Alright, funny story this, I was messing around with the magic circle overlay for the 'Chaos Reigns' skin. Since the default max resolution for this overlay is 256x256, which is glaringly pixelated at 1080p, I grabbed a hi-res magic circle from google images [and I mean high-res] and replaced the original. I stuck it in at 1024, hoping that it didn't have to be the same size as the original.
And whaddya know, it doesn't.
So I immediately reverse-searched the original overlay texture, found a 900x900 version (exact same everything) and used that to quickly bundle up a hi-res magic circle mod.
If you need help with using the mods, check out this fantastic guide by TheAdipose.
Using these mods will not cause any problems with online play.
Without further ado, what have I done?
- Better Magic Circles
- Cluttered Magic Circles
If you are using other texmods alongside this, make sure this is at the top of the list. [I believe I unthinkingly left the default overlays in my latest Robo-Gaige skin, so if you have the load order wrong the better versions will be re-replaced. Derp. I'll fix that sometime.]
Here's the good 'ole side by side comparison:
Order goes: Original / Better / Better + Cluttered
Just a note, there's horrible seams where this overlay crosses them and just stops. I can't do anything about that I'm afraid, their positioning is predetermined. I'll be damned if I know why they released it with such poor resolution versions of the overlays in the first place. What with all the bugs it's looking increasingly likely that they just rushed the release.
Anyway, I was amused that I actually found a perfect copy of it online though, I guess I just assumed they made all their own assets. Here's the place I found it if you wanna check it out. Feel free to request alternative magic circles / overlays in general.
And whaddya know, it doesn't.
So I immediately reverse-searched the original overlay texture, found a 900x900 version (exact same everything) and used that to quickly bundle up a hi-res magic circle mod.
If you need help with using the mods, check out this fantastic guide by TheAdipose.
Using these mods will not cause any problems with online play.
Without further ado, what have I done?
- Better Magic Circles
- Cluttered Magic Circles
If you are using other texmods alongside this, make sure this is at the top of the list. [I believe I unthinkingly left the default overlays in my latest Robo-Gaige skin, so if you have the load order wrong the better versions will be re-replaced. Derp. I'll fix that sometime.]
Here's the good 'ole side by side comparison:
Order goes: Original / Better / Better + Cluttered

Just a note, there's horrible seams where this overlay crosses them and just stops. I can't do anything about that I'm afraid, their positioning is predetermined. I'll be damned if I know why they released it with such poor resolution versions of the overlays in the first place. What with all the bugs it's looking increasingly likely that they just rushed the release.
Anyway, I was amused that I actually found a perfect copy of it online though, I guess I just assumed they made all their own assets. Here's the place I found it if you wanna check it out. Feel free to request alternative magic circles / overlays in general.