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Fan-Character: Fanssy the Lootmaster

Fanssy the Lootmaster

Notes: Fanssy is a reference to ''Fansy'', a notorious MMORPG player who, at a low level, brought high-level enemies towards mid-level players who picked on him.

Also, this is an unfinished project. I have yet to think of a full Skill Tree for this character, but I've got the character's basic concept down.[/SIZE]


The idea is that this is a ''loot'' character that will be mainly used for the farming of guns and other equipment. While one may argue that ''Everyone will pick this class!'' it should be noted that this will not be a strong character in terms of battle. Sure, he will have his skills and whatnots, but it'll be nothing compared to how strong, say, a Zero or a Mechromancer can be. Unless of course, you all think it might be a good idea to buff him up a bit.

Personal Appearance

Fanssy the ''Lootmaster'' will have that gentleman-ish look somewhat like Hammerlock's, but not quite Hammerlock. I think he would look good with somewhat of a ''Nietzsche-styled'' moustache. To make things short, this character would look a bit like like ''Dr. Drake'' from the Dragonology books, only more scarred up and with more of a steampunk-ish style. Perhaps a worn out top hat along with an also worn-out tuxedo. Also, one of them pocketwatches all gentlemen seem to carry around. Also, the character would be around Axton's height.

Action Skill

Alright, this is perhaps the most important part of any character(besides the skill trees, of course). I was thinking Fanssy's Skill Tree would work something like this:

Fanssy pulls out his lucky charm(his pocketwatch) and gives it a spin. For a few seconds, you gain additional Gun Damage(10%), Additional Accuracy(10%). Every enemy killed adds 1% to your chances of obtaining rare loot. Action Skill lasts 10 seconds. 20 second cooldown.


-Okay, so this is the first fan-made character I make. It's not really done yet, as I'm still missing his background and Skill Trees but I just wanted t give you all an idea of what I've got in mind. Feel free to criticize the character, ESPECIALLY the Action Skill if you feel it's a bit overpowered or underpowered. Please be nice and thanks for reading. Also feel free to suggest a different name for the character, haha.

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