I've been thinking for a while, and came up with these
Name: Sonik
Class: Paladin
Style: dont give a ****, not one (yes, that is his style)
Action skill: Sonic repeller: Creates a sonic shield around Sonik, doubling his shield potential, cripeling all melee attackers (the damage actually gets inflicted before impact, stunning all non-boss units if they try), gives a ridicilous shield recharge (which diminishes over period, being not so effective in the last couple seconds) with no delay at all (as i said, dont give a ****), and can be uncharged into your enemies face doing damage equal to 2-3 times total remaining shield health into a cone, dealing Sonic damage (high damage to armor and health, medium to shields).
Background: Sonik was imprisoned by hyperion for weapon testing. Hyperion armed him with a special glove that creates massive sonic waves. expecting the test subject to pop into a wave off blood upon use, they never thought off injecting a shutdown mechanism. but Sonik survived, and is now after Jack, trying to beat him in finding the vault.
personality: Sonik is rather young (about 19 years old) and talks in a aphetetic fashion, only interupted by sadistic chuckles and sarcastic grins.
Melee attack: other than the other characters, sonic actually melees with his right hand, quickly grabbing his weapon with his left, and bashes the enemy with a sonic impact.
Skill trees:
Noise: upgrades the action skill and his melee and shields to some extend
Anger(management): a skill that increases accuracy, decreases recoil, and gives a wide variatity of kill skills
Smithing: is like the Noise tree, but more orientated towards shields and damage, including a tier 3 kill skill that will make enemies explode in a sonic bang, or the end skill which grants a kill boost that will make all your bullets (only bullets) explode.
And this char
Name: Vex
Style: I'm just such an annoying bitch
Action skill: feeding time: as the name suggests, Vex can call out some nice, geneticly modifeid pandorian creatures to attack and harrass (which is why she is a bitch) enemies. depending on target, the Beastmaster will summon units ( around 5). if the target is killed, the beast will simply attack the nearest enemy.
when used on a non pandorian creature with pandorian creatures around, the pandorian creatures will shift (so only temporary) to the non-pandorian enemies.
Flying non-creatures & bosses (i do mean stuff like Saturn, the Warrior, BNK-3R): Sparrakk: Rakks with big, extra sharp beaks, oh, and just big. divebomb into enemies, bashing them away, and scrapes them with claws. especially effective effective against Buzzards.
Normal non-creatures: stalkja: Stalkers with bladed wings and scytes as claws, will appear out of nowwhere and attack units with leaping attacks.
Pandorian creatures: Skag-ops: special skags. they have both a ranged and melee (dash) attack. the ranged attack can be compared to a bolt-version of Dukinos moms lasor.
Personality: Kinda like Moxxi, but more bitchy
Skill trees:
Dominatrix:crowd control focussed, mainly by adding extra effects to the AS. also has a skill that increases melee range (yup range, to 400 % (she uses a whip, so)) and damage.
Instinct: slightly on health,but also on the power of the AS and inteligence of your animals. last skill will summon an additional creature for every nearby enemy (these will first attack the enemy they are assigned to)
civilized: almost fully focused around skills with guns, but last skill will give all your pets a cannon (because.... **** you, thats why)
and last
Name: Natasha (this already betrays the rest)
Class: still choosing between Patriot and Terrorist
Playing style: Explosions everywhere
Action skill: ion Disruptor: uses a special device to create a energy disturbance in the area. the area will then generate random explosions for a period of time. the longer you aim with the device, the smaller the zone, which is good for bosses, but do note, the zone is stationary so if your enemy runs, its all for nothing.
Personality: stereotype Russian. nuff' said
Skill trees:
Extremism: Increases the effectivity of AS with stuff like more explosions, additional DOT, and even smart splody molecules.
Patriotism: Based around survival and resistance, and things like having a chance to absorb bullets without wearing absorb shield,
Terrorism: Weapon based, but especially around launchers and grenenades. last skill also kinda promotes the use of Vladof weaponry by making every fired round increase rof and a chance to use no bullets (up to 75%), of course, it works with other guns but the chance drops by some percents every secs so better grab something fast
Melee: Zaps the enemy with the device
All critics, ideas and comments are welcome
Name: Sonik
Class: Paladin
Style: dont give a ****, not one (yes, that is his style)
Action skill: Sonic repeller: Creates a sonic shield around Sonik, doubling his shield potential, cripeling all melee attackers (the damage actually gets inflicted before impact, stunning all non-boss units if they try), gives a ridicilous shield recharge (which diminishes over period, being not so effective in the last couple seconds) with no delay at all (as i said, dont give a ****), and can be uncharged into your enemies face doing damage equal to 2-3 times total remaining shield health into a cone, dealing Sonic damage (high damage to armor and health, medium to shields).
Background: Sonik was imprisoned by hyperion for weapon testing. Hyperion armed him with a special glove that creates massive sonic waves. expecting the test subject to pop into a wave off blood upon use, they never thought off injecting a shutdown mechanism. but Sonik survived, and is now after Jack, trying to beat him in finding the vault.
personality: Sonik is rather young (about 19 years old) and talks in a aphetetic fashion, only interupted by sadistic chuckles and sarcastic grins.
Melee attack: other than the other characters, sonic actually melees with his right hand, quickly grabbing his weapon with his left, and bashes the enemy with a sonic impact.
Skill trees:
Noise: upgrades the action skill and his melee and shields to some extend
Anger(management): a skill that increases accuracy, decreases recoil, and gives a wide variatity of kill skills
Smithing: is like the Noise tree, but more orientated towards shields and damage, including a tier 3 kill skill that will make enemies explode in a sonic bang, or the end skill which grants a kill boost that will make all your bullets (only bullets) explode.
And this char
Name: Vex
Style: I'm just such an annoying bitch
Action skill: feeding time: as the name suggests, Vex can call out some nice, geneticly modifeid pandorian creatures to attack and harrass (which is why she is a bitch) enemies. depending on target, the Beastmaster will summon units ( around 5). if the target is killed, the beast will simply attack the nearest enemy.
when used on a non pandorian creature with pandorian creatures around, the pandorian creatures will shift (so only temporary) to the non-pandorian enemies.
Flying non-creatures & bosses (i do mean stuff like Saturn, the Warrior, BNK-3R): Sparrakk: Rakks with big, extra sharp beaks, oh, and just big. divebomb into enemies, bashing them away, and scrapes them with claws. especially effective effective against Buzzards.
Normal non-creatures: stalkja: Stalkers with bladed wings and scytes as claws, will appear out of nowwhere and attack units with leaping attacks.
Pandorian creatures: Skag-ops: special skags. they have both a ranged and melee (dash) attack. the ranged attack can be compared to a bolt-version of Dukinos moms lasor.
Personality: Kinda like Moxxi, but more bitchy
Skill trees:
Dominatrix:crowd control focussed, mainly by adding extra effects to the AS. also has a skill that increases melee range (yup range, to 400 % (she uses a whip, so)) and damage.
Instinct: slightly on health,but also on the power of the AS and inteligence of your animals. last skill will summon an additional creature for every nearby enemy (these will first attack the enemy they are assigned to)
civilized: almost fully focused around skills with guns, but last skill will give all your pets a cannon (because.... **** you, thats why)
and last
Name: Natasha (this already betrays the rest)
Class: still choosing between Patriot and Terrorist
Playing style: Explosions everywhere
Action skill: ion Disruptor: uses a special device to create a energy disturbance in the area. the area will then generate random explosions for a period of time. the longer you aim with the device, the smaller the zone, which is good for bosses, but do note, the zone is stationary so if your enemy runs, its all for nothing.
Personality: stereotype Russian. nuff' said
Skill trees:
Extremism: Increases the effectivity of AS with stuff like more explosions, additional DOT, and even smart splody molecules.
Patriotism: Based around survival and resistance, and things like having a chance to absorb bullets without wearing absorb shield,
Terrorism: Weapon based, but especially around launchers and grenenades. last skill also kinda promotes the use of Vladof weaponry by making every fired round increase rof and a chance to use no bullets (up to 75%), of course, it works with other guns but the chance drops by some percents every secs so better grab something fast
Melee: Zaps the enemy with the device
All critics, ideas and comments are welcome