Not sure if this has been said before, if it has please direct me to the thread.
This will contain spoilers if you havent completed BL2
Anyway I would like to see the original classes return to BL2 but as they are in BL2 eg Mordecai as a drunk. I know the story will be a problem as you will meet yourself and bloodwing but maybe only unlock them after you have completed the game, or PT2. These are some of my ideas for the trees
Blaster tree: there isnt a explosives charater in BL2 and it would be great combined with torgue guns. Maybe include boosts for launchers. Would like to see some way of using slabs. Maybe call a buzzzard for a shot as a melee override
Melee DPS: Brick doing what he doees best. No sneaking around like Zero just straight up damage. Maybe a melee override that lets him use that hammer
Brawler: All about health and health regen, maybe regen on melee hit. Would be nice to have a true melee tank
Rogue tree: Bring back more money/better loot skills.
Sniper Tree: Would like to see this incorporate his drinking, maybe similiar to Gaige anarchy mechanic. Bring back tresspass skill, would be deadly vs stalkers
Gunslinger tree: This could be made awsome when combined with Jakobs guns and give him a close - mid range tree
I would use Roland as a support/buff charater to differentiate him from Axton.
Infantry: This should be about improving guns especially ARs and the power/ reload speed etc of guns. Add power to turrets attacks
Support: Ammo regen from turret bring back supply drop as game changer maybe with shield boosts/ammo/health. Ammo regen for Roland
Healer: Turret heals
Would like to see skills related to his new role as leader as gamechanger maybe give a different buff for each of his trees like damage/Shield/Health
Controller. Would like to see the return of daze skills. Healing self and shields through phase walking. Have a short teleport skill as a gamechanger/capstone like when you first meet her
Elemental: This would be more based on damage more than procs. More elemental damage and quicker DOT so you wouldnt have as higher chance at procs as other charaters but when it did it was more powerful
Assassin: This would be based on weapon damage rather than elements. Maybe like zero but with more emphasis on guns
Would like to see Eridium being used as a gamechanger/capstone. Being able to cause more damage but it damage you or temporarily dazes you after use
This will contain spoilers if you havent completed BL2
Anyway I would like to see the original classes return to BL2 but as they are in BL2 eg Mordecai as a drunk. I know the story will be a problem as you will meet yourself and bloodwing but maybe only unlock them after you have completed the game, or PT2. These are some of my ideas for the trees
Blaster tree: there isnt a explosives charater in BL2 and it would be great combined with torgue guns. Maybe include boosts for launchers. Would like to see some way of using slabs. Maybe call a buzzzard for a shot as a melee override
Melee DPS: Brick doing what he doees best. No sneaking around like Zero just straight up damage. Maybe a melee override that lets him use that hammer
Brawler: All about health and health regen, maybe regen on melee hit. Would be nice to have a true melee tank
Rogue tree: Bring back more money/better loot skills.
Sniper Tree: Would like to see this incorporate his drinking, maybe similiar to Gaige anarchy mechanic. Bring back tresspass skill, would be deadly vs stalkers
Gunslinger tree: This could be made awsome when combined with Jakobs guns and give him a close - mid range tree
I would use Roland as a support/buff charater to differentiate him from Axton.
Infantry: This should be about improving guns especially ARs and the power/ reload speed etc of guns. Add power to turrets attacks
Support: Ammo regen from turret bring back supply drop as game changer maybe with shield boosts/ammo/health. Ammo regen for Roland
Healer: Turret heals
Would like to see skills related to his new role as leader as gamechanger maybe give a different buff for each of his trees like damage/Shield/Health
Controller. Would like to see the return of daze skills. Healing self and shields through phase walking. Have a short teleport skill as a gamechanger/capstone like when you first meet her
Elemental: This would be more based on damage more than procs. More elemental damage and quicker DOT so you wouldnt have as higher chance at procs as other charaters but when it did it was more powerful
Assassin: This would be based on weapon damage rather than elements. Maybe like zero but with more emphasis on guns
Would like to see Eridium being used as a gamechanger/capstone. Being able to cause more damage but it damage you or temporarily dazes you after use