Preface (Please Read): ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Many of the mods included in the compilation we're made by the very talented people at Cheat Engine. I have also included updates, fixes and mods made by myself as well. Everything was updated to be of working order as of the latest update (With out without the expansions), future updates (Theoretically should be future proof) and previous versions of the game. This project was a labor of love for the game. While I personally don't like to "cheat", I have included plenty of features to mess around with. As how the game was made and through personal effort, I have tried my best to make sure that a majority of the mods will only work if you are the host. This is to prevent random people from joining ongoing games and ruining things. By making it so only the host can use them, users can decide if they want to join someones game using the mods. The mods are safe, won't cause save or data corruption or cause any harm to the game or your computer. I went through every single one to make sure there's no problems or conflicts while playing alone or hosting a game. I do not condone any mods that will ruin the game or the experience for the player or those playing with the player. I have put in over a thousand of hours into the game both playing and working on this project and had no major issues, but with that said, use at your own risk. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mods Included: *Teleport Mod -Allows you to quick save and restore 3 (or more) positions and quickly return to them with the press of a button. Also allows you to warp all your co-op partners to you, warp to a specific player or warp a specific player to you. *Blink Mod -One of my favorites, lets you teleport to where you last fired with the press of a button. Very useful to get to places you normally couldn't get to or simply getting around faster. Think of the blink spell from Dishonored but in gun form. *Loot Control and Scalar -A fun one, it scales the loot models while on the ground based on rarity. Normal items have the normal scale while rare, legendary and pearl item models scale to their rarity. The rarer the item, the more they stand out. Great for farming so you can quickly spot items at a distance. Also by pressing print screen, you can teleport all the items to your current location, delete all the common loot or everything with the press of a button. *Enemy Swapper -Lets you swap out one spawn with another using a GUI. Also using the keyboard, you can reset all spawns to make enemies and even bosses spawn again, decrease and increase the amount of enemies that spawn. *Loot Sploder -Exponentially increases the amount of items that drop from the loot pools. This does not increase the drop rates but increase the number of items that drop. Useful when playing in co-op to increase the amount of loot to spread among the players. *Camera Mods -Third Person and Free Camera Mods. Lets you play in third person and also have complete control of the camera. *Item Rarity Drop Mod -Lets you modify each rarity level drop rates as well as the drop rates for skins and how often they drop from bosses and enemies. *Item Leveler -Found an awesome weapon you don't want to get rid of or an item you can't use yet? With the press of a button, you can level it to any level you want. By default it levels the item to your current level. *Slow Motion -Lets you change the time scale of the game to either slow down time or speed it up. Think of bullet time from the matrix. *Players Only -Another of my favorites, great for screenshots. It freezes everything but the player in place. This includes special effects, bullets, explosions, enemies and so on with the press of a button. *Fly/Ghost/No Clipping -Lets you fly around the map as well as clip through solid objects. *Fake More Players Difficulty Mod -Playing solo or with a buddy and want a better challenge or loot? Simply enable this to fool the game into thinking there are four players playing co-op. *Super Speed and Jump -Lets you modify the walk and run speed as well as the jump height. Great to get around quicker or imitate superman by jumping over tall buildings in a single leap. *Fix Slot Machine and Dice -Updated to the latest DLC! Lets you control the odds for the slot machines, the dice slots and the slot chests. You can choose where they land now and what effects they have. *Day and Night Mod -Another one great for screenshots, lets you change the day/night time scale as well as let you control the time of day. *Invisibility -Lets you become invisible to the enemy AI, you are still visible but the enemies will ignore you even if you shoot them int he face like you weren't even there. *Model Scalar -Lets you scale the player model to any size you want. It will also modify the player's hitbox as well. So want to be a 100 foot tall siren? Now here you go. Oh and theres a screenshot below of it in action. |
- Location Teleport Mod
- How to use:
- Start CE.
- Attach CE to BL2.
- Execute the Lua script. (Ctrl+Alt+L)
- Enable the Teleport Mod Enabler in the cheat table under [Scripts] -> [Lua Script Enablers]
- Press <Numpad 0> to Store Location
- Press <Numpad .> to Load Location
- Use the <Numpad Keys 1 - 3> to change the save slot
- By using the numpad keys, you can store up to 3 different
save locations
- Press <Numpad +> to warp all the players to your current location
- Press <Numpad 4 - 6> to warp a specific player to you
- Player 2 = Numpad 4
- Player 3 = Numpad 5
- Player 4 = Numpad 6
- Press <Numpad 7 - 9> to warp to a specific player
- Player 2 = Numpad 7
- Player 3 = Numpad 8
- Player 4 = Numpad 9
- Blink Mod
- How to use:
- Start CE.
- Attach CE to BL2.
- Execute the Lua script. (Ctrl+Alt+L)
- Enable the Blink Mod Enabler in the cheat table under [Scripts] -> [Lua Script Enablers]
- Fire a shot
- Press <Q> or <F6> to teleport to your last bullet position
- This is either where the bullet hole is or where the bull drops off in the
distance. Please note that elemental or multi-shot weapons may be buggy.
- Loot Control and Scalar Mod
- How to use:
- Start CE.
- Attach CE to BL2.
- Execute the Lua script. (Ctrl+Alt+L)
- Enable the Loot Control and Scalar Enabler in the cheat table under [Scripts] -> [Lua Script Enablers]
- Press <Delete> to delete all loot from the area
- Press <=> to delete all the non-rare loot from the area
- Press <Print Screen> to teleport all the loot in the area to you
- Sclar Mod:
- This sclar mod will scale the visual appearance of the loot on the ground
based onr arity. Legendary (Orange) loot will appear large while Common,
white loot will appear smaller.
- Enemy Swapper Mod and Spawn Manipulator
- Start CE.
- Attach CE to BL2.
- Execute the Lua script. (Ctrl+Alt+L)
- Enable the Enemy Spawn Swapper Mod in the cheat table under [Scripts] -> [Lua Script Enablers]
- <INSERT> to find the dens in the current area.
- <HOME> will reset the kill counts of all dens to 0.
- <SCROLL LOCK> will max the kill counts of all dens at 255.
- <PAGEUP> and <PAGEDOWN> will increase/decrease the amount can spawn from each den.
- <PAGEUP> after you have reached the enemy limit will cause only 1 more spawn.
- <END> will sieve through the dens found earlier and swap out the adult varkid for vermi.
- <PAUSE BREAK> will reset all dens back to their original spawn counts and spawns
- Kill off current varkid population.
- When you see a larva, run (as all varkids, when they are unable to cause damage to a player,
- will want to evolve). Wait for the adult pod to hatch, spawning the vermi.
Third Person Mod:
Player Model Scalar
Blink Mod and Swapper
Awesome screenshots by my friend WaxxFetish:
These we're taking with the help of the compilation with the combination of freeze frame (PlayersOnly), the camera mod and others.
Tweaked WillowEngine.ini Settings. These will greatly increase the graphic fidelity of the game, the shadow maps, texture and shadow size and loading speed as well as other tweaks. Some of the above screenshots use these settings. Note, these tweaks were made for optimal graphic quality compared to the FPS loss. A decent machine is recommended to use them.
Final Note:
Please use responsibly. I know this won't be for everyone so please refrain from any hateful or negative replies. I have tweaked and tried to make the compilation fun for everyone and keep it from negatively impacting other people's games. So if you don't want to use it? Fine. Don't want to play with people using it? Simply leave their game. Most of the included mods aren't permanent and will simply revert back to normal when you leave the game.
Now with that said, if you run into any problems, have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to let me know. If you do encounter a problem, check my Google Drive or Dropbox for any updates (I try to update weekly if not daily when I encounter a problem) for any potential fixes or updates. Also included is a Debug Log window that will output verbose information on what is happen with many of the mods. If you encounter a problem, please try checking that for an error message.
You will need to install Cheat Engine to use these. I recommend grabbing the cetrainer file as it automates attaching to Borderlands.exe and executing the LUA script when you start it up. Note that the cetrainer and ct files are identical except for the file extension. They are plain text, XML files and contain no binary data. They are completely safe and malware free.
Mod Compilation Mirrors
These will always contain the latest updates.
Borderlands 2 Base Directory