litterly the class and race is monster hybrid stalker or somthing close to it yes furry site clean safe for work pic if ti doesnt show up tell me. but the guy sitting on top can be idea of the anthromorphic like. or the creature in the chair a Sergal but still.
action skill would be adrin rush [or somthing] due to stalkers electrical cloaking he loses this ability [sense zero is your cloaker] but it manifests in the matrix like rush or crysis games rush mod ein armor. or fables slow time spell. or you get constant running while fighting melee attacks are claw based in and out of action skill but you can perform a leap attack if near by enemy BUT the catch for it is the power surge to trigger it shorts the shield out so if dont get all enemys while in the skill which gives reduction in damage and stuff you hve to seek shelter. skills in skill tree can reduce how much shorts out how much slow motion effect works. [or how fast you can run in it if cant get the slowmotion effects to work with multiplayer]
skill tree can also send this effect to other party members but reduced bonuses.
story he is an experiment from hyperion slag experiments one of th elucky ones even though he looks like a constant monster. he travels to pandora to stick i tto hyperion as well only place that could accept him. he does have the silent but reclusive nature. [zero seems more of a lone wolf nature and not truely reclusive]
yet skill trees not sure of at moment this can be discussed lol yes furry site clean safe for work pic if ti doesnt show up tell me. but the guy sitting on top can be idea of the anthromorphic like. or the creature in the chair a Sergal but still.
action skill would be adrin rush [or somthing] due to stalkers electrical cloaking he loses this ability [sense zero is your cloaker] but it manifests in the matrix like rush or crysis games rush mod ein armor. or fables slow time spell. or you get constant running while fighting melee attacks are claw based in and out of action skill but you can perform a leap attack if near by enemy BUT the catch for it is the power surge to trigger it shorts the shield out so if dont get all enemys while in the skill which gives reduction in damage and stuff you hve to seek shelter. skills in skill tree can reduce how much shorts out how much slow motion effect works. [or how fast you can run in it if cant get the slowmotion effects to work with multiplayer]
skill tree can also send this effect to other party members but reduced bonuses.
story he is an experiment from hyperion slag experiments one of th elucky ones even though he looks like a constant monster. he travels to pandora to stick i tto hyperion as well only place that could accept him. he does have the silent but reclusive nature. [zero seems more of a lone wolf nature and not truely reclusive]
yet skill trees not sure of at moment this can be discussed lol