The Borderlands of tomorrow
- First things First
- What's this?
- The Borderlands of tomorrow
- Your Turn
First things First
This thread will contain late game material and spoilers story wise.
The focus is on the "Lore" of the game itself not game mechanics or other game play additions.
All opinions are welcome, just remember that every opinion should be based on the current lore and where it was left off by the end of Borderlands 2 and be respected by other members and also open to debate.
@Hints are SlateGray
@Opinions/Predictions/Ideas are Cyan
What's this?
So, as in most games that have a sequel, Borderlands 2 has some hints to what the tomorrow will bring, I am not necessarily talking about Borderlands 3, just the future of the lore and where things will go in the following years.
I would like to start by exposing one of such (possible) hints that are present in Borderlands 2 game:
After you complete the game (beat the Warrior and Jack), this conversation between Lilith, Mordecai and Brick takes place in the Sanctuary Raiders HQ:
Sums up to this:
Liliths wants to rebuild, stick on Pandora and "wipe out" Hyperion off the map, Brick wants to go wreck havoc and open up the vaults across the universe.
The Borderlands of tomorrow
[Based on the final conversation between them above]
- In the days to come, the war with Hyperion will intensify, culminating in a moon base assault, some of the Vault hunters will play major key roles but some of them will not, simply because it's against their 'mojo', like we've got to see a somewhat renegade Brick in Borderland 2.
- Vaults, vaults everywhere.
In Borderlands 1 we had "One Unique Vault to Open", in Borderlands 2 we got to see a little more vaults and suddenly it wasn't this "Big" thing anymore, by the end of Borderlands 2 we learn that there are many other more vaults out there, different stories and different places for each vault opens up a ton of possibilities lore wise. Will we have the time to cover them all or will there be a clustering (a sum up if you will) of these vault opening adventures that will ultimately trigger bigger events in the universe?
[Based on my overall game experience]
- Our vault hunters are in for a wild ride, as we saw in Borderlands 2, vault hunters are not immortal and will be sacrificed for lore sake, Rolland case in point.
- There will be a new "love to hate" villain, I think Jack was one those big bumps that separated Borderlands 1 from 2 lore wise. Maybe Jack will even comeback in the future, for those of you who have completed the third DLC "Sir Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt" came to learn of a cloning experience to clone none other then Handsome Jack, that fortunately was stopped by the Vault Hunter, but I think that we have not heard the end of it.
Your Turn
Tell us what you think will happen with our mighty vault hunters and the universe around them.
Feel free to post other hints you see in game and offer your opinion on them!