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Character Class Concept: The Modifier

Warning, BIG ASS WALL OF TEXT, 90% chance of tl:dr

All names and flavor text subject to change in case of copyright or simply not being good enough.

Name: (Pending), not good at naming people
Class: The Modifier
Race: Asian or Italian, maybe a mix? Not sure on that either (would model it after myself but that’s way too dorky)
Age: Late 20s or Early 30s

Background: too lazy, will do more later. Something about having to leave his planet to lay low (but that sounds like Gaige too much) or simply hearing about Eridium sent the Modifier to the Borderlands in order to “acquire” some and use it to customize his hacking console. The Modifier has a negative history with Hyperion due to attempting (successfully) to hack several of their machines for research data and steal ideas for his own tech. He was a stowaway on the Hyperion Train behind the lead Vault hunters; having just managed to hack his name onto the list of “Vault Hunters” when the train exploded and the game begins.

Description: While Zer0 uses stealth technology, haikus, and 1337 speak, and Gaige takes up the whole mechanical monster with evil genius role in Borderlands 2, I wanted to try and make someone who used the massive amount of technology available to people in this universe (Borderlands, not ours, though that’d be cool) in a more tech-y, greedy, and over the top violent-y manner. The modifier is the con man/thief of the technological world. Hacking systems and weapons all to make a quick buck or to turn someone into a rain of pretty (and gross) little particles. Of course his line of “work” is met with… opposition, he’s more than ready to deal with anyone or anything that stands between him and personal profit.

Personal appearance: Donning a rich looking suit on Pandora would be just as foolish as it is stylish, but then the bandits wouldn’t complement you as they were dying horribly. The Modifier wears a long sleeve formal shirt and a vest (the jacket was probably lost, eaten by someone/something, or simply left elsewhere) with a very suave tie (tucked into the vest). On both of his arms are bracelet-like devices with small computer screens and blank keys used for hacking, combat, and telling time (telling time function disabled for Borderlands 2). His fancy dress pants are a little torn near the bottom due to Pandora having less than friendly walking surfaces and he wears all terrain boots rather than a fancy dress shoe (though they have a very nice shine still despite walking through snow, sand, blood, acid and so forth).

Personality: The Modifier isn’t as cocky as his profession and general attitude towards people (as “targets” or “victims”) would suggest. He speaks with confidence yet lacks the typical taunts and profanities of Pandora residents. He genuinely cares for allied Vault Hunters, since it makes his job easier when there’s someone else to shoot at.

Melee: His left “bracelet” has two prods on the end that emit a sharp blade of energy when using a melee attack. The animation is a quick stab (well, it’s a punch… but it’s got a nice pointy blade of energy at the end) that extends a little farther than other melee attacks, but is very precise with a smaller hit box (centered around the crosshair).

Action Skill: Over Clock Shot (OCS) – Cooldown 15 seconds
Instantly fires a “shot” from the current held weapon. The projectile(s) has a blue glow around (similar to an amp shot) and leaves behind a tracer tail (visible blue glow for about half a second) dealing (5% x current level) additional gun damage. OCS does not consume ammo, but cannot be used if the gun is not “ready” (as in reloading or switching weapons). OCS causes a 0.8 second delay/recoil until the Modifier can fire again (potentially allowing slow fire weapons to fire a faster burst). OCS does not improve accuracy or projectile spread.

Class Mod item: A small box with an antennae, presumably an old school wireless router device, some type of power supply, or a fancy box to hold snacks. Strapped to his right leg.

Skill trees: Firewall, Jailbreak, and Network
(Tier level-Skill number-max level)
(Skill effect per level)

All “Radius” effects are based off grenade blast radius

Firewall: Skills focused on survival and elemental damage (mainly elemental)

1-1-5: Connection Confirmed
Shield recharge delay –6%, Recharge Rate 6%, Shield capacity +2%
1-2-5: System Infected
+3% elemental effect chance, +3% elemental effect damage

2-1-5: Code Corruption
Elemental damage deals 10% bonus damage when affecting a target weak to that element (applies to the DoT effect, not the initial hit)
2-2-5: de-Frag-ment
Kill skill: 5 seconds, regenerate 1% max shields and health per second

3-1-5: System Restore
-18% shield recharge delay when health is full, 0.8% health regeneration when shields are full
3-2-1: Ad Block
OCS has a larger glowing blue aura (Radius 500) that consumes and deletes enemy projectiles that it passes through. OCS cooldown reduction by 1 second
3-3-5: Data Siphon
Recover 0.8% of the damage from elemental effects (DoT only) as health

4-1-5: Security Exploit
6% elemental effect chance on targets already suffering from elemental effects

5-1-5: Secure Link
Immediately recover 8% (+8 per level) shields when shields go down, can only occur once until shields fully regenerate again.

6-1-1: Viral Shot “You’re bugging me… -smirk-”
OCS has a 100% elemental effect change and deals 50% bonus elemental effect damage. OCS has a bright yellow glow instead of blue.
Useless if the current weapon has no elemental modification
The Modifier will shout “Infection shot!” or “Viral shot!” when using OCS.

Jailbreak- Skill based on weapon modification and personal damage. (Jailbreak is special in that each tier can only have 5 skill points aside from the last tier) (Jailbreak does not have any mod boosts except for the first tier) (Also, flavor text is mostly bad, slightly reworded quotes from movies or other games)

1-1-5: Optimization Kit
3% reload speed, 3% fire rate, 3% recoil reduction, and 3% accuracy boost

2-1-1: Version 1.2 “Stock is for poor people and morons”
10% Gun damage and 5% fire rate boost
2-2-4: Vandal Patch (Requires 1 point in Version 1.2)
5% Gun damage and 2% fire rate boost

3-1-1: Version 1.4 “Out of beta, right on time”
30% projectile speed and 5% gun damage, OCS cooldown reduction by 1 second
3-2-4: Destruction Patch (Requires 1 point in Version 1.4)
OCS gains 1% gun damage per character level

4-1-1: Version 1.7 “It looked so easy on the other side of the screen… cause it is”
OCS pierces targets (does not work on rockets and special projectiles)
4-2-4: Precision Patch (Requires 1 point in Version 1.7)
Stackable buff: Damaging an enemy gives 1 stack (one stack per “shot”) up to a max of 5, 4% accuracy, 2% recoil reduction, 1% gun damage, and 4% movement speed per stack. 1 stack is lost every 5 seconds that the Modifier does not deal damage.

5-1-1: Version 2.0 “You are only as good as the money you make”
Enemies killed by OCS will drop ammo (random type, spawns 2, 40%), money (40%, spawns 3, based on target killed) or a health vial (20%) in addition to what it would normally drop (even if it was nothing).
5-2-4: Premium Patch (Requires 1 point in Version 2.0)
OCS reduces cooldown when it is used to kill a target by 0.5 seconds (applies to multiple kills in one shot)

6-1-1: Acceptable Collateral “In a tight spot…”
OCS causes a large explosion around the first target it hits (multiple projectiles will not cause more explosions). Radius 900. Damage is about 30% of Axton’s Nuke turret deploy. Acceptable Collateral applies Ad-Block effects and/or File Transfer if learned.
OCS has a bloody red aura color
The Modifier will shout “Collateral Shot!” or “Demon Shot!” when using OCS and will chuckle lightly if a target is killed in the process, sometimes stating “too easy…”

Network: A series of annoying (to the enemy) tricks and bonuses to your allies, essentially the support tree.

1-1-5: Password “Captcha this…”
When your shields are fully charged, the next damage you would take is reduced by 5% (+5 per level). Applies only when shields are fully charged.
1-2-5: Hyper(ion) Link
Death skill: -10% cost to revive, 15% movement speed for 10 seconds on revive

2-1-5: Durability Shell “It keeps going…”
Regenerate 0.2% of your shields per second. This ability applies to nearby teammates (Radius 900).
2-2-5: Rapid Reload System
5% reload speed, 12% reload speed if your magazine is empty. This ability applies to nearby teammates (Radius 1200).

3-1-5: Severance Package
Kill skill: Enemies killed by the Modifier drop a 3 second fuse explosive grenade. (Damage scales with level of player)(Grenade fuse reduced by .5 seconds per additional level)(Radius 200, 250, 300, 350, 400)
3-2-1: File Transfer
OCS regenerates shields and health of allies it hits (including any touched by Ad Block’s aura) based on half the damage it would have caused (this applies to the player the instant OCS is fired due to the aura bubble size if Ad Block was learned). File Transfer cannot restore more than 50% of the targets max shields or health per use. OCS cooldown increased by 3 seconds.
3-3-5: Registry Cleaner
-6% duration of negative status effects, 2% shield capacity. This ability applies to nearby teammates (1200 radius).

4-1-1: Death of Service (DoS) “Smashing…”
Shooting an enemy that has his/her shield down causes the shield to never regenerate. (Effect doesn’t apply to player Duels)(Hyperion repair surveyors can still apply a shield)
4-2-5: Back Up File
8% duration to Fight for your life, 8% faster ally and self revive speed (when someone is helping you up)

5-1-5: Brute Force “AAAAAA… no? AAAAAC…”
Shooting the same enemy gives a stack of Brute Force (1 stack per shot fired, not projectiles). Each stack increases gun damage by 1% (+1 per level). Shooting a different enemy or not inflicting damage for 3 seconds removes all stacks (but will still apply the damage boost for the first hit and start a new stack). Max Stacks 20

6-1-1: Genocide Hotspot “You have my gun… and my other gun”
Using OCS emits a shockwave from the player (white colored nova) (Radius 1500) that applies a buff to the user and any allies nearby for 6 seconds, granting an additional 30% gun damage, 30% reload speed, 30% accuracy, 30% recoil reduction, and 20% movement speed. OCS cooldown increased by 3 seconds. (These boosts do not apply to the OCS shot)

Quotes (more to add, alter, and so on)

Starting Echo log: Female Robotic voice: “We at Hyperion strongly urge you to desist from your obvious attempt to infiltrate our system, further action will be result in death <3” “That hasn’t stopped me the last twelve times sweetheart, it’s not stopping me now…” –button boops- “Hyperion recommends… -static- Desist…” –further static- male voice: “I love you…” “Huh… weird… must be a wrong channel…” –boops- -static- “Welcome Vault Hunter, you are now registered to join Hyperion in tracking down the secrets of Pandora” –gunfire in the background lightly- “Hah, I’m just so freaking good at this… the hell is that noise in the next ca-“ –Explosion- -sound of metal debris and crashing- -6 seconds later- Claptrap: “Another dead vault hunter… Handsome Jack sure has been busy” (I forget what he actually says, will fix if I’m wrong later)

Joining a game: “We’ll discuss my fee later” “Nice to work with proper villains again…”

On Kill/Critical: “Hah!” “Target down!” “Good fight” “Dropped!” “Nice!” “Oh, I felt that one” “I’m sure you deserved that…” “Better call a cleaner…”

Downed: “B-S-O-D!” “Are you kidding me?” “I regret nothing!” “Augh, must be cheating…” “Cuss word!”

Kill Revive: “Back online!” “Screw the rules!” “Hah, not yet” “Yeah, like I’m going to die” “Just a scratch!”

Reviving ally: “You did good though, aside from the whole dying thing” “Get up, we’re not done yet” “Easy now, I got you…”

Being revived by ally: “I’ll repay you… promise” “You have my thanks”

Grenade: “Duck and cover!” “Catch!” “Incoming!”

Killing streak: “I don’t get paid enough for this shit…” “Its just business, but I personally enjoyed that one”

Badass spotted: “Incoming BA” “Big guy inbound!”

Badass killed: “You did your best, that’s all I can ever ask” “It’s not personal, it’s… well maybe a little…”

Level up: “Upgraded” “Hah now I can download more… uh… information” “Just like in the video games!” “I’m not perfect, but I’m getting there.”

Looking at gear/skills: “Ugh math...” “Sell this, use that, keep this, toss that…” “

Challenge complete: “As expected…” “Do ALL the challenges” “On to the next”

Finding loot (Blue): “Not bad” “All in a days work”

Finding loot (Purple): “I live for this ****!” “Payday already?”

Finding loot (legendary): “Danny would be proud…” “Downside, it’s going to be harder to sell that…”

Vehicle run-over kill: “Better not have scratched my car…” “Ramp it up!”

Hitting another player in a vehicle (or getting hit): “Woopsie daisy…” “Damn it, you better have good insurance” “I’ll just say you were drunk and ignore that”

Idle: “-humming- … no rest for the wicked… till we close our eyes for good…”
“Act innocent, stand around just like an NPC, maybe I’ll give a quest or two…”
“I get paid by the hour either way, but I’d rather be productive…”
“Buffering… buff… er… ing… nope, file not found.”
“Apart from all the murder, psychos, infected mutants and empty barren waste, this place isn’t so… -sigh- Pandora sucks…”
“It’d be nice if I was watching a water fountain with some friends, but this is just boring.”
“Like, comment and subscribe… post… L, O, L, send… huh? What were we doing?”

Handsome Jack voice modifier acquired: “Hello…? Hello…? Hah, neat. I, Handsome Jack, hereby sign legal ownership of Hyperion over to auntie, uh I mean Mrs. Melanie on Eden 4.”

Will come back to edit, read responses and feedback if any, and whatnot eventually.
-aSodaCan, refreshing!

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