So I've been thinking about possible gun manufacturers for Borderlands 3, drawing concepts in my sketchbook, when I recently came across this website:, and instantly started building guns based on my ideas. Thought I'd share mine and invite you guys to create your own and join the discussion
First, Sharpe is a manufacturer that produces armor piercing guns. These weapons would fire rounds that would pass through enemies and perhaps split in two upon exiting the wound. These would be rare, (think Atlas in early Borderlands 1) high powered, low fire rate, high recoil weapons.
Second, Xegoran is an alien manufacturer, developing exclusively E-tech guns. They would be high powered elemental guns, sometimes with unique e-tech weapon behaviors. They would often cost more ammo than conventional weapons, much like Maliwan guns. It would be great if Borderlands 3 goes in the direction of galactic exploration, as the ending of Borderlands 2 might imply. Xegoran guns would be rare on Human dominated planets, and common on alien planets.
Lemme know whatchu think, and feel free to share your manufacturer weapon sheets and ideas!
First, Sharpe is a manufacturer that produces armor piercing guns. These weapons would fire rounds that would pass through enemies and perhaps split in two upon exiting the wound. These would be rare, (think Atlas in early Borderlands 1) high powered, low fire rate, high recoil weapons.

Second, Xegoran is an alien manufacturer, developing exclusively E-tech guns. They would be high powered elemental guns, sometimes with unique e-tech weapon behaviors. They would often cost more ammo than conventional weapons, much like Maliwan guns. It would be great if Borderlands 3 goes in the direction of galactic exploration, as the ending of Borderlands 2 might imply. Xegoran guns would be rare on Human dominated planets, and common on alien planets.

Lemme know whatchu think, and feel free to share your manufacturer weapon sheets and ideas!