What do you think they look like? Atlas has the Crimson Lance, or they did not sure if they still do, or if Atlas still exists. Hyperion we've seen a bunch of their soldiers in both games. Dahl I guess have commando squads based on Axton.
So that leaves Jakobs, Torgue, Vladof, and Maliwan. Well I dunno what Gearbox had in mind, but yesterday during class, a thought popped into my head. I doodled it down, thought it looked pretty good so I redid it on photoshop. What do you guys think?
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Maliwan Heavy Weapons Solder.
So that leaves Jakobs, Torgue, Vladof, and Maliwan. Well I dunno what Gearbox had in mind, but yesterday during class, a thought popped into my head. I doodled it down, thought it looked pretty good so I redid it on photoshop. What do you guys think?

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Maliwan Heavy Weapons Solder.