With zombie claptraps, dinosaurs (specificaly t-rexes) with lasers and dubstep for battle music.
To round it all out, a level 52 t-rex loader the size of two and a half terramorphouses. Weakness is his shoulders, but they're so small so you keep missing. Can swallow players whole and they have to use a lift to get out while fighting his immune system full of badass surveyors.
Costs 25 eridium to fight, located somewhere in the new DLCs.
I'm sure the DLC's have already been planned out and they're just polishing them up, so this is just a dream I want to get out there with hopes that it worms its way into some of the dev's heads.
To round it all out, a level 52 t-rex loader the size of two and a half terramorphouses. Weakness is his shoulders, but they're so small so you keep missing. Can swallow players whole and they have to use a lift to get out while fighting his immune system full of badass surveyors.
Costs 25 eridium to fight, located somewhere in the new DLCs.
I'm sure the DLC's have already been planned out and they're just polishing them up, so this is just a dream I want to get out there with hopes that it worms its way into some of the dev's heads.