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Borderlands 3 - New Vault Hunters

Hello, Community! Today I will show you my ideas about New Vault Hunters in Borderlands 3.

Warning - This article is an experimental project by '' 'RJSnaiper'''.
This article presents the classes that maybe can be in Borderlands 3 (or in an intermediate part, which will be bridged between Borderlands 2 and Borderlands 3).

According to tradition, we will have four classes.

* They will have some differences from the classic gameplay.
** Except the active skill, every class has also ‘underskills’ - the ability to varying degrees of importance and power which can help you in certain situations.
** Some characters have side '' ' non-combat ''' abilities - Jack is able to break into vending machines, Catch&Ride Station and Wilhelm has the facility of weapons customization (you can create unique type of weapons).

* The game will be more command - missions will be more effectively performing with the full set of players.
* RADICAL SOLUTION - now we are players-mobs. That is, if you play less than 4 people, unmanaged character (s) passes under the control of the system.
**'' 'Note: ''' some side quests will require a certain amount of non- bot team.
* Mobs will be much more intelligent than those which had ‘help’ us before (the characters from the first part ). Standard features - they will lift you out of the " Fight for Life", to share ammunition, to fulfill your requirements as the standard (stand there, go here ) and specialized (will depend on the class).

* Some classes will have unique abilities - the game will go beyond the first-person shooter .
**'' 'Example :''' Steele will have underskill "Saber- mode " - will feature gameplay like third person slasher.
(The list of innovations will be updated as new ideas)

And now the description of the classes and characters of the past.
(Reminder - according to user RJSnaiper, the third (or intermediate ) part will have flashbacks to the past).
* Reminder : In addition to the active skills , each class has also underskills.
* Skins characters will affect their performance.
* The game will be a new element - Cold. Reduces the rate of processes like change weapons, movement speed, etc. It does not change only the speed of action and reloading skills.

Commandant Steele - in the prequel she is a victim of genetic experiments that led to the fact that it has become a siren and gained the ability of telekinesis.

* Telekinesis gives her a bonus to aiming and reload rate.

* It is an active skill is ‘Storm of Emotional’ somewhat similar to Phaselock of Maya, but can extend to several opponents ( when bleeding ) .

* Underskill "The Power of Mind" : Still can throw objects and ( pumping ), even enemies.

* Underskill " Not slep" : the ability to " target lock " followed by a homing bullets.
** Less effective with shotguns and rocket launchers. Does not apply to grenades.
** Underskill has ( by default) 25 stacks. Stacks spent with the shooting, and the default flow rate depends on the weapon. Kill an enemy adds stacks (while Underskill is off, stacks are added faster).

Last Underskill and Steele main feature is "'' 'SABER- mode ''' ."
* Steele has melee weapons - katana, stolen during his escape .
* But in the " firing " Still is not using it (instead, she wielded telekinesis ) .
* This mode is designed specifically for this weapon - in fact, "SABER- mode " its slasher. Players remembered Steele as the ninja - assassin - so let it be.

Assassin Skins
*Adept - special clothing for experimental of Atlas Corp. It looks battered superimposed on top of the bandages stained with blood. Improves telekinetic powers of Steele.
*Warm bandit - a warm jacket and jeans. Similar to the attire of Lilith in the first game. Affect the performance and weapon speed, increases the resistance to the elements Corrosion and Cold.
*Death of the Gods - costume of Atlas assasins. In contrast to the classic - black and white. Improves melee damage, Saber- mode increases the movement speed and jump height . Increases resistance to the elements Fire, Explosion and reduces damage from bullets .

As a Wilhelm - yes, you read that right - we will be able to play and this character (RJSnaiper believes that the second part Wilhelm was insufficiently disclosed as a character).
* In the prequel, he is a sniper (so that the look will be different) who fulfilling job for Dahl Corp. He was ambushed and was the only survivor.
* At this point, he stumbles upon a runaway Steele - he saves her ( she hard to keep on her feet).
* In the end, the corporation starting hunt on them.

In terms of gameplay, Wilhelm - a "very active sniper ."
* Scout - it's a sniper and commando rolled into one.
* Active Skill - Sentry '' ' " Hydra " '''. It is the sniper turret - in fact, the second sniper on the battlefield.

* One of underskill - a unique grenade -velcro - teleport '"Jumper"'''. Where scout throw it, there he teleported.
** Will have recharge time - to keep the balance.

* Wilhelm has retractable robotic arm - has further clings above.
** With hand linked underskill '' ' " Wilhelm Beat " ''' - the strike, accompanied by several shock waves. Skill dependent on shield and the character - he spends his energy, and the rate of recovery depends on the capacity ( more - faster).
** Excellent works in conjunction with '' '"Jumper"'''.

* Skill '' ' " Ride " ''' - Wilhelm Digitization mini quad.
** The machine is not equipped with weapons (Wilhelm uses his own) - to maintain the balance . But the speed and maneuverability of the present.

* Wilhelm - left-handed. Some types of weapons ( for example Jakobs sniper rifles) are recharged slowly, but some, on the contrary, faster (weapons of Dahl corporation, recharge faster).

* The unique ability of Wilhelm - the creation of ammunition and weapons customization. Pandora in the prequel has just discovering Catch&Ride, vending machines, etc.

Scout Skins
*'Double blunder ' - a suit sniper. Hooded cloak, his face hidden behind sunglasses. Improves sniper rifles, increases the critical strike damage , increases the chance of saving ammo adds a slow health regeneration. Sentry Hydra gets a chance to backfire.
** The reference to the words of Wilhelm Tell , " Twice in a row I did not smear. "
*'Crisis ' - a suit engineer. Looks like a sloppy hybrid made from Crysis Nanosuit and modern samples of the exoskeleton (these are engineer of Hyperion).
Improves skills " Turret Hydra ", "Jumper", " Wilhelm Beat". Increases the efficiency of weapons customization.
*'' ' Grey Knight ''' - a soldier suite. A cross between a modern soldier and a suit of medieval knight. Improves the performance of rifles, submachine guns and shotguns, increases the damage of grenades, reduces damage from bullets and explosions. Mini quad bike moves faster.

Hot Girl
'' ' " Miss me, sugar? " '''
Yes, yes - in the prequel will allow players to play for the beauty Moxxi!
* Moxii in youth is 50 megatons of badassitude. She is impulsive, attractive, passionate and beautiful fighter.
* Her mission - revenge. " And yours and ours. ' Its main task will be a showdown with her first husband (spoiler - he's from Zaffords but not Mick), secondary - to pit the two clans ( Hodunks and Zaffords) .
* Interesting fact - Moxie not always lived on Pandora. She was on Artemis and Earth.

In fact, she is " light version " of Gunzerker (she is girl - she did not shoot well from the two rocket launchers at once!) .
* It is an active skill '' ' " Macedonian " ''' is a variation of Gunzerking with certain differences.
** When you activate the skill your health JUST regenerating.
** Firstly you can not be recharged two-handed weapons (machine guns, rifles and RPG. '' ' Exception: shotguns and Submachine Guns).
** But at a certain pumping can reduce this disadvantage - a chance to save ammo, double shots, double throw grenades, etc.
** The accuracy will also affect passive skill Fantomas (described below).
Underskill District shooting (see below) is extremely effective in the " Macedonian " .
* Underskill District shooting - Moxxi makes circular firing without spending ammunition (except missiles). A damage, but consumes 50 % shield or a 25 % health. Pumping, the skill can be activated when entering the Fighting for life.
* Skill With a twinkle (something similar to the Krieg’s skills Light the fuse and Pull the pin) - can be activated only in the Struggle for Life.
Moxxi is free to move and throw sticky grenades (zero timer), creating a cloud of random elements (the probability can be increased by using relics elements ).
At the end of the skill to place a stack of Moxxi detonated grenades that give twice the experience for killing the enemy.
*Fantomas - a passive skill, has similarities with Anarchy (Gaige). Increases the damage done in the future, and melee combat. Together with a decrease in accuracy rate GROW weapons.
**When the Macedonians accuracy is reduced by 2 times slower .
** Stacks of " Fantomas " stuffed to 1 for the murder of firearms, 3 for murder in the melee.
**Underskill Pandora’s Massacre to work effectively with maximum number of stacks .
* Underskill Pandora’s Massacre - two armed with machetes, Moxxi will carry on recess. Machete is possible to throw (and can be turned into mines to the detonation).
** Excellent combined with Fantômas.
* Many skills affect the strengthening of the elements, especially Fire.

* Originally from the West - has similarities with the suit of Sheriff as well. Consists of a coat of black gloves, black jeans and matching heavy boots. Completes the image of the cowboy hat. Gives bonuses to Macedonians and the District shot increases the damage of fire.
*Acute mohawk - a suit made in a punk style. Short-sleeved T-shirt and torn jeans in chains. In the hands of bracelets. Hairstyle in the form of spiked Mohawk . Gives bonuses to Fantomas, With a twinkle to melee damage, resistance to explosion.
*Demon Charlie - a latex suit. Hair tucked away in a bun. Bonuses to accuracy, attribute damage, reload rate , different ways of saving ammunition.

This is Handsome Jack! - In the prequel hacker perspective.
* Has problems with his father, who also is involved in the events of the prequel.
* In his youth, Jack was shy and like a nerd, but in every way tried to get rid of it.
* Trying to twist an affair with Moxxi (in this period he finds their "firm " character ). But fate brings him to another...

The main objective of Hacker - hack enemy equipment (vending machines, turret, tachkomaty ) and [ [ shield ]] s opponents ( when pumping can indirectly manipulate enemies ), and the treatment of his team (who, when bleeding can be a excellent healer ) .
* Its gameplay is similar (small things ) the gameplay of Dishonored - can be taken in one hand weapons ( one-handed ) , and in another hack tool ( for all occasions ) .
*'' ' On the Edge ''' - Jack likes to take risks - the smaller the charge shield and the health of the stock, the more effective it all ( Jack ) actions .

* Active Skill - '' ' mini- treatment plant '''. Treats and a spawn point ( in fact, this is a prototype station New - You )
**Actually the first station "New - You " created by Jack.
* First underskill - '' ' call ''' accidental robot - loader as well.
**List of random loaders - Mal, C3n50r837, P3RV-3 and the loader '' 'Cl4ppy-Tr4ppy''' ( in the future of this module loader will be used to create the first CL4P-TP)
*The Volt control - the ability to hack into any object, fed by electricity ( enemy shields as well). It has several variations, among which you can switch.
**Ability can be taken in the left arm.
** Each has a different variation of the rate of recharge .
* Underskill '' ' risk to life ''' - bomb.
** Has several variations.
*When disposing bomb Jack loses a certain percentage of health.
** Killing an enemy or discharging its shield and leads to the regeneration of the health of the Allies.
***Jack’s Health recovers slowly.
** Take a left hand.

*Military Engineer - similar to the costume work, painted in the colors of Hyperion. Bonuses Stations of treatment, loader weapon characteristics, melee damage.
*Bespectacled - maroon jacket, pants and shoes are strict. Points. Bonuses Volt Control recovery skills of the whole team.
*Crazy Energizer - multi-colored T-shirt , pants with metal inserts. Hair stand on end. Bonuses risk to life, On the Edge attribute damage (especially electrical ).

Much more thought out, something will be written later.

Write, evaluate , advise!

P.S Sorry for my English! =D

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