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New Character: Mortimer The Mineworker.

Where do I start? Oh yeah, by introducing my idea and so on and so forth.

Story: Mortimer is a Pandoran native, one whose lived through Dahl, Atlas, and now Hyperion exploitation. A retired but enthusiastic miner, one day Eridium erupted from the backyard of his rural house. Gathering his friends and their gear from an old Dahl site, they got to work mining the purple gold. Wasn't mean to last however, Hyperion loaders and orbital bombardments killed his group and took the claim from him through force. With nowhere else to go and with some proper persuasion, he figures to search for the Vault. Loads of treasure and source ( most likely motherlode) of Eridium on Pandora, what's not to like?

Appearance: Mortimer is a man in his late sixties, standing just above Axton in height with a doughy build. Gray shaggy hair, short beard, and small round rim glasses adorn his round and pleasant face. He sorta looks like a gritty santa if you think about it. His outfit is a set of overalls fitted with his gear, pockets full of things like cartridges and dynamite while a large tool belt filled with his bombs and holding his canteen is looped around his waist. Underneath that is a bulletproof vest painted yellow with two orange safety lines across it vertically. Under THAT is a long sleeved and thin striped white/cream shirt. Outfitted on his right arm is a shoulderpad made out of hyperion scrap metal and a long leather glove while his feet simply have thick stomping boots on over the overalls.


Action Skill - Payload: Mortimer throws out a special proximity bomb that hovers and homes in on enemies that move close to it. Toss range is moderate. CD is 20 seconds but starts refreshing when Payload is tossed rather than when it explodes. You may only have 2 Payloads out at a time and they self destruct after 60 seconds.

His Green Tree is Hermit, focusing on improving his long/medium range damage, control and the ability to secure the area around him.

Experienced T1 5 ranks - Improves Critical Hit Damage and Reload Speed by 3 and 4% per rank.
Seeing Stars T1 5 ranks - Payloads have a chance to Daze enemies damaged by it, reducing movement and accuracy for a few seconds. 20% chance, 10% move/acc. reduction per rank.
King of The Hill T2 5 ranks - Improves Gun Damage by 6% against enemies who have less percent health than you per rank.
Caution T2 5 ranks - Improves Shield Capacity by 4% passively and causes Mortimer to gain 4% Movement Speed while Payload is active and for a few seconds after it detonates.
Stay Off the Lawn T3 1 rank - You now lob two Payload bombs and can have 4 up at a time. Self destruct timer up by 4 minutes. "Better than a magic lawn gnome."
Rooster Call T3 5 ranks - Shooting a Dazed enemy in a weak spot causes 12% bonus damage per rank but immediately ends the effect.
Old Dog Trick T3 5 ranks KILL SKILL - Killing an enemy reduces Recoil and improves Accuracy by 5% per rank for a few seconds.
He's Still Got it T4 1 rank - You can now use your scope while in Fight For Your Life. "Only the good die young. That's why you're better than good."
Focus Fire T4 5 ranks - Gain up to 6% Gun Damage and 8% Aim Speed per rank to targets you've repeatedly shot. The more targets under Focus Fire causes the bonus to maximize and decay faster.
Man Killer T5 5 ranks - Killing an enemy with a critical hit has a 5% chance per rank to make the next shot fired a critical as well.
Senile Shots - Your shots now have a 10% chance to Daze targets. "Old age isn't so bad compared to the alternative."

Blue Tree is Boomshine, focusing on making Payload a straight forward damage boost and improving explosives.

Tick Tick Tick... T1 5 ranks - Reduces Shield Recharge Delay by 6% and Fuse Time on Grenades by 0.2 secs. per rank.
100% Krakow Tier 1 5 ranks - Improve explosion splash radius by 4% and gain 4% Explosive Resistance per rank.
Boom! T2 5 ranks - Improves Explosive Damage by 4% per rank.
Elbow Grease T2 5 ranks KILL SKILL - Improves Cooldown Rate by 7% and Bullet Speed by 4% per rank after killing an enemy.
Pocket Rocket T3 1 rank Action Augment - Payload is transformed into a missile that fires at where you point your crosshair. "Damn right I'm happy to see you."
Crotch Rocket T3 5 ranks - Improves Payload damage by 3% and Launcher Damage by 5% per rank.
Secret Stash T3 5 ranks - Grenades and Launchers have a 2% chance per rank to not consume ammo when used. Boosts Launcher Max. Ammo by 10% per rank.
Love the Smell T4 1 rank - Explosives now have a 10% chance to Burn even when they're not incendiary. This percentage stacks onto incendiary Launcher % chance to Burn. "Taste the meat, not the heat."
And Boom Goes the Dynamite T5 5 ranks - Enemies have a 3% chance to spawn a baby grenade from their bodies when killed.
Blood Hound Tier 6 1 rank - Your Payload now homes in on targets, acting as a Transfusion with a chance to slag on explosion. "In all things explosive there is something marvelous."

Now, Red Tree is Mountain Man focusing on close range fighting and toughness. Uses Action Skill more like a free grenade.

Man and a Half T1 5 ranks - When your shields are depleted, gain 6% movement speed and 3% Melee Damage.
Grudge T1 5 ranks - Attacks that harm you improve your next attack against the assaulter by 3% per rank. This skill has a CD of 3 secs per attack.
Huge Guts T2 5 ranks - Improves Max. Health and FFYL time by 4% and 2 seconds per rank.
Hobo with a Shotgun T2 5 ranks - Improves Shotgun Damage and Accuracy by 3%
Heigh Ho T3 1 rank MELEE OVERRIDE - Throw your pickaxe, dealing massive damage to enemies you hit. 15 second cooldown. "Get to work."
Old Man Reaver T3 5 ranks - Critical Hits have a 4% chance per rank to Reave, dealing additional damage. Reave damage 1/2/3/4/5.
Lead Belly T3 5 ranks - 3% chance per rank to absorb shots and add the absorbed round to your magazine. This chance is seperate from Absorb shields.
16 Tons T4 5 ranks - Gain up to 6% damage reduction and 4% melee damage depending on how low your health is.
Liver Eater T4 5 ranks - Melee Attacks give 0.4% health regen per rank for a few seconds and melee kills give back 2% Max. health per rank.
Canary Call T5 5 ranks - Proximity Bomb now calls 1/2/3/4/5 Rakk to attack your enemies for a short while when it explodes.
Wet My Whistle T6 - Every enemy you kill grants a stack of Bloodthirsty, gaining a bonus 2% to Gun Damage, Melee Damage, Reload Speed, Movement Speed, and 0.4% health regen per stack capping at 20 stacks. Bloodthirsty decays slowly out of combat and is wiped in FFYL. "Granted, blood isn't a good lubricant for a whistle."

Will add more as I get the reception on skills.

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