Age: 30
Bio: There isn't much to say about Kevin. He was obsessed with swords and guns and trained to become the best killing machine ever born. Eventually, on his home world of EQ-5, he decided that the people around him weren't lethal enough for him, so he put on his metal helmet and went full on executioner on a crowd of about 1000 people, and then simply bought a ticket to pandora where the people were cool, and knew how to kill ****.
Appearance: Standing at around 6' tall, Kevin is tall, he has a sort of helmet on his head (think like Templar Knights or something) and a metallic color clothes and a purple cape.
Action Skill: Pilage
Kevin pulls out his trusty sword (4-5 feet in length) and digistructs a shield for around 30 seconds. In this mode, Kevin gets a slight buff to movement speed (moving 50% faster than normal) and has +200 melee damage. Also in this mode, the fire button will be the standard melee attack, but the iron sight button will cause you to bash in hostiles with the shield. The shield has a 20% chance of dealing stumble damage, which would cause them to take a second to be able to attack again. Also, in this mode, you have no shield that isn't 'solid', but the digistructed shield takes all of the benefits from the shield you had equipped.
Tree 1: Ripper (focuses on melee build and being able to stay in plunder for a LONG time)
Game Changer:
So hard he EXPLODES: All melee damage comes with additional explosive damage proportional to level, in Pillage mode, Over Kill will transfer to a Nova Explosion
Blood of the Covenant: Every melee kill you make in Pillage heals you back 50% of the damage of the last hit and your team mates for 25%
Battle Madness: Every kill in Pillage extends the duration of the skill by 5 seconds
Skill Tree: Burn (Let's face it, you love setting **** on fire)
2500 degrees F: Causes fire elemental damage to have a 30% chance to do 110% normal (aka, plus 10%) damage against armored foes, but in exchange it has 0% chance of igniting said metallic foe
Smell of Napalm: All non-elemental damage gets a 30% chance of becoming fire damage. All fire weapons will get a +20% chance of igniting the foe, and Melee will become fire damage, with the sword being lit on fire when shown.
Skill Tree:
Black Knight: (Coming Soon)
Bio: There isn't much to say about Kevin. He was obsessed with swords and guns and trained to become the best killing machine ever born. Eventually, on his home world of EQ-5, he decided that the people around him weren't lethal enough for him, so he put on his metal helmet and went full on executioner on a crowd of about 1000 people, and then simply bought a ticket to pandora where the people were cool, and knew how to kill ****.
Appearance: Standing at around 6' tall, Kevin is tall, he has a sort of helmet on his head (think like Templar Knights or something) and a metallic color clothes and a purple cape.
Action Skill: Pilage
Kevin pulls out his trusty sword (4-5 feet in length) and digistructs a shield for around 30 seconds. In this mode, Kevin gets a slight buff to movement speed (moving 50% faster than normal) and has +200 melee damage. Also in this mode, the fire button will be the standard melee attack, but the iron sight button will cause you to bash in hostiles with the shield. The shield has a 20% chance of dealing stumble damage, which would cause them to take a second to be able to attack again. Also, in this mode, you have no shield that isn't 'solid', but the digistructed shield takes all of the benefits from the shield you had equipped.
Tree 1: Ripper (focuses on melee build and being able to stay in plunder for a LONG time)
Game Changer:
So hard he EXPLODES: All melee damage comes with additional explosive damage proportional to level, in Pillage mode, Over Kill will transfer to a Nova Explosion
Blood of the Covenant: Every melee kill you make in Pillage heals you back 50% of the damage of the last hit and your team mates for 25%
Battle Madness: Every kill in Pillage extends the duration of the skill by 5 seconds
Skill Tree: Burn (Let's face it, you love setting **** on fire)
2500 degrees F: Causes fire elemental damage to have a 30% chance to do 110% normal (aka, plus 10%) damage against armored foes, but in exchange it has 0% chance of igniting said metallic foe
Smell of Napalm: All non-elemental damage gets a 30% chance of becoming fire damage. All fire weapons will get a +20% chance of igniting the foe, and Melee will become fire damage, with the sword being lit on fire when shown.
Skill Tree:
Black Knight: (Coming Soon)