Cearin the Siren
Action Skill: Phase Blitz
Teleports forward a short distance (enough to go through a group of mobs), the resulting tear between the 2 positions causes a wall of rippling shadows to appear for a short time, which rip and tear at enemies, dealing void/slag damage
New damage type: Void damage
Void damage may be too similar to slag, in which case obviously it would not be implemented. But the basic premise behind this damage would be as an element that is equally effective against all enemies, deal a bit less damage than non elemental weapons, but deal increasing damage over time or some other mechanic to make both non ele and void elements both viable. Or have it deal more damage the less health the enemy has
element color would be black or dark grey
3 skill trees:
This is a tanking tree that focuses on pulling enemies close and damage mitigation and reflection, think eye of the storm.
Game changer 1: reflects all damage for a short duration after your shield breaks
Game changer 2/capstone: Action Skill Augment. Phase Vortex, slowly pulls in enemies over a 15 second duration dealing small amounts of void damage to them
This is a tree is focused around using PB frequently with follow up attacks at close range, has skills that reduce PBs duration and cooldown, along with movement speed, and reload speed
Game changer 1: Double Back, you Phase Blitz twice, first forward, then backward, dealing much heavier damage
Capstone: Void Anchor. Melee override. 40 second cooldown. Marks an enemy, making them take no void damage, but immobilizing them and having them deal void damage in an expanding circle over 7 seconds, dealing more damage at the center
This is a control oriented tree, focusing on restricting enemies' movement and aoe damage.
Game changer 1: Skid Marks. the last 2 enemies you dealt damage to form a link between them dealing damage to all touching the link
Capstone: Traction. Action Skill Augment. all enemies damaged by your Phase Blitz are rooted for 10 seconds
Action Skill: Phase Blitz
Teleports forward a short distance (enough to go through a group of mobs), the resulting tear between the 2 positions causes a wall of rippling shadows to appear for a short time, which rip and tear at enemies, dealing void/slag damage
New damage type: Void damage
Void damage may be too similar to slag, in which case obviously it would not be implemented. But the basic premise behind this damage would be as an element that is equally effective against all enemies, deal a bit less damage than non elemental weapons, but deal increasing damage over time or some other mechanic to make both non ele and void elements both viable. Or have it deal more damage the less health the enemy has
element color would be black or dark grey
3 skill trees:
This is a tanking tree that focuses on pulling enemies close and damage mitigation and reflection, think eye of the storm.
Game changer 1: reflects all damage for a short duration after your shield breaks
Game changer 2/capstone: Action Skill Augment. Phase Vortex, slowly pulls in enemies over a 15 second duration dealing small amounts of void damage to them
This is a tree is focused around using PB frequently with follow up attacks at close range, has skills that reduce PBs duration and cooldown, along with movement speed, and reload speed
Game changer 1: Double Back, you Phase Blitz twice, first forward, then backward, dealing much heavier damage
Capstone: Void Anchor. Melee override. 40 second cooldown. Marks an enemy, making them take no void damage, but immobilizing them and having them deal void damage in an expanding circle over 7 seconds, dealing more damage at the center
This is a control oriented tree, focusing on restricting enemies' movement and aoe damage.
Game changer 1: Skid Marks. the last 2 enemies you dealt damage to form a link between them dealing damage to all touching the link
Capstone: Traction. Action Skill Augment. all enemies damaged by your Phase Blitz are rooted for 10 seconds