Radiation would be more of a lingering element. Starting off as completely harmless but would get increasingly powerful as you stack it on. However, there may be a certain chance that the enemy may mutate and turn into something stronger or perhaps weaker. As the radiation progresses, they may start to lose their senses or become slower.
The way it would work, each gun would deal a certain amount of stacks. The more radiation stacks an enemy has, the more damage it would do overtime. Stacks would also be gained gradually overtime depending on various factors such as enemy type, the amount of stacks they currently have, and level. After reaching a certain amount of radiation stacks, there would be a chance for the enemy to contract various debuffs.
After reaching the maximum amount of radiation stacks that enemy can hold, it would roll for a chance to see whether they died outright regardless of health, or mutate, making them stronger.
New item card;
Uranium Slugger
Damage: 132
Accuracy: 89.3
Fire Rate: 3.4
Reload Speed: 2.2
Magazine Size: 18
Radiation Dmg/stack/sec: 4.5
Radiation Stacks: 3
Chance to radiate: 6%
Raid bosses would be immune to mutation and instant death but still take damage from radiation. Making it extremely viable as the length of the battle drags on. This opens up a new playstyle towards raid bosses. Sure you can hit a raid boss once with radiation and hide in the corner. But it will take a long time before it dies. A very long time. Perhaps raid bosses could have a max stack limit or a reduced radiation stack gain through weapons and time.
Basically, as soon as you slap an enemy with some radiation. They're pretty much instantly dead. Unless they mutate of course. Thus removing the radiation and getting immunity towards it. It may take awhile, but it's useful against bosses. Which is mainly what this element is focused at here.
Radiation grenades would act like normal elemental grenades. Probably more closer to the corrosive grenades. AoE would deal increased radiation stacks the longer enemies stay within the radiation cloud.
Radiation and you. Enemies can inflict radiation on you as well. Don't think it's just a one way buff. When you have radiation. It will accumulate stacks as how enemies would. Although you can get rid of them. Insta-Health vials would either remove a certain amount of radiation stacks from your system or have a small percentage of removing the status altogether. Either way, if you don't get rid of it. You're going to die.
So what do you think of this new element? Suggestions and feedback are appreciated.
Radiation would be more of a lingering element. Starting off as completely harmless but would get increasingly powerful as you stack it on. However, there may be a certain chance that the enemy may mutate and turn into something stronger or perhaps weaker. As the radiation progresses, they may start to lose their senses or become slower.
The way it would work, each gun would deal a certain amount of stacks. The more radiation stacks an enemy has, the more damage it would do overtime. Stacks would also be gained gradually overtime depending on various factors such as enemy type, the amount of stacks they currently have, and level. After reaching a certain amount of radiation stacks, there would be a chance for the enemy to contract various debuffs.
After reaching the maximum amount of radiation stacks that enemy can hold, it would roll for a chance to see whether they died outright regardless of health, or mutate, making them stronger.
New item card;
Uranium Slugger
Damage: 132
Accuracy: 89.3
Fire Rate: 3.4
Reload Speed: 2.2
Magazine Size: 18
Radiation Dmg/stack/sec: 4.5
Radiation Stacks: 3
Chance to radiate: 6%
Raid bosses would be immune to mutation and instant death but still take damage from radiation. Making it extremely viable as the length of the battle drags on. This opens up a new playstyle towards raid bosses. Sure you can hit a raid boss once with radiation and hide in the corner. But it will take a long time before it dies. A very long time. Perhaps raid bosses could have a max stack limit or a reduced radiation stack gain through weapons and time.
Basically, as soon as you slap an enemy with some radiation. They're pretty much instantly dead. Unless they mutate of course. Thus removing the radiation and getting immunity towards it. It may take awhile, but it's useful against bosses. Which is mainly what this element is focused at here.
Radiation grenades would act like normal elemental grenades. Probably more closer to the corrosive grenades. AoE would deal increased radiation stacks the longer enemies stay within the radiation cloud.
Radiation and you. Enemies can inflict radiation on you as well. Don't think it's just a one way buff. When you have radiation. It will accumulate stacks as how enemies would. Although you can get rid of them. Insta-Health vials would either remove a certain amount of radiation stacks from your system or have a small percentage of removing the status altogether. Either way, if you don't get rid of it. You're going to die.
So what do you think of this new element? Suggestions and feedback are appreciated.