This is a thread to highlight what I see as what should be the next four main classes. I will take all suggestions that you give. I may not take very suggestion as this is what I think the next four classes should be.
___ = need a new name that fits.
? = I'm wondering if that should be a feature or not.
#1 ___ the Gunslinger
Overview: A badass cowboy with a robotic arm. Why? Well why not?
Distinctive Features: Male. Robotic left arm. Cowboy hat and boots.
Action Skill: RoboSPLOSION!: Robotic arm turns into a hand cannon while shooting a Jakob's pistol with your right hand.
Melee: A punch to the face with a robotic arm.
Skill Trees:
One Shot Two Kills: The mastering of Jakob's weapons, mostly pistols.
Tier 3 mini game changer:
Tier 6 game changer: 5 shots or 6: Deal 350% damage on enemies on the last shot of a Jakobs pistols. Shots pierce and ricochet and can hit up to two enemies.
Splosion? SPLOSION!: The mastering of the action skill RoboSPLOSION! To the fullest extent.
Tier 6 game changer: A second rocket shooter and a small minigun appear aswell to devastate enemies.
Blew yer hat off: Survivability factors.
Tier 3 mini game changer: High Noon: Gain health when magazine is full.
Tier 6 game changers: Where's my hat? : % chance to avoid death and gain your shield back instantly. A hat (a booster) comes off and if you grap to you gain health regen for a few seconds.
Boom: Focuses on explosive weapons.
#2 Athena the Assasain
I did not create this character but I see it as a great assasain character is the third Borderlands.
Original Thread -
#3 ___ the Siren
Pretty much has to be a siren, or another person with magic like powers, in the game. Main elemental focus: slag.
Distinct Features: Female. Purple glowing tattoos.
Action Skill: Phaseblast: Creates a supernova around the target, dealing a lot of damage in a certain radius. Think phase lock's explosion but a lot better. Can be upgraded to stun enemies.
Melee: She punches. Wait what punches? Yes punches. Ready for a twist? A bigger hand than hers appears and uppercuts the enemy.
Skill Trees:
Purpley Stuff: Focuses on slag capabilities and action skill capabilities.
Tier 3 mini game changer: Slag out: Drops grenades off of enemies hit by Phaseblast. Grenades deal 4x damaged to slag enemies. 5x if there is another UVHM.
Tier 6 game changer: Name Unknown: Anybody hit with Phaseblast creates another Phaseblast on them at 85% power of initial Phaseblast.
#4 ___ the ___
Action Skill: ___: You enter a rage state. 35% health regen immediately amd 5% pers econd after that. 50% increased damage. +100% me lee damage. 50% increased health? Still use guns in this state.
___ = need a new name that fits.
? = I'm wondering if that should be a feature or not.
#1 ___ the Gunslinger
Overview: A badass cowboy with a robotic arm. Why? Well why not?
Distinctive Features: Male. Robotic left arm. Cowboy hat and boots.
Action Skill: RoboSPLOSION!: Robotic arm turns into a hand cannon while shooting a Jakob's pistol with your right hand.
Melee: A punch to the face with a robotic arm.
Skill Trees:
One Shot Two Kills: The mastering of Jakob's weapons, mostly pistols.
Tier 3 mini game changer:
Tier 6 game changer: 5 shots or 6: Deal 350% damage on enemies on the last shot of a Jakobs pistols. Shots pierce and ricochet and can hit up to two enemies.
Splosion? SPLOSION!: The mastering of the action skill RoboSPLOSION! To the fullest extent.
Tier 6 game changer: A second rocket shooter and a small minigun appear aswell to devastate enemies.
Blew yer hat off: Survivability factors.
Tier 3 mini game changer: High Noon: Gain health when magazine is full.
Tier 6 game changers: Where's my hat? : % chance to avoid death and gain your shield back instantly. A hat (a booster) comes off and if you grap to you gain health regen for a few seconds.
Boom: Focuses on explosive weapons.
#2 Athena the Assasain
I did not create this character but I see it as a great assasain character is the third Borderlands.
Original Thread -
#3 ___ the Siren
Pretty much has to be a siren, or another person with magic like powers, in the game. Main elemental focus: slag.
Distinct Features: Female. Purple glowing tattoos.
Action Skill: Phaseblast: Creates a supernova around the target, dealing a lot of damage in a certain radius. Think phase lock's explosion but a lot better. Can be upgraded to stun enemies.
Melee: She punches. Wait what punches? Yes punches. Ready for a twist? A bigger hand than hers appears and uppercuts the enemy.
Skill Trees:
Purpley Stuff: Focuses on slag capabilities and action skill capabilities.
Tier 3 mini game changer: Slag out: Drops grenades off of enemies hit by Phaseblast. Grenades deal 4x damaged to slag enemies. 5x if there is another UVHM.
Tier 6 game changer: Name Unknown: Anybody hit with Phaseblast creates another Phaseblast on them at 85% power of initial Phaseblast.
#4 ___ the ___
Action Skill: ___: You enter a rage state. 35% health regen immediately amd 5% pers econd after that. 50% increased damage. +100% me lee damage. 50% increased health? Still use guns in this state.