Hello everyone!
I'm Chip and I want to share my Borderlands Story with you!
I've been trying to get this story going for a while now. I frickin' (excuse my french!) love Borderlands! I created my own Character named Chip.
And ever since playing I've been trying to come up with a story for her and so now that I've gathered enough information about Borderlands 2 I can finally start working since her Story plays after Borderlands 2.
Here is Chips Character Bio:
I'm not going to spoil much about the Story I have planned for her...You'll have to wait until I'm finished ;P (But you can find some parts on my deviantART page!)
All I am going to say is that Chip has one hell of an adventure when Moxxi suddenly goes missing.
I'm trying to keep to the original Borderlands Story and used a hell of a lot of help from the Borderlands Wikia.
Right now I'm still working hard on the Storyboard.
I originally planned to write the story and post the intro as a comic...but ever since I started doing the Storyboard for the Comic I can't put my pen down!!!
Hopefully I'll be able to finish it soon and get started on drawing the pages! (Which will all be drawn by tablet and postet here as soon a page is finished) I can't say how long it will take me to finish (since real life has a tendency to be a pain in the ass!) Though I'm not sure if I am allowed to post it because it does contain strong language and blood...If not I'll link to my deviantART page where you can also find the newest pages and more!
Anyway! Hope I got you interested and will let me know what you think of it :D
I'm Chip and I want to share my Borderlands Story with you!
I've been trying to get this story going for a while now. I frickin' (excuse my french!) love Borderlands! I created my own Character named Chip.

And ever since playing I've been trying to come up with a story for her and so now that I've gathered enough information about Borderlands 2 I can finally start working since her Story plays after Borderlands 2.
Here is Chips Character Bio:

I'm not going to spoil much about the Story I have planned for her...You'll have to wait until I'm finished ;P (But you can find some parts on my deviantART page!)
All I am going to say is that Chip has one hell of an adventure when Moxxi suddenly goes missing.
I'm trying to keep to the original Borderlands Story and used a hell of a lot of help from the Borderlands Wikia.
Right now I'm still working hard on the Storyboard.

I originally planned to write the story and post the intro as a comic...but ever since I started doing the Storyboard for the Comic I can't put my pen down!!!
Hopefully I'll be able to finish it soon and get started on drawing the pages! (Which will all be drawn by tablet and postet here as soon a page is finished) I can't say how long it will take me to finish (since real life has a tendency to be a pain in the ass!) Though I'm not sure if I am allowed to post it because it does contain strong language and blood...If not I'll link to my deviantART page where you can also find the newest pages and more!
Anyway! Hope I got you interested and will let me know what you think of it :D