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Class Concept Inventory - 50% DONE

Class Concept Inventory

Classes are split to archetype ones (Siren/Tank etc), and generic ones (Elemental/Support etc). This does not mean that a class under the "DPS" tag is ONLY a DPS class. The tags are set up so that we can organize classes based on what their biggest strength is.

Archetype Character Classes


Athena the Assassin
Class: Assassin
Action skill: Ghosting. Invisible while moving. Able to equip plasma blades.
Description: Sniper rifle proficiency/Stealth/Melee
Created by: impala

Diana the Sniper
Class: Sniper
Action skill: CRMS0N BLAD3. Mini homing pocket-rocket that attacks enemies.
Description: Sniper rifle proficiency/Support
Created by: DarkGearElf

Gideon the Assassin
Class: Assassin
Action skill: Stalker Mode. Digistructs suit.
Description: Melee/Damage reduction/Elemental damage
Created by: Earth.Emissions

Johnson the Defector
Class: Defector
Action skill: Doomsday. Digistructs power-suit.
Description: Sniper rifle proficiency/Melee/Damage reduction
Created by: SidoRises

Pet classes

Asha the Beastmaster
Class: Beastmaster
Action skill: Commune with Nature. You summon one of three available pets.
Description: Pet/Crowd control/Support/Aggro
Created by: LordSethD

Brian the Loader
Class: Loader
Action skill: ENGORGE. Digistructed minigun and cannon.
Description: Support/Damage reduction/ammo regeneration/Movement speed
Created by: impala

Hark the Necromancer
Class: Necromancer
Action skill: Raise the Dead. Reanimates killed enemies.
Description: Crowd control/Friendly fire/Debuffer/Elemental damage/Pet
Created by: League of Fapping Pirates

Igor the Chemist
Class: Chemist
Action skill: Applied Chemistry. Employs turret-like elemental sprayer.
Description: Pet/Close range combat/Support
Created by: MistahFixIt

Irwin the Gunslinger
Class: Gunslinger
Action skill: Skango. You summon your pet skag.
Description: Pistol and shotgun proficiency/Close range combat
Created by: TheLateMrCarter

Kuro the Savage
Class: Savage
Action skill: You summon your savage allies.
Description: Pet/Tank/Support/Damage reduction/Overlevel
Created by: heinzmonster

Monty the Midget
Class: Midget
Action skill: Bacon. You summon your pet skag.
Description: Pet/Shotgun DPS/Close range combat/Looting/Movement speed
Created by: impala

November the Hacker
Class: Hacker
Action skill: Drone Combat. You summon a pet drone.
Description: Support/Healer/Pet/Elemental damage
Created by: puritan643

Slim the Skag Rider
Class: Skag Rider
Action skill: Skag Cavalry. You ride your pet skag.
Description: Pet/Close range combat/Movement speed
Created by: Ninjapirate1333


Cearin the Siren
Class: Siren
Action skill: Phase Blitz. Creates vacuum that applies void/slag damage.
Description: Crowd control/Elemental damage/Debuffer
Created by: Hruberen

Ilex the Siren
Class: Siren
Action skill: Phase shift. Stat boosts. Shock blast. Ammo regeneration.
Description: DPS/Support/Sniper rifle proficiency/Crowd control
Created by: heinzmonster

Iona the Siren Berserker
Class: Siren
Action skill: Phasestorm. Warps a tornado around herself.
Description: Close range combat/Tank/Elemental damage
Created by: Iggy

Moira the Cryomancer
Class: Cryomancer
Action skill: Cryo-phase. Applies ice/freeze damage to enemies.
Description: Support/Crowd control/Healer/Debuffer/Ice elemental damage
Created by: impala

Natasha the Countess
Class: Vampire (Siren)
Action skill: Phasemorph. Morphs into a swarm of bats.
Description: Crowd Control/Debuffer/Elemental damage
Created by: k4Anarky


Dwayne the Beefcake
Class: Beefcake
Action skill: Meat Rage.
Description: Tank/Melee/Shotgun proficiency/ggro
Created by: blackbox64

Ezra the Protector
Class: Protector
Action skill: E-visible. Digistructs armor suit.
Description: Tank/Damage reduction/Aggro
Created by: bangarang23

Flyn the Shield Master
Class: Shield Master
Action skill: Shielding shield. Enhanced shield stats.
Description: Shield-oriented/Close range combat/Melee damage
Created by: scartehevil

Furio the Hero
Class: Melee-oriented
Action skill: TRANSFORM. Digistructs a battle suit.
Description: Melee/Damage reduction/Tank/Aggro
Created by: Rekkou

Hendrix the Traitor
Class: Traitor
Action skill: Super Soldier. Digistructs suit.
Description: Tank/Damage reduction/Aggro/Support
Created by: bangarang23

Hermes the Goliath
Class: Goliath
Action skill: HATESPLOSION. Goliath raging.
Description: Melee/Tank/Aggro/Damage reduction/Overlevel
Created by: impala

John the Defender
Class: Defender
Action skill: Riot Time. Digistructs riot shield.
Description: Tank/Damage reduction/Support
Created by: deathtomothrakk

Julian the Guardian
Class: Guardian
Action skill: Digistructed Defender. Digistructs a shield.
Description: Damage reduction/Tank/Close range combat/Support
Created by: Ninjapirate1333

Kaine the Executioner
Class: Executioner
Action skill: Grappling hook that grabs enemies.
Description: Close range combat/Tank/Support/Damage reduction
Created by: reaper42

Murphy the Enforcer
Class: Enforcer
Action skill: Riot Mode. Raging.
Description: Tank/Crowd control/Support/Aggro/Damage resistance
Created by: The Handsome One

Class: Meat Shield
Action skill: Riot Shield
Description: Aggro/Tank/Close range combat/Damage reduction/Melee damage
Created by: SnakeoilSage

Rikers the Mechawarrior
Class: Mechawarrior
Action skill: Mechawarrior suit.
Description: Tank/Damage reduction/Aggro/Support
Created by: Turando

Class: Tankenstein
Action skill: Tankenstein raging.
Description: Tank/Close range combat/Melee/Damage reduction/Elemental damage
Created by: heinzmonster

The Tank
Class: Tank
Action skill: Tank Suit.
Description: Shield-based defence/Damage reduction
Created by: THUNDR

The Wereskag
Class: Wereskag
Action skill: You become a wereskag.
Description: Tank/Melee damage/Movement speed/Closee range combat
Created by: Zylo the Wolfbane

Will the Chevalier
Class: Chevalier
Action skill: Bulwark. Digistructs shield.
Description: Tank/Damage reduction/Clore range combat
Created by: castem

Xeno the Apache
Class: Apache (Super Soldier)
Action skill: Apache Spirit. Activates suit.
Description: Damage reduction/Support/DPS
Created by: Shar911

Miscellaneous Character Classes

Crowd Control

Ivan the Siren
Class: Siren (male)
Action skill: Phaseblock. AOE stun effect.
Description: Crowd control/Support/Debuffer
Created by: AForestTroll

Moira the Cryomancer
Class: Cryomancer
Action skill: Cryo-phase. Applies ice/freeze damage to enemies.
Description: Support/Crowd control/Healer/Debuffer/Ice elemental damage
Created by: impala

The Employee
Class: Employee
Action skill: Uprising. Friendly fire effect.
Description: Crowd control/Close range combat/Support
Created by: RainbowPyro


Aerie the Gunsmith
Class: Eridian Gunsmith
Action skill: Prisma Beam. Emts laser beam that homes in on enemies.
Description: Debuffer/Crowd control/DPS/Elemental damage/Damage reduction
Created by: Iggy

Alyce the Cyren
Class: Cyren (Cyber Siren)
Action skill: Phasedream. Emits AOE aura.
Description: Debuffer/Crowd control/Support
Created by: RuinEX

Brad the Paladin
Class: Paladin
Action skill: Unity. Emits aura with AOE buffs.
Description: Support/Damage reduction
Created by: puritan643

Class: Claptrap
Action skill: Open your trap. Trance mode, boosting stats while ranting.
Description: lol/Debuffer/Support
Created by: twable

M1N3R the Ghost
Class: Ghost
Action skill: Digiwhat. Can possess enemies.
Description: Support/Movement speed/Close range combat
Created by: Coffee009

Shaktis the Evangelist
Class: Evangelist
Action skill: Concecrate. Creates a safety-zone area, that boosts stats.
Description: Support/Debuffer/Close range combat
Created by: Eternal K

Skye the Bounty Hunter
Class: Bounty Hunter
Action skill: Rush. Booster pack.
Description: Close range combat/Movement speed/Damage reduction/Crowd control
Created by: That_Guy42

Viktor the Technophant
Class: Technophant
Action skill: Override. Hacking enemy weaponry.
Description: Debuffer/Elemental damage/Support
Created by: Jyro X

Virgil the Rebel
Class: Rebel
Action skill: Phantom. Deploys hologram.
Description: Stealth/Aggro/Support/Decoy
Created by: Ultimate Pheer


Brian the Loader
Class: Loader
Action skill: ENGORGE. Digistructed minigun and cannon.
Description: Support/Damage reduction/ammo regeneration/Movement speed
Created by: impala

Charlie the Modder
Class: Modder
Action skill: Digistruct Hacking. Merges equipped weapon effects.
Description: DPS
Created by: Angry Old Feral

Dustin the Mechanic
Class: Mechanic
Action skill: The Byg Gun. Equipped minigun.
Description: Close range combat/Damage reduction/Tank/Support
Created by: puritan643

Emlin the Tester
Class: Tester
Action skill: Test run. Equips weapon that levels up with kills.
Description: DPS/Explosive damage
Created by: The Great Gumby

James the Killer
Class: Killer
Action skill: Killer mode. Accuracy and damage buffs.
Description: DPS/Close range combat/Pistol proficiency/Looting
Created by: KillingB0w

Ted the Agent
Class: Agent
Action skill: Digistruct Arsenal. Digistructs weapons/Unlimited ammo.
Description: Infinite ammo/Tediore loyalty/DPS
Created by: RuinEX

The Agent
Class: Agent
Action skill: Covert Ops. Invisibility & weapon damage boosts.
Description: DPS/Stealth
Created by: Shar911


Alastor the Scientist
Class: Scientist
Action skill: Elemental Feedback. Elemental augment.
Description: Elemental damage/Damage reduction/Healer
Created by: sparkslore

Cynthia the Metalhead
Class: Metalhead
Action skill: Rock 'n' Roll. Elemental damage in 5 meter radius.
Description: Elemental damage/Damage reduction/Support
Created by: BestSuicideBomberEVER

Dale the Exterminator
Class: Exterminator
Action skill: Exterminator Mode. Elemental throwers.
Description: Elemental damage
Created by: That_Guy42

Erick the Brother
Class: The Brother
Action skill: Lightning Bolt. Emits bolts from hands.
Description: Elemental damage/Damage reduction/Support
Created by: GenErick64

Class: Eridian
Action skill: Meteor Assault.
Description: Elemental damage
Created by: Jellyfiend

Faust the Bullet Mage
Class: Bullet Mage
Action skill: Spell Slinger. Equipped Eridian pistol with infinite ammo.
Description: Elemental damage/Infinite ammo/Support
Created by: badaction

Karmen the Elementalist
Class: Elementalist
Action skill: Meltdown. Adds elemental damage to weapons.
Description: Elemental damage/Support
Created by: NegativeZer0 FX

Mr. Grizzleston the Technician
Class: Technician
Action skill: Rainbow Swirls. Elemental augment.
Description: Elemental damage/Close range combat/Support
Created by: PlayingWithMadness

Lexis the Drifter
Class: Drifter
Action skill: Phaserift. Emits bolt that damages enemies.
Description: Elemental damage/Crowd control/Sniper proficiency/Melee
Created by: puritan643

Soren the Viking
Class: Viking
Action skill: Ice weapons/melee
Description: Ice elemental/Debuffer/Support/Crowd Control
Created by: Aarhg

Spectre the Guardian
Class: Eridian Guardian
Action skill: Eridian Rain. Emits elemental orbs that home in on enemies.
Description: Elemental damage/Crowd control
Created by: Eternal K

The Scourge
Class: Scourge/Rat
Action skill: Optic Blast
Description: Close range combat/Elemental damage/Melee
Created by: Beep-Boop

Voask The Spirochaete
Class: Spirochaete
Action skill: Nanite Release. Deploys nanite swarm.
Description: Damage reduction/Elemental damage/Movement speed
Created by: Blutfatal


Class: Bomber
Action skill: Suicide. Suicide psycho attack.
Description: Explosive damage/Movement speed/Assault rifle proficiency
Created by: xcrimsonlegendx

Erik the Engineer
Class: Engineer
Action skill: Trip Mine. Deploys proximity mines.
Description: Crowd control/Explosive damage
Created by: theratman

Jackie Ruth
Class: Grenade-oriented
Action skill: Grenade Storm.
Description: Grenade proficiency/Close range combat/Elemental damage
Created by: Kalibur

Class: Grenade-oriented
Action skill: Unlimited grenade pool.
Description: Grenade proficiency/Elemental damage/Close range combat
Created by:  LayDownNtrafik


Damian the Rat
Class: Rat
Action skill: Rat Bastards. Smoke screen that distracts enemies.
Description: Decoy/Close range combat/Looting
Created by: StuckOnPandora

J.J. the Cowboy
Class: Cowboy
Action skill: Mount Up. You ride on your pet skag.
Description: Movement speed/Jakobs loyalty/Pistol and shotgun boosts/Looting
Created by: Njcovert

Monte the Pirate
Class: Pirate
Action skill: Piece of 8. Auto-aim on critical spots.
Description: Looting/Support
Created by: Protobaka

Monty the Midget
Class: Midget
Action skill: Bacon. You summon your pet skag.
Description: Pet/Shotgun DPS/Close range combat/Looting/Movement speed
Created by: impala


Damion the Devil
Class: Demon
Action skill: Possession. Raging.
Description: Melee/Damage reduction
Created by: Shar911

Jericho the Chosen
Class: Chosen.
Action skill: Eridian Enhancement. Digistructs Eridian armor suit.
Description: Close range combat/Elemental damage/Damage reduction
Created by: Beep-Boop

Marvin the Mad Physicist
Class: Physicist
Action skill: Mechanically Assisted RAMPAGE.
Description: Close range combat/Elemental damage/Melee
Created by: TheLateMrCarter

Maxwell the Eridian
Class: Eridian
Action skill: Flaming Matter. Transforms into an Eridian Guardian.
Description: Melee/Close range combat
Created by: AAA

The Vanguard
Class: Vanguard
Action skill: Repulsors. Boosters.
Description: Movement speed/Melee/Close range combat
Created by: Morvick

⦁ 50% of classes added. To quote Mr Torgue, "IT TOOK SEVERAL HOURS!". The rest will be added shortly, probably before New Year's Eve.
⦁ TIPS: Don't post your character concept here. Make a new thread for it. And it's good to be descriptive. Break up the text in parts with easily seen titles: Action skill, back story, etc.

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