action Skill is Dimensional Jump. Upon activation, you digistruct yourself and reappear farther in the direction you were looking.

Dimensional Jump is a lot more simple in design than most classes' action skill. It does nothing to aid your damage, health or whatever*, it only makes you extremely mobile. That makes the Skirmisher probably the hardest class to play, because you can't just rely on activating your action skill to deal with everything. To make up for it, Dimensional Jump has an extremely short cooldown: 10 seconds. You may not be a walking DPS machine, but you're more mobile than anything and you can finally be as 'awesome' as ME banshees. You are a glass cannon in a sense: you don't have any kind of health or shield increase or DR, but tons of regen skills, further complimenting the "strike and hide" playstyle.

*this changes if you go down Rifleman.

The Skirmisher's three different skill trees:

Looper lets you become even more banshee-like, improving the jump itself. You won't do much damage when playing as Looper, but you'll be a hell of a distraction for the rest of your team.

Rifleman focuses on coming out of Dimensional Jump, hitting enemies before they even know you're there and disappearing again.

Daredevil improves your melee and 'tankyness'. As Daredevil, you'll want to jump into enemies, melee everything and jump away before the ranged enemies get a bead on you.


Beam Me Up: Increase distance teleported by 5% per level.
Sonic Speed: Increase movement speed by 5% by level.
Aftershock: When reappearing, you release a flash which draws aggro and regens shields by 5%.
Ready Again: Reduce the cooldown by 5% per level.
Decoy: After you teleported away, a decoy is put up, doing corrosive damage to everything which touches it.
Going Deeper: Instead of only jumping once, you jump thrice with 40% distance each. [game changer]
Dodged: You get a 10% chance to ignore bullet damage and 20% after coming out of Jump.
Avoid Death: While in FFYL, you can burstjump at one enemy. Has a heavy cooldown.
Biotic Charge: After coming out of the Jump, you release an corrosive nova, doing rank+x damage.
Dashing Hero: Melee override. When doing a melee attack, you execute a short dimensional jump. Ten second cooldown. [game changer]


Fasterified: Bullet speed and rate of fire increase by 5% per level.
Re-Entry: You get 5% damage and rate of fire after coming out of Jump for five seconds.
Keeping Distance: Accuracy and zoom level increase by 5% per level.
Higher Longer Faster: Increase reload speed, movement speed and recoil reduction by 5%.
More Bullets: 5% higher clip size with every weapon per level.
Phaseout: When using Dimensional Jump while your health is low, you get invincible for ten seconds instead, unable to move but recharging health and shields. Firing or using grenades breaks Phaseout. [game changer]
Meltthrough: When scoring a critical hit, you have a 5% chance to do corrode damage.
Taking Aim: After you scored a critical, your recoil is reduced by 10% and your accuracy improved by 5% per level.
More Boom: When reappearing, you release a corrosive nova.
It's Called Repositioning: After jumping, you are invisible until you fire a shot or use a power. [game changer]


Too Close: 5% Melee Damage per Level.
Still Alive: 5% Health and Shield Regen per Level.
Addicted: Kill Skill. For each kill, you move 10% faster and your melee animation is 10% faster.
Bloodied: Kill Skill. For each kill, your health increases by 5% and your health and shield regen improves by 10% for 5 sec.
Caustic: Your melee attacks do corrosive damage.
Drawn in: when you jump away, [level] enemies in CQC get teleported away too. [no game changer]
Ferocious: When an enemy damages you up close, he gets corrosive spiked.
Hack'n'Slash: Melee Override. Holding F deals a flurry of strikes.
Survivor: Taking damage increases your melee damage for 5% per level for 5 seconds. Doesn't stack.
Second Strike: You get a second knife for your melee attack, dealing slag damage. [game changer]

Kal's ECHO recordings:


Vladof CEO (speaking heavily accented English): We cannot let this situation continue! Our comrades on Pandora are suffering under their oppressors and we have done nothing except sending a few chests filled with weapons!

Vladof Executive#1: Yes, we need to fuel the revolution! Send troops to Pandora!

Vladof Executive#2: I disagree. Troops will only draw their attention to us. I say send one man, well versed in hidden warfare and guerrila attacks. And I think I know the right man for this.


Vladof CEO: I was told you're the best when it comes to this.

Kal: I am.

Vladof: Then we, the Vladof corporation, want to offer you this proposal: ten million dollars for aiding the Crimson Raiders in bringing down the corrupt Hyperion corporation FOR THE REVOLUTION!

Kal: Thirty and we have a deal.

Vladof CEO (thinks for a while): Deal.

(the two shake hands, Kal signs the contract)


(Kal and a Vladof Executive step out of a shuttle and set foot on Pandora)

Kal: So, is there anything I should look out for other than murderous bandits, rebels and Hyperion?

Vladof Executive: There has been talk of a second vault. One that Hyperion's looking for.

Kal: I take it Vladof'll give me a bonus if I open the Vault before Hyperion does?

Vladof Executive: Yes.

Kal: Excellent.


Angel: I think I may have found another Vault Hunter candidate.

(switches ECHO communicator on)

(sounds of gunfire, people screaming)

Hyperion Soldier 1: Where did he go? Wait, he's over th- (screams)

WAR Loader: Lethal methods authorized.

(a flash and a series of gun bursts is heard)

WAR Loader: Repairs required.

(another flash and an explosion)

Kal: That wasn't so hard. Now, be a nice boy and tell me where the nearest outpost of Hyperion or the Crimson Raiders is. Any intel about the Vault would also be nice.

Hyperion Soldier 2: I- I don't know nothing, I'm just a grunt!

(stabbing sound and a scream is heard)

Kal: I don't buy that line and neither should you.

Hyperion Soldier 2: Wait wait wait, I think I left my ECHO communicator somewhere here, maybe the boss'll want to say anything to ya. Please don't kill me.

(ECHO is switched on)

Jack: Look, I'll prefer it if you left my troops alive and kicking. So how about a deal: you leave that base and I'll tell you where you'll find the Raiders. Also, this is totally not a trap.

Kal: Deal. Even if it's a trap.

Jack: So, there's this train that leads to their hideout...

(ten minutes later, Kal has left the base)

Jack: Perfect. That's two rakk killed with one Vault.


Kal wears a heavy armor suit with helmet, similar to this. His melee attack is a knife stab.


The Dark Knight (obviously a Batman reference. Uses the Batman helmet)

Favorite Spot On The Citadel (Mass Effect reference, using the turian helmet)

Dodged This (Matrix + Dahlminator reference, uses Neo's head)

It's Magic (Dishonored, uses Corvo's mask)

Unseen (Assassin's Creed, either Ezio or Altair)

Guild Member (TESV, uses the Guild Master Hood)

Class Mods

Not too sure on how they should look.

Vanguard Class Mod:

Increases melee damage. Gives points to Too Close, Addicted and Caustic.

Sentinel Class Mod:

Increases shield and health regen. Gives points to Still Alive, Bloodied and Ferocious.

Destroyer Class Mod:

Increases RoF. Gives points to Fasterified, Re-Entry and More Bullets.

Marksman Class Mod:

Increases accuracy and critical hit damage. Gives points to Keeping Distance, Meltthrough and Taking Aim.

Whirlwind Class Mod:

Increases movement speed for the team. Gives points to Sonic Speed, Beam Me Up and Dodged.

Traveler Class Mod:

Decreases cooldown. Gives points to Aftershock, Ready Again and Biotic Charge.


There are a few things I'm not too happy about:
  • The placement of Phaseout in the Rifleman tree. But then, Drawn In just fits perfectly as gamechanger for Daredevil.
  • Balance. Imo, It's Called Repositioning is too OP and Dashing Hero too UP for a last skill.
  • I still need to add combat quotes and a few class mods.

Also, I know everyone and their grandmother has posted a character concept, but that idea has been in my head for too long already and iirc no one did a concept like this yet :D

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