Name: Tung the Linebreaker
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Height: 74
Weight: 310 lbs
Eye Color: He has cold blue eyes.
Hair Coloration: He has completely snow white hair.
Skin Color: He is said to be very pale, yet it cannot be identified due to all the scars on his body.
Body type: Similar to Brick, but he seems to have thicker legs all around.
Extra features: The number of scars cannot be counted as each scar has another scar beneath it.
Heritage: He is said to be of Scandinavian decent.
Personality: Tung is what they call Act first, think never. Tung is a simple man and easy to please, if that is running people over like a steamroller that is. He hates the word retreat or even something close to it. He does have a soft spot for people he befriends, but that means he wont completely try to rip your head off to use as a cup for his private region.
Place of Origin: Menoetius
Likes: Murder, blood, seeing people try to run and get killed by him.
Dislikes: Not seeing his opponents on the ground in a pool of blood and anything that flies.
Bio: (Broken down in Echo Logs)
Echo Log #1 begins
Coach sighs and states, Tung your lucky this is a contact sport or you be in trouble!
Tung responds with, Sport? I thought I was playing with my food. . .
Coach coughs and blinks confused.
Coach asks, Food?
Tung smirks and laughs, They all run around like mice and Tung is cat.
Coach coughs once more as Tung laughs.
Echo log #1 ends
Echo Log 2 begins
QB smirks, Tung is so stupid, he cant even open a door!
RB laughs and replies in a Tung-like voice, Me Tung cant figure out door.
Coachs assistant sighs, You two idiots, Tung will murdered you two if he hears you!
QB looks and chuckles, Oh is that so cutie, everyone knows you like that meathead and everybody kn-!
Tung enters as he roars in anger
Echo Log #2 ends
Echo Log #3 Begins
Tung growls as a door can be heard being torn from the wall.
QB gulps and says, C-Calm do-BLGGHGHHG!!!
Tung smashes QB into the wall as he uses the door to smash him in before throwing the door aside.
RB screams before Tung picks him up by the head and smashes his head against the QBs over and over again.
Coachs Assitant stays silent as she watches.
Tung laughs as he continues to do this again and again.
Echo Log #3 Ends
Echo Log #4 Begins
Coach walks in seeing this and says, Lisa get me that ticket.
Lisa runs off as she returns and quivers in fear.
Coach sighs and says, Tung you want a real sport?
Tung stops and walks over dropping the RBs broken skull.
Coach hands him the ticket as he says, This is a ticket to Pandora. Go there and show them hell.
Tung laughs as he says, Hell, yes Coach! Tung roars running through the doors.
Lisa asks, Dad?
Coach replies, Theres a gang of people waiting for him outside. Hell probably kill them and go to Pandora.
Echo Log #4 Ends.
Action Skill: Stampede is a skill that allows him to tackle multiple opponents in a small time frame, but cooldown is nearly doubled the time he is allowed to access this ability.
Left Skill Tree: This skill tree works in helping him extend his health and converting damage into health. His health regen can also be applied to his allies and even help extend their own health in certain cases. He does also gain the ability to send people flying by ramming into them.
Center Skill Tree: This tree focuses on shields and elemental damage. Instead of the standard tackle, he gains explosive damage whenever he manages to either tackle or in later skill points melee an opponent during this time. He can also gain resistance to bullet damage that uses elemental damage excluding explosive damage.
Right skill Tree: This tee focuses on improving his Stampede and even giving him resistance to regular bullet fire and even extending his ability at the cost of even slightly slower cool down time period. He also acts like a vehicle in later stages that any mobile target can be flatten and knocked down allowing him to continue to ram multiple opponents, while stunning targets that werent killed.
Appearance: Tung wears what appears to be American Football equipment, but with spikes, chains, and skulls. The jersey does not have any numbers or even his own name, but instead has a large silver X made out chains and his helmet is made from what appears to be a badass skag and has modified it with metal spikes and screws. He wears cargo jeans as it seems, he found his uniforms pants bit snug and the jeans have spike belts coiled around the leg to keep them in place as he weighs them down with chains. His boots resemble that of military boots, but like everything else, he has skag heads placed at the toe of the boots and chains instead of normal threading for the boots. His gloves are actually made from the hide of horned skags, with the skull of the skag still intact at the knuckle region of the region.
Killing an enemy
Tung Tung killed you!
Here comes the Tung!
Your dead and Im. . . Tung?
Critical kill
Tung just made dinner!
Being downed
Tung sees the light!
Why is the red stuff coming out of Tung?
Being revived
Tung you!
Tung will not kill you today!
When reviving
Tung to the rescue!
While your down, can you give me a Tung Job? Get it? No, then go to Hell!
Looking at loot
Oh! New Toy!
Which one goes boom?
Comparing Loot
Tung likes green. . . red is just for fun!
Which one makes bigger explosion?
Looking at Skill Tree
Tung bad at math!
Can Tung have that one now?
Standing Idle
Hey wanna hear a cool story? Tung rammed a guy.
Hey stopping jerking off to porn and lets get back to killing!
Name: Tung the Linebreaker
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Height: 74
Weight: 310 lbs
Eye Color: He has cold blue eyes.
Hair Coloration: He has completely snow white hair.
Skin Color: He is said to be very pale, yet it cannot be identified due to all the scars on his body.
Body type: Similar to Brick, but he seems to have thicker legs all around.
Extra features: The number of scars cannot be counted as each scar has another scar beneath it.
Heritage: He is said to be of Scandinavian decent.
Personality: Tung is what they call Act first, think never. Tung is a simple man and easy to please, if that is running people over like a steamroller that is. He hates the word retreat or even something close to it. He does have a soft spot for people he befriends, but that means he wont completely try to rip your head off to use as a cup for his private region.
Place of Origin: Menoetius
Likes: Murder, blood, seeing people try to run and get killed by him.
Dislikes: Not seeing his opponents on the ground in a pool of blood and anything that flies.
Bio: (Broken down in Echo Logs)
Echo Log #1 begins
Coach sighs and states, Tung your lucky this is a contact sport or you be in trouble!
Tung responds with, Sport? I thought I was playing with my food. . .
Coach coughs and blinks confused.
Coach asks, Food?
Tung smirks and laughs, They all run around like mice and Tung is cat.
Coach coughs once more as Tung laughs.
Echo log #1 ends
Echo Log 2 begins
QB smirks, Tung is so stupid, he cant even open a door!
RB laughs and replies in a Tung-like voice, Me Tung cant figure out door.
Coachs assistant sighs, You two idiots, Tung will murdered you two if he hears you!
QB looks and chuckles, Oh is that so cutie, everyone knows you like that meathead and everybody kn-!
Tung enters as he roars in anger
Echo Log #2 ends
Echo Log #3 Begins
Tung growls as a door can be heard being torn from the wall.
QB gulps and says, C-Calm do-BLGGHGHHG!!!
Tung smashes QB into the wall as he uses the door to smash him in before throwing the door aside.
RB screams before Tung picks him up by the head and smashes his head against the QBs over and over again.
Coachs Assitant stays silent as she watches.
Tung laughs as he continues to do this again and again.
Echo Log #3 Ends
Echo Log #4 Begins
Coach walks in seeing this and says, Lisa get me that ticket.
Lisa runs off as she returns and quivers in fear.
Coach sighs and says, Tung you want a real sport?
Tung stops and walks over dropping the RBs broken skull.
Coach hands him the ticket as he says, This is a ticket to Pandora. Go there and show them hell.
Tung laughs as he says, Hell, yes Coach! Tung roars running through the doors.
Lisa asks, Dad?
Coach replies, Theres a gang of people waiting for him outside. Hell probably kill them and go to Pandora.
Echo Log #4 Ends.
Action Skill: Stampede is a skill that allows him to tackle multiple opponents in a small time frame, but cooldown is nearly doubled the time he is allowed to access this ability.
Left Skill Tree: This skill tree works in helping him extend his health and converting damage into health. His health regen can also be applied to his allies and even help extend their own health in certain cases. He does also gain the ability to send people flying by ramming into them.
Center Skill Tree: This tree focuses on shields and elemental damage. Instead of the standard tackle, he gains explosive damage whenever he manages to either tackle or in later skill points melee an opponent during this time. He can also gain resistance to bullet damage that uses elemental damage excluding explosive damage.
Right skill Tree: This tee focuses on improving his Stampede and even giving him resistance to regular bullet fire and even extending his ability at the cost of even slightly slower cool down time period. He also acts like a vehicle in later stages that any mobile target can be flatten and knocked down allowing him to continue to ram multiple opponents, while stunning targets that werent killed.
Appearance: Tung wears what appears to be American Football equipment, but with spikes, chains, and skulls. The jersey does not have any numbers or even his own name, but instead has a large silver X made out chains and his helmet is made from what appears to be a badass skag and has modified it with metal spikes and screws. He wears cargo jeans as it seems, he found his uniforms pants bit snug and the jeans have spike belts coiled around the leg to keep them in place as he weighs them down with chains. His boots resemble that of military boots, but like everything else, he has skag heads placed at the toe of the boots and chains instead of normal threading for the boots. His gloves are actually made from the hide of horned skags, with the skull of the skag still intact at the knuckle region of the region.
Killing an enemy
Tung Tung killed you!
Here comes the Tung!
Your dead and Im. . . Tung?
Critical kill
Tung just made dinner!
Being downed
Tung sees the light!
Why is the red stuff coming out of Tung?
Being revived
Tung you!
Tung will not kill you today!
When reviving
Tung to the rescue!
While your down, can you give me a Tung Job? Get it? No, then go to Hell!
Looking at loot
Oh! New Toy!
Which one goes boom?
Comparing Loot
Tung likes green. . . red is just for fun!
Which one makes bigger explosion?
Looking at Skill Tree
Tung bad at math!
Can Tung have that one now?
Standing Idle
Hey wanna hear a cool story? Tung rammed a guy.
Hey stopping jerking off to porn and lets get back to killing!