Borderlands Blade I Made
Just having some fun with my new belt and handheld sander, and I made this! It's too cool for school!:dukeego: (the sanders mostly) Still working on it, mostly trying to figure out which spray paint...
View ArticleReyd as the WereSkag
So because I found out the more classes are being released, I have an idea I would like to share. A WereSkag class Action Skill: WereSkag Skill Tree #1 would be things that help you as a human Skill...
View ArticleBorderlands 2 Sprite (More coming!)
I remember seeing someone with a sprited Claptrap for an Avatar, got some inspiration and started spriting some BL2 characters. Only have Maya done atm, but this should start this thread out nicely. I...
View ArticleSeraph Weapon Concept: Tediore Pitcher
So, uh, here's mah thing. Pitcher Half full, or half empty? - Decreased magazine size, decreased reload speed, reloading only fills half the clip. Manufacturer: TEDIORE Texture Color 1: MANILLA Texture...
View Articleeridium ideas
They should make a machine in which you deposit a gun and pay 99 eridium. The gun is then level'd up one level,maybe randomly changes elemental effect to another, Or maybe elemental wise you can only...
View Article[TexMod] Gaige Skins
Had some free time on my hands, finally got around to some skinning I've wanted to do for a while. Thanks goes to DoubleTrouble for the original Skimpy Gaige skins. Without further ado, what have I...
View ArticleA Poem To Gaige
Oh Gaige, how playing as you is pretty fun, We don't aim, but we never miss with our gun! "Smash the system" you scream as bullets fly, Watching limbs and heads rolls as bandits die! You should know...
View ArticleTiny Tina on canvas
I just had to share this wonderful canvas that I got in the mail today. I have some pretty amazing friends. Art done by Souzou Inc
View ArticleMy Claptrap cosplay from Pax East 2011-12
Hello there, just wanted to share some Claptrap cosplay i had done at Pax east the last 2 years and a hint of what i have planned for this year. I'm going to include some step by step photos in case...
View ArticleBorderlands the Show!!!
Hey guys -- some very talented filmmakers are getting together to make a fan-based web show, and would really appreciate your support! Check it out here:...
View ArticleHammerlock Seraph weapon videos!
Hi im a borderlands 2 youtuber and have started a new series of seraph weapons in the new hammerlock dlc! Please check out my first episode here!
View ArticleSir Hammerlocks DLC let's play (contains spoilers)
I decided to make a let's play out of the new dlc. This is my first let's play so it contains some "uhms" and the microphone had to high sensitivity, I made a sound check before I started recording but...
View ArticleBorderlands 2 Ebay
This was just a random idea I had while trading, but what if there was a way to advertise your unwanted weapons online and in-game. Thats what Borderlands 2 Ebay would be, and you can post a trade,...
View ArticleBorderlands 2 Multiplayer Hijinks
Hi everyone! I recently uploaded a video featuring some fun moments I've had in four player multiplayer. Thought I would share it here with other fans of the game and series. Watch it, if you'd like!...
View ArticleI so need the new weapon, the Chopper...
I have been a big Arnold fan forever, always quoting him in person and in my live stream show. Got all my friends into it, saw the new weapon called the chopper and the red text "Get to it" and I was...
View ArticleHammerlocks Seraph weapon videos!
Hi I make borderlands 2 videos, right now im doing a series on the seraph weapons in hammerlocks dlc! please check it out here remember if you like...
View ArticleBorderlands 2 Big Game Hunt DLC YouTube Series
In honour of the new Borderland DLC being released, we have made a walkthrough of it would be great if you guys checked it out and AMAZING if you subscribed. We hope you do enjoy our videos....
View ArticleBorderlands 2 weapon videos!
Hi, i am a youtuber who lobes to make borderlands 2 videos. i have recently made a video that in my opinion deserves some attention. its a review on the gun the yellow jacket. you can watch it here...
View ArticleHarlow the Nightingale - Class Idea
((Currently a WIP and readily welcoming suggestions))Now introducing, ((Oh my goodness, this style was hard to replicate. Did a shoddy job of it, too. So thankful I was able to find the Compacta...
View ArticleWhat if your turrets talked
I had this crazy idea What if your turret(s) had an AI that talked like some of the guns in the game? If you ever played Portal 2 and found Wheatley awesome, I’m going for a similar voice here. It...
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