Marvin the Mad Physicist
Marvin is a quantum physicist, a mad man, and a fighter. His greatest strength is his technology, using mostly mechanical augmentations (not integrated into his body... mostly) as his weapons and skills. Specializing in melee, his action skill (Mechanically Assisted RAMPAGE) mutates him into a badass psycho and digistructs a large mechanical arm over his shrunken one as his inner voice takes over diving into a psychotic rampage (normal vocals switch to psycho vocals until skill ends). He dresses in a stylish but torn up lab coat, safety goggles on top of his head, Creeper shoes, crazy hair resembling a young Einstein, with a partial body mechanical apparatus (like Hyperion architects but sleeker with no lasers).
Backstory: Have you ever wondered what would happen if Maya and Krieg's potential romance budded into something more? I sure have. Marvin is the result, the mutant bastard of a siren and a psycho's genetic cocktail. Born with unimaginable genius (since males cannot be imbued with Eridian power) and cursed with the inner voice of a raving psychopath. Driven by the mystery of extreme quantum fluctuations since the activation of all the vaults in the galaxy and his inability to ignore his dark passengers unquenchable thirst for blood, he joins the vault hunters on their quest. He came seemingly from nowhere, no vault hunter or their friends called out to him or even knew he existed until he showed up on their door step. Tannis takes particular interest in him due to unusual radioactive particles emanating from his body. Of course as a quantum physicist he comes in contact with many such strange rads and particles regularly, this keeps her suspicions in check for now.
Skill Trees:
⦁ Nano Tech: This tree uses nano bots to augment Marvin and his weapons. The bots can be used to increase elemental damage, elemental chance, weapon accuracy, and health regeneration. Regen would almost be done entirely by the skill Parasitic Bots: Melee attacks have a percent chance to infect targets with health stealing nanobots. Infection change could go as high as 40% (without class mod bonuses) while the health regen would have to be very low as the skill points should also determine how long they last. Purple is my Favorite Color: gives nano bots a chance to Slag enemies from within. Final skill would be Infectious Bots: nano bots can infect nearby enemies (33.33333333333333333333% chance) as well as allies (healing allies instead of damaging). Bots can be spread to allies through Marvins melee attacks, infected enemy melee attacks, and thrown melee weapons.
⦁ Bionics: is all about melee attacks and body augments. Most skills here add to melee attacks, explosive damage, fire damage, max health, shield regeneration (making it longer for downed shield bonuses), and fire rate and gun damage while the shield is down. The melee override in this tree would be the Impaler Spike: shoots a large titanium spike into an enemy thereby slowing/crippling enemies, and only temporary on bosses. The spike also acts as a nanobot hive having a 100% infection chance if the player has the Parasitic Nanobots skill. User can add fire damage to Marvin's action skill by investing in the Overheat skill which takes away the cooling system in the arms giving each melee strike a high chance of igniting enemies, the odds and damage increase as the timer goes on (more use means more heat). The final skill in the tree is Catastrophic Meltdown: at the end of the timer the arms go critical and are ejected towards the crosshairs in erratic patterns. On impact each creates a small nuclear explosion. When enemies are killed by these explosions their molecules destabilize causing them to explode in smaller novas that can chain to enemies. Explosive kills also heal Marvin and his allies. A copy of Krieg's skill "Silence the Voices" could also fit well here since he's
fighting the opposite internal battle.
⦁ Quantum Mechanics: This tree is a lot of fun; its all about creating micro wormholes to a parallel dimension. Some skills will add to stats but its more focused on the specialized skills. The first skill tree is Superimposed Munitions: Marvin has a percent change of pulling different ammo from ammo types he is already full on. The idea being in the other dimension that box or drop has the ammo he needed. Next is the melee override Quantum Singularity: opens a wormhole to the center of a black hole for an infinitely small amount of time sucking enemies in a large radius to his location allowing him to finish them off with melee. This skill could also do a small amount of implosive damage (which could be standard or explosive). The Parallel Gunfire skill would give a chance of stealing projectiles fired from a version of the gun in the parallel dimension essentially making the gun fire twice without the extra ammo cost. With 10 skill points on it the chance should go up to 60% tops and fire up to 3 rounds. Fight for HIS Life: When Marvin is down a wormhole he pulls a parallel version of himself partially into our universe (ethereal so it takes no damage) to fight for him. Parallel self can spawn as a different level than current players Marvin (standard deviation of 5 levels) making it randomly easier and harder to pick up yourself, odds will change depending on the amount of times Marvin has gone down since his last respawn. The final skill in this tree would be Elemental Improbability: Melee attacks, nano bots and being hit by melee attacks can warp in random elemental damage on the enemy AND/OR (to a lesser degree) Marvin. Odds of hitting Marvin will be 1/3 or 1/2 the odds of hitting the enemy.
Character Callouts:
⦁ "Inertia is a property of matter" send enemy flying with melee attacks
⦁ "It's about to get a little Non-Newtonian in here" Quantum Singularity recharged
⦁ "Oh no Oh No OH NO (deep psychotic voice) OH YES" Use Action skill
⦁ "'SLAUGHTER THE MURDERMAKERS!' 'Good' 'Oh GOD! There's two!'" Killing spree
⦁ "Mar-vin the science guy. Marv! Marv! 'MURDER!' You ruined it, thanks for that." Running long distances
⦁ "I will eat your molecules!" Action skill kill
⦁ "I see rainbows in your blood mist!" action kill skill
⦁ "Share and Enjoy!" Grenade throw
⦁ "I'll single your larity!" Melee override during action skill
⦁ "I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed. 'I hunger for flesh' its your fault" running
⦁ "And that part of your brain is called the Sup Frontal Gyrus" headshot kill
⦁ "You have no chance to survive, make your time" Badass enters
⦁ "I don't get peoples obsession with time travel paradoxes. I mean with our modern level of technology one could simply upload their New-U data into their time vehicle, set a timer for it travel automatically, kill themselves when the vehicle opens the wormhole, and have it upload automatically to the old New-U systems which would then recreate your body out of entirely different atoms from that era. No risk at all! NOT that anyone would ever do that... No way, thats uh... thats nuts...*Nipple Salads* QUIET YOU" Idling
⦁ "I've got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left side. 'Feel good tingles!'" Taking heavy damage
Marvin is a quantum physicist, a mad man, and a fighter. His greatest strength is his technology, using mostly mechanical augmentations (not integrated into his body... mostly) as his weapons and skills. Specializing in melee, his action skill (Mechanically Assisted RAMPAGE) mutates him into a badass psycho and digistructs a large mechanical arm over his shrunken one as his inner voice takes over diving into a psychotic rampage (normal vocals switch to psycho vocals until skill ends). He dresses in a stylish but torn up lab coat, safety goggles on top of his head, Creeper shoes, crazy hair resembling a young Einstein, with a partial body mechanical apparatus (like Hyperion architects but sleeker with no lasers).
Backstory: Have you ever wondered what would happen if Maya and Krieg's potential romance budded into something more? I sure have. Marvin is the result, the mutant bastard of a siren and a psycho's genetic cocktail. Born with unimaginable genius (since males cannot be imbued with Eridian power) and cursed with the inner voice of a raving psychopath. Driven by the mystery of extreme quantum fluctuations since the activation of all the vaults in the galaxy and his inability to ignore his dark passengers unquenchable thirst for blood, he joins the vault hunters on their quest. He came seemingly from nowhere, no vault hunter or their friends called out to him or even knew he existed until he showed up on their door step. Tannis takes particular interest in him due to unusual radioactive particles emanating from his body. Of course as a quantum physicist he comes in contact with many such strange rads and particles regularly, this keeps her suspicions in check for now.
Skill Trees:
⦁ Nano Tech: This tree uses nano bots to augment Marvin and his weapons. The bots can be used to increase elemental damage, elemental chance, weapon accuracy, and health regeneration. Regen would almost be done entirely by the skill Parasitic Bots: Melee attacks have a percent chance to infect targets with health stealing nanobots. Infection change could go as high as 40% (without class mod bonuses) while the health regen would have to be very low as the skill points should also determine how long they last. Purple is my Favorite Color: gives nano bots a chance to Slag enemies from within. Final skill would be Infectious Bots: nano bots can infect nearby enemies (33.33333333333333333333% chance) as well as allies (healing allies instead of damaging). Bots can be spread to allies through Marvins melee attacks, infected enemy melee attacks, and thrown melee weapons.
⦁ Bionics: is all about melee attacks and body augments. Most skills here add to melee attacks, explosive damage, fire damage, max health, shield regeneration (making it longer for downed shield bonuses), and fire rate and gun damage while the shield is down. The melee override in this tree would be the Impaler Spike: shoots a large titanium spike into an enemy thereby slowing/crippling enemies, and only temporary on bosses. The spike also acts as a nanobot hive having a 100% infection chance if the player has the Parasitic Nanobots skill. User can add fire damage to Marvin's action skill by investing in the Overheat skill which takes away the cooling system in the arms giving each melee strike a high chance of igniting enemies, the odds and damage increase as the timer goes on (more use means more heat). The final skill in the tree is Catastrophic Meltdown: at the end of the timer the arms go critical and are ejected towards the crosshairs in erratic patterns. On impact each creates a small nuclear explosion. When enemies are killed by these explosions their molecules destabilize causing them to explode in smaller novas that can chain to enemies. Explosive kills also heal Marvin and his allies. A copy of Krieg's skill "Silence the Voices" could also fit well here since he's
fighting the opposite internal battle.
⦁ Quantum Mechanics: This tree is a lot of fun; its all about creating micro wormholes to a parallel dimension. Some skills will add to stats but its more focused on the specialized skills. The first skill tree is Superimposed Munitions: Marvin has a percent change of pulling different ammo from ammo types he is already full on. The idea being in the other dimension that box or drop has the ammo he needed. Next is the melee override Quantum Singularity: opens a wormhole to the center of a black hole for an infinitely small amount of time sucking enemies in a large radius to his location allowing him to finish them off with melee. This skill could also do a small amount of implosive damage (which could be standard or explosive). The Parallel Gunfire skill would give a chance of stealing projectiles fired from a version of the gun in the parallel dimension essentially making the gun fire twice without the extra ammo cost. With 10 skill points on it the chance should go up to 60% tops and fire up to 3 rounds. Fight for HIS Life: When Marvin is down a wormhole he pulls a parallel version of himself partially into our universe (ethereal so it takes no damage) to fight for him. Parallel self can spawn as a different level than current players Marvin (standard deviation of 5 levels) making it randomly easier and harder to pick up yourself, odds will change depending on the amount of times Marvin has gone down since his last respawn. The final skill in this tree would be Elemental Improbability: Melee attacks, nano bots and being hit by melee attacks can warp in random elemental damage on the enemy AND/OR (to a lesser degree) Marvin. Odds of hitting Marvin will be 1/3 or 1/2 the odds of hitting the enemy.
Character Callouts:
⦁ "Inertia is a property of matter" send enemy flying with melee attacks
⦁ "It's about to get a little Non-Newtonian in here" Quantum Singularity recharged
⦁ "Oh no Oh No OH NO (deep psychotic voice) OH YES" Use Action skill
⦁ "'SLAUGHTER THE MURDERMAKERS!' 'Good' 'Oh GOD! There's two!'" Killing spree
⦁ "Mar-vin the science guy. Marv! Marv! 'MURDER!' You ruined it, thanks for that." Running long distances
⦁ "I will eat your molecules!" Action skill kill
⦁ "I see rainbows in your blood mist!" action kill skill
⦁ "Share and Enjoy!" Grenade throw
⦁ "I'll single your larity!" Melee override during action skill
⦁ "I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed. 'I hunger for flesh' its your fault" running
⦁ "And that part of your brain is called the Sup Frontal Gyrus" headshot kill
⦁ "You have no chance to survive, make your time" Badass enters
⦁ "I don't get peoples obsession with time travel paradoxes. I mean with our modern level of technology one could simply upload their New-U data into their time vehicle, set a timer for it travel automatically, kill themselves when the vehicle opens the wormhole, and have it upload automatically to the old New-U systems which would then recreate your body out of entirely different atoms from that era. No risk at all! NOT that anyone would ever do that... No way, thats uh... thats nuts...*Nipple Salads* QUIET YOU" Idling
⦁ "I've got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left side. 'Feel good tingles!'" Taking heavy damage