First please mind the errors I wrote this on my phone in memos it took me all night and please do critisize and tell me waccha think but try not to be mean. My name is Krieg , well was damn hyperion took it all from me ,they broke me ,which was a huge mistake . My story : I look over my wife is still sleep tina is lying her head on my chest I slip out of bed not waking my wife as I grab the door handle and tina awakes she says "Daddy where are you going." I say "Daddy has biisness to take care of." I leave home and see my friend I dunno what he goes by now flesh stick maybe meat stick. I tell him to watch the house while I go. I leabe new haven and walk the wastelands they werent qs chaotic as rhey are now. I sit on a rock thinking of a place where my family will be safe instead of on this damn planet. A escaped armored skag knocks me off the rock pinning me down i think quick he has armor and by the lok of i a corrosive weapon is still euqiped inThe saddle i quickly grab the gun and throw the skag against a rock as i did it i relt my self slipping i shot the poor soul repeatdly even after ir was dead i had to restrain my self. I returned home to the sight of willhelm and jacks army laying seige to new haven i quickly get tk my home and relocate my family. I give tina a grenade to hide in her dress lying to her about what it is. We wake up in our little dwelling hidden from the world. I once again go and walk the wastelands but this time for my family to find food. I see my friend michael but with bandits they call him flesh stick we talk about the money hyperion has been offering for people. I leave michael and the bandits camp i return home to the sight of hyperion loaders and engineers i suddenly feel myself slipping again and rush towards them With lethal intent i jump on an iengineers back and snap hia neck back flipping off and knocking a loader down and before i realize it i feel a bullet peirce my arm and a shock gk through my body i fall to my knees angry they throw my in a seperate transport. We reach tbe hyperion base finally we're near pandoras core underground its burning hot. The hyperion engineer whos brother i killed beats and tortures me as punishment finally they bring us tl tk the labs we are all restrainsd on tables they insert slag into me and my wife my wife tells tina to pull the pin then dies from what tjhe mutations did to her tina had escaped i felt the slag course through my veins then finally i black out and awake in a cell full of captured bandits my vein are purple Apparently theyve fashioned me a buzzaxe bad idea consider im no longer in control i slaughter the bandits and break out. I dont know who the dead man is but he probably didnt deserve what he got.i I wanna tell him to run i wanna tell him to flee but the word that come out of my mouth as i charge at him are I HAVE THE SHINIEST MEAT BICYCLE. As i walk down the tracks throwing my buzzaxe in the air i scream THIS ONES GONNA BE A SPINE TINGLER.
Suddenly i see a beautiful siran armed with a maliwan smg. I say to my self tell her shes as beautiful as a thousand sunsets and what ever you do dont yell the word poop at the top of your lungs. IM THE CONDUCTOR OF THE POOP TRAIN. Your gonna die idiot here and now is what i tell mg self has she s begins shooting i duckBehind a rock and yell STRIP THE FLESH great now the rats are coming tell her to turn around SALT THE WOUND yeah yeah we'll salt a the wound later but if you dont tell her to turn around shes gonna die and its gonna be your fault. As a rat prepares to kill her i yell LOOK OUT PRETTY LADY as i throw my buzzaxe at the rats hesd killing him as maya watches i jump on his head tearing it out and swing my axe killing two more a rat sits on the floor wimpering i yell ILL PUT MY PAIN INTO YOUR SOUL scaring him to death as i turn around maya thanks me and i tell my self to say thank you thanks to you i may finally be able to be normal again but what comes out of my mouth is I POWDERED MY COKATEAL FOR THE RIBCAGE SLAUGHTER i reply close enough just then a rat tries to jumpOn me from behind maya phaselocks him in the air he yells i turn around jump in the air and kill him with my buzzaxe.... I WILL FIND HER AND WE WILL CRUSH HYPERION TOGETHER thats fine but if you hurt one innocent person i will take control and kill us both remember. Do no harm.
Suddenly i see a beautiful siran armed with a maliwan smg. I say to my self tell her shes as beautiful as a thousand sunsets and what ever you do dont yell the word poop at the top of your lungs. IM THE CONDUCTOR OF THE POOP TRAIN. Your gonna die idiot here and now is what i tell mg self has she s begins shooting i duckBehind a rock and yell STRIP THE FLESH great now the rats are coming tell her to turn around SALT THE WOUND yeah yeah we'll salt a the wound later but if you dont tell her to turn around shes gonna die and its gonna be your fault. As a rat prepares to kill her i yell LOOK OUT PRETTY LADY as i throw my buzzaxe at the rats hesd killing him as maya watches i jump on his head tearing it out and swing my axe killing two more a rat sits on the floor wimpering i yell ILL PUT MY PAIN INTO YOUR SOUL scaring him to death as i turn around maya thanks me and i tell my self to say thank you thanks to you i may finally be able to be normal again but what comes out of my mouth is I POWDERED MY COKATEAL FOR THE RIBCAGE SLAUGHTER i reply close enough just then a rat tries to jumpOn me from behind maya phaselocks him in the air he yells i turn around jump in the air and kill him with my buzzaxe.... I WILL FIND HER AND WE WILL CRUSH HYPERION TOGETHER thats fine but if you hurt one innocent person i will take control and kill us both remember. Do no harm.