So I decided to do a letter for my character concept and a response letter for the other 6 characters on Tina's invitation to Bunkers and Badasses. I'll start off with the Johnson invitation. I'll do the response letters later.
Johnson's invitation
Heeeeeyyyyyyyyyy Boooooooooo!
Dis Tina. I know we got off on the wrong foot, and by that I meanz you tried shootin me, stabbin me, and blowin me up with my own boom booms but I know deep down that angry, dickish, and sometimes crazy exterior, you really are a nice guy. Soooooo I made you an extra special cool present and I'm inviting to the most awesomest party evas, My Bunkers and Badasses Party. Hope to see you theres.
P.S, Maya's gonna be there wearing a skimpy elf costume. She's wearing it just for Yooooooouuuuuuuuu!
P.S.S, Krieg's gonna be there too so you may want to try and avoid him. He's still a bit peeved at you for capturing him and selling him to Jack for them Hyperion experiments.
P.S.S.S. I think yous kinda cute. Caaaaaaaallllllll Meeeeeeeee!
Axton's response Echo.
Tina, It's Axton. There is no way in hell I'm coming to your nerdy board game party so forget it. Why should I come anyway? You tried to blow my ass up with dynamite and you called me a scrub, you crazy brat! So take your offer, roll it up in a grenade and shove it straight up your cookie loving a.... What the hell is this? "To my bestest friend in the whole wide world" (Unwraps present and see's a huge bomb) Oh crap! (Bomb goes off),... Hey it's Axton, you know the "scrub" (Nervous laughter) What I meant to say was of course I'll come to your party! I was kidding about what I said before, I'm such a kidder. Got your gift, went off with a real "bang" If you know what I mean. Well, see you soon.
Salvador's response Echo
Salvador: (Sounds of Gunfire whizzing in the background) Hola Amiga! It's Salvador! I just got your invite and gift. As long as I get to shoot stuff, count me in!
Bandit: Kill the midget before he steals our guns!
Salvador: Uno Minuto por favor(Salvador screaming like an animal as he kills the Bandit Horde) Okay I'm back. And as for the Dwarves looking like me, that is awesome! Also, no you cannot sit on my shoulders and wear a trench coat. I wouldn't be able to see and being tall is overrated.
Tu Amigo favorito, Salvador
More tomorrow.
Johnson's invitation
Heeeeeyyyyyyyyyy Boooooooooo!
Dis Tina. I know we got off on the wrong foot, and by that I meanz you tried shootin me, stabbin me, and blowin me up with my own boom booms but I know deep down that angry, dickish, and sometimes crazy exterior, you really are a nice guy. Soooooo I made you an extra special cool present and I'm inviting to the most awesomest party evas, My Bunkers and Badasses Party. Hope to see you theres.
P.S, Maya's gonna be there wearing a skimpy elf costume. She's wearing it just for Yooooooouuuuuuuuu!
P.S.S, Krieg's gonna be there too so you may want to try and avoid him. He's still a bit peeved at you for capturing him and selling him to Jack for them Hyperion experiments.
P.S.S.S. I think yous kinda cute. Caaaaaaaallllllll Meeeeeeeee!
Axton's response Echo.
Tina, It's Axton. There is no way in hell I'm coming to your nerdy board game party so forget it. Why should I come anyway? You tried to blow my ass up with dynamite and you called me a scrub, you crazy brat! So take your offer, roll it up in a grenade and shove it straight up your cookie loving a.... What the hell is this? "To my bestest friend in the whole wide world" (Unwraps present and see's a huge bomb) Oh crap! (Bomb goes off),... Hey it's Axton, you know the "scrub" (Nervous laughter) What I meant to say was of course I'll come to your party! I was kidding about what I said before, I'm such a kidder. Got your gift, went off with a real "bang" If you know what I mean. Well, see you soon.
Salvador's response Echo
Salvador: (Sounds of Gunfire whizzing in the background) Hola Amiga! It's Salvador! I just got your invite and gift. As long as I get to shoot stuff, count me in!
Bandit: Kill the midget before he steals our guns!
Salvador: Uno Minuto por favor(Salvador screaming like an animal as he kills the Bandit Horde) Okay I'm back. And as for the Dwarves looking like me, that is awesome! Also, no you cannot sit on my shoulders and wear a trench coat. I wouldn't be able to see and being tall is overrated.
Tu Amigo favorito, Salvador
More tomorrow.