I have been reading ideas about a Hyperion Engineer becoming a vault hunter and the next playable character. I want to give a try at making a basis for the character and letting the community help build him. Though I do not want to see another character that deploys a turret, as many seem to want this, yet we have two classes who deploy powerful weapons to aid them. So with that, I give the Engineer.
Name: Sapper the Ex-Engineer
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Height: 511
Weight: Unknown (Due to his gear having not been weighed on his body)
Eye Color: Left eye is blue and the right is bloody red.
Hair Coloration: His base hair color is a light brown, but streaks of grey have become visible.
Skin Color: He has a light tan on his visible skin, but he is mostly pale where his clothing and armor cover up.
Body type: Light muscle tone, but average for a man of his age group.
Extra features: He bares many scars across his body, but the most apparent is the one across his right eye.
Heritage: He is of English-Portuguese descent.
Personality: He is a bit off his rocker, but for the most part a cocky guy who loves to use sarcasm to escape his past. He also has a bad memory which can be seen through the fact that he will often say things over if he isnt doing something. He does show a hobby of watching movies and will often remember scenes from movies that he believed actually happen to him. Most notably, he is very bold, so he will spurt out perverted things that most would not speak of. Oddly enough, he seems to have a thing for every type of woman, which might explain either why he cannot remember anything or that might have been a side effect of the eridium, one really or both.
Bio: (Broken down in Echo Logs)
Echo Log #1 begins
Sapper repairing a machine This eridium does not help these machines at all.
Engineer #1 Come on Sapper, it could be worst, we could be dad right about now!
Sapper sighs That does not help at all. After all, look what happen to Brian.
Engineer #2 Well Brian was a dick.
Sapper So, when are you going to jump in again?
Engineer #2 Haha, very funny sapper, now get back to work!
Echo log #1 ends
Echo Log 2 begins
Alarms going off as gun fire is heard.
Engineer #1 Waha-! Engineer shot.
Engineer #2 We did as Ja-Blagggh! Engineer decapitated.
Jack Guess you dont understand something. . . you failed to get me my eridium and now I must dispose of you. Wilhelm finish the rest, but I want to have some fun with this one.
Wilhelm states, Understood. More gun fired is heard.
Jack asks, Whats your name? He asked.
Sapper replies Sapper.
Echo Log #2 ends
Echo Log #3 Begins
Jack states, Sapper, you have seen the result of too much exposure to eridium, yes? He asked.
Sapper replies, Considering how many bodies I had to fish out and send to the grinder, I can say I do. He replies.
Jack smirks as he says, Well, Im going to let you decide your fate, a bullet to the head or jump in that eridium waste. Youll most from the exposure to that toxic residue, but hey you might live to only get killed again.
Sapper thinks and chuckles, Guess Ill walk the plank my captain. He replied standing up and walking to the edge backwards.
Jack laughs and kicks Sapper in hearing a splash, Wahahahhaha! W-Wilhelm did you just see that guy?! He acted all cocky till the end, what a loser. He stated as Wilhelm stands there silent.
Echo Log #3 Ends
Echo Log #4 Begins
Bubbles popping as two combat engineers dispose of bodies.
C. Engineer #1 looks and asks, Hey is something moving? He asked.
C. Engineer #2 looks over and sees a hand com out as a man pulls out, What the he-! Falls over screaming as a purple beam hits him.
C. Engineer #1 screams, Holy F-! Screams after being shot in the chest as footsteps are heard.
Sapper coughs as he holds his right eye as he cut it when he landed in the eridium waste.
Sapper looks and says in disturbed manner, Oh. Looks like I killed two Twinkies. He walks away.
Echo Log #4 Ends.
Action Skill: Saker
Left Skill Tree: Focuses on improving health and change in ability s that instead of firing a laser, he can shoot projectile discs that cause explosive damage upon impact.
Center Skill Tree: Focuses on elemental damage and shield abilities. Similar to DeathTraps fire beam, Saker gains an Elemental damage as it laser deals fire damage, but depending on the gun being held the beam can deal extra elemental damage, plus the base fire damage. His arms can also attack the ground with a furry of blows, which cause an AoE effect in a short radius. This AoE can cause explosive damage if done right in melee range of a target.
Right skill Tree: Main focus on improving offensive damage and modifies Saker to act like War/Badass Loader fire cannons. This modification allows for multiple attacks as instead of having one cannon, you gain a second n the opposite shoulder that can lock on to separate targets in sight, which allows for multi-kills. This skill tree also allows the Engineer to reduce gunfire and increase movement speed, but at the cost of a slower cool down period.
Appearance: Sapper appears to have similar appearance to that of a Engineer, but he has hair and usually appears with a mask that covers his lower-half of his face. His gear also has changed in color due to exposure to eridium and sports a purple coloration. It also seems to have evolved as the gear allows him to have more movement, then the average engineer.
Killing an enemy
Sorry mate, but I believe you just died.
Look ladies, I dont fire blanks!
Now tell me whos your lord and killer?!
Critical kill
Boom goes the brains!
Dude. . . his brain meat went everywhere~!
Shooting where the sun dont shine
Did I just shoot you in the dick? Wow, I am a good shot considering how small you are!
So youre a woman as your not in pain.
Being downed
How did you know bullets were my only weakness!?
Ouch, ouch, ouch, bleeding to death sucks!
Being revived
So, umm. . . crouch shot.
Wow. . . boobs.
When reviving
I swear to god, I will not relive that movie with that Ryan guy in it!
So, what are you doing after this over?
Looking at loot
This is much better, then when I worked for. . . um. . . who was that guy again?
Which one, which one, screw it! Which one is sexier?
Comparing Loot
If green is better, then red is bad.
Kind of wish I was better at math now.
Looking at Skill Tree
Why do they call these skill trees anyways? I dont see any leafs.
So I just pick a box and put my point in to this. . . what is this an election?
Name: Sapper the Ex-Engineer
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Height: 511
Weight: Unknown (Due to his gear having not been weighed on his body)
Eye Color: Left eye is blue and the right is bloody red.
Hair Coloration: His base hair color is a light brown, but streaks of grey have become visible.
Skin Color: He has a light tan on his visible skin, but he is mostly pale where his clothing and armor cover up.
Body type: Light muscle tone, but average for a man of his age group.
Extra features: He bares many scars across his body, but the most apparent is the one across his right eye.
Heritage: He is of English-Portuguese descent.
Personality: He is a bit off his rocker, but for the most part a cocky guy who loves to use sarcasm to escape his past. He also has a bad memory which can be seen through the fact that he will often say things over if he isnt doing something. He does show a hobby of watching movies and will often remember scenes from movies that he believed actually happen to him. Most notably, he is very bold, so he will spurt out perverted things that most would not speak of. Oddly enough, he seems to have a thing for every type of woman, which might explain either why he cannot remember anything or that might have been a side effect of the eridium, one really or both.
Bio: (Broken down in Echo Logs)
Echo Log #1 begins
Sapper repairing a machine This eridium does not help these machines at all.
Engineer #1 Come on Sapper, it could be worst, we could be dad right about now!
Sapper sighs That does not help at all. After all, look what happen to Brian.
Engineer #2 Well Brian was a dick.
Sapper So, when are you going to jump in again?
Engineer #2 Haha, very funny sapper, now get back to work!
Echo log #1 ends
Echo Log 2 begins
Alarms going off as gun fire is heard.
Engineer #1 Waha-! Engineer shot.
Engineer #2 We did as Ja-Blagggh! Engineer decapitated.
Jack Guess you dont understand something. . . you failed to get me my eridium and now I must dispose of you. Wilhelm finish the rest, but I want to have some fun with this one.
Wilhelm states, Understood. More gun fired is heard.
Jack asks, Whats your name? He asked.
Sapper replies Sapper.
Echo Log #2 ends
Echo Log #3 Begins
Jack states, Sapper, you have seen the result of too much exposure to eridium, yes? He asked.
Sapper replies, Considering how many bodies I had to fish out and send to the grinder, I can say I do. He replies.
Jack smirks as he says, Well, Im going to let you decide your fate, a bullet to the head or jump in that eridium waste. Youll most from the exposure to that toxic residue, but hey you might live to only get killed again.
Sapper thinks and chuckles, Guess Ill walk the plank my captain. He replied standing up and walking to the edge backwards.
Jack laughs and kicks Sapper in hearing a splash, Wahahahhaha! W-Wilhelm did you just see that guy?! He acted all cocky till the end, what a loser. He stated as Wilhelm stands there silent.
Echo Log #3 Ends
Echo Log #4 Begins
Bubbles popping as two combat engineers dispose of bodies.
C. Engineer #1 looks and asks, Hey is something moving? He asked.
C. Engineer #2 looks over and sees a hand com out as a man pulls out, What the he-! Falls over screaming as a purple beam hits him.
C. Engineer #1 screams, Holy F-! Screams after being shot in the chest as footsteps are heard.
Sapper coughs as he holds his right eye as he cut it when he landed in the eridium waste.
Sapper looks and says in disturbed manner, Oh. Looks like I killed two Twinkies. He walks away.
Echo Log #4 Ends.
Action Skill: Saker
Left Skill Tree: Focuses on improving health and change in ability s that instead of firing a laser, he can shoot projectile discs that cause explosive damage upon impact.
Center Skill Tree: Focuses on elemental damage and shield abilities. Similar to DeathTraps fire beam, Saker gains an Elemental damage as it laser deals fire damage, but depending on the gun being held the beam can deal extra elemental damage, plus the base fire damage. His arms can also attack the ground with a furry of blows, which cause an AoE effect in a short radius. This AoE can cause explosive damage if done right in melee range of a target.
Right skill Tree: Main focus on improving offensive damage and modifies Saker to act like War/Badass Loader fire cannons. This modification allows for multiple attacks as instead of having one cannon, you gain a second n the opposite shoulder that can lock on to separate targets in sight, which allows for multi-kills. This skill tree also allows the Engineer to reduce gunfire and increase movement speed, but at the cost of a slower cool down period.
Appearance: Sapper appears to have similar appearance to that of a Engineer, but he has hair and usually appears with a mask that covers his lower-half of his face. His gear also has changed in color due to exposure to eridium and sports a purple coloration. It also seems to have evolved as the gear allows him to have more movement, then the average engineer.
Killing an enemy
Sorry mate, but I believe you just died.
Look ladies, I dont fire blanks!
Now tell me whos your lord and killer?!
Critical kill
Boom goes the brains!
Dude. . . his brain meat went everywhere~!
Shooting where the sun dont shine
Did I just shoot you in the dick? Wow, I am a good shot considering how small you are!
So youre a woman as your not in pain.
Being downed
How did you know bullets were my only weakness!?
Ouch, ouch, ouch, bleeding to death sucks!
Being revived
So, umm. . . crouch shot.
Wow. . . boobs.
When reviving
I swear to god, I will not relive that movie with that Ryan guy in it!
So, what are you doing after this over?
Looking at loot
This is much better, then when I worked for. . . um. . . who was that guy again?
Which one, which one, screw it! Which one is sexier?
Comparing Loot
If green is better, then red is bad.
Kind of wish I was better at math now.
Looking at Skill Tree
Why do they call these skill trees anyways? I dont see any leafs.
So I just pick a box and put my point in to this. . . what is this an election?