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Create-A-Class:Boom Boom

My Too Long To Read Idea:

Boom Boom.

Special Ability "If it doesn’t explode its CR*P!" (Spoken with a Scottish accent ;-) )

All Damage is explosive for a short duration. (Ideally this would be in addition to whatever elemental effect a weapon already has rather than converting
Elemental type to explosive."

One tree would be based on grenades, one on survival, and one on rocket launchers. I placed what each skill does not the specific bonuses because it would have to be balanced out.

Tree 1, Grenades (Hate Machine)

1) Decreased Damage from your own grenades

2) Grenade Mods are cheaper for you and sell for more.(Good for early game)

3) Decreased Grenade Timer

4) Bonus Grenade Damage

5) Additional Grenades

6) Grenades have a chance of healing teammates.

7) Bonus Grenade Radius

8) Killing something with a Grenade gives you a grenade.

9) Take less Damage from grenades. (Stacks with #1 when talking about your own grenades making point blank grenading less full of death.)

10) Activating you special during "Fight for Your Life" throws all your remaining grenades in a circle around you. (If you have #11 this becomes ludicrous and
Would almost assuredly give you a second wind if there are any creatures around. Assuming you have grenades left.)

11) Tossing 1 Grenade tosses an additional grenade in a V pattern.(Does not use additional grenade ammo)

Tree 2, Survival (Tankin' Aint' for losers)

1) Increased Max Health

2) Increased Shields

3) Killing something regens health/shields briefly

4) Less Damage taken from Explosive and Fire

5) Less Damage Taken from Caustic and Electric

6) Faster run when Shields are down.

7) Killing something Increases Shields Past Max for a short duration and slowly drops to normal. Can Stack.

8) "Fight for Your Life" Duration increased.

9) Faster Health/Shield Regen

10) Shields are doubled (In addition to #2)

11) "I'm too Pretty to Die” Any hit that would knock you to "Fight for your Life" has a chance instead of triggering an explosive Nova and doing no damage.

Tree 3, Rocket Launchers (Launchers Suck.....for you.)

1) Increased projectile speed with launchers.

2) Increased Weapon switch Speed.

3) Quicker Reload.

4) Increased Clip Size

5) Increased Damage

6) Increased ammo carrying capacity.

7) Random Elemental effect Added each shot.

8) Launcher kills increase firing speed, projectile speed, and decrease reload time for a short duration.

9) Launcher kills regen launcher ammo.

10) Projectiles slightly track targets. (Not enough to shoot straight up and hit a target but a near miss would veer into the target.

11) Activating your power while wielding a launcher will fire every remaining rocket in the clip in rapid succession, reload very quickly and do it again
Until you are out of ammo or your power wears off.

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