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Borderlands 2.5 Update: Diana's Skill Tree added.

I wanted to create a comic on what happens 2 years after the events of borderlands 2. The Vault Hunters had left Pandora to seek the other Vaults in the galaxy.

The whole plot device in this is still mixed up and not finished. But I already got the characters listed down. There's still probably gonna be some changes in them but this is what I got for now.

Diana as the Sniper
Age: 25
Hunter and Mercenary for hire.

Diana is a big fan of Mordecai. That said, she grew up learning the skills and weapons of a true huntress. She's also Vice President of the only Mordecai is Cute Fan Club. She came to Pandora in search of Mordecai ( which would be useless, since he left along with his friends to look for more Vaults), and brought a few of her friends to join her. She also adored Bloodwing and invented a little weapon gizmo in honor of her. CRMS0N BLAD3 is what she called it: A miniature bladed pocket rocket that homes in on enemies and explodes on impact.

Carter as the Gunman
Age: 38
Soldier and leader

Carter had been sent to train for the Atlas Corp. at the age of 15. Like Roland he too left prior to the events of Borderlands. After hearing his friend Diana say she was heading to Pandora, he decided to come along and help out, as well as get away from all sorts of problems related to his desertion. He carries another reason why Atlas wanted him dead: DR-460N SKYFIRE Turret, a prototype airborne turret that, with quick reactions and nimble reflexes, can evade all weapon fire but lacks powerful damage.

Phoebe as the Angel
Age: 28
A woman of mystery and secrets.

Phoebe doesn't get out a lot, and when she does, she completely covers herself, leaving only her eyes, nose and forehead revealed. This contradicts the way she acts, as she is friendly, caring, and not very shy at all. However she stays silent and may even be rude when someone asks about her appearance. One thing's for sure though, she can conjure up mysterious orbs from her hands and throw them as projectiles, which then cause an explosion. She decides to go with Diana to Pandora as she heard a lot about beings known as Sirens discovering their powers and origins from there.

Manson as a Survivor
Age: 23
A Hyperion Experiment that probably has his sanity intact.

A native to Pandora, Manson was one of the unlucky to be a test subject to Hyperion's experimentations. However he was one of very few and very lucky to have come out of it alive and perhaps unharmed. Though much is debatable when it comes to his mind. It's more of a mix between a sane person, and a psycho/lab rat mix. Unlike the other 3, Manson was not a friend but was very interested in becoming one. He provided himself as a guide to the others, whenever he isn't acting crazy. All he has is his acrobatic movements, uncontrollable thoughts, his hands, and his mouth.

Stuck on Pandora, the 4 explore all of Pandora and the harsh environments of Winter.

(That's all I got for now. Soon I'll be working on the current antagonists and stuff.)

Diana's Skill Tree

Action Skill: CRMS0N BLAD3
~Throw your mini homing pocket rocket at your enemies. Cooldown: 28 sec.

Tier 1
Skull Mash 0/5
-Increases Sniper Rifle Damage by 5% per level.

Boom 0/5
-Increases Critical Hit Damage by 7% per level.

Tier 2
Prepared 0/5
-Increases Reload Speed by 10% per level.

Killstreak 0/5
-Kill Skill. Killing an enemy increases the following for a few seconds per level:
+3% Gun Damage
+5% Fire Rate
+2% Health Regeneration per second

Tier 3
Crms0n BuRst 0/1
-Crimson Blade creates bigger explosions, damaging nearby enemies.

Greed 0/5
-Shots have a 20% chance to pierce through enemies.

One Shot... 0/5
-First shot from Sniper Rifles deal +20% Damage per level. +12% for all other weapons.

Tier 4
No Scope, Quick Scope 0/5
-+20% Hip-Shot Accuracy and +10% Aim Speed.

FMJ 0/5
-Bullets ignore shields. Damage against armored enemies increases by 5% per level.

Tier 5
B1G B4NG 0/1
-Sniper Rifles now fire explosive rounds, dealing explosive damage in addition to original damage. Explosive damage based on Sniper Rifle damage.

Tier 1
Steady 0/5
-Increase Accuracy by 5% per level.

Precision 0/5
-Reduces Weapon Sway by 13%

Tier 2
Transfusion 0/5
-Crimson Blade now sends out healing orbs when it hits an enemy.
Number of orbs: 1
Health Regained: 4% of Crimson Blade damage

Tier 3
Cripple 0/1
-Crimson Blade now coated with Slag. Enemies hit by Crimson Blade leave their wounds open for a few seconds, taking 20% more damage from all sources.

See Me, Shoot Me, Heal Me 0/5
-You can shoot your allies with your Sniper Rifle. Shots from your Sniper Rifle heal your allies 2% of its damage.

Hurts So Right 0/5
-Your Sniper Rifle now has 8% chance to revive fallen allies.

Tier 4
Rub Off On Me 0/5
-Increases Accuracy and Damage for all allies by 3% per level.

Trigger Happy 0/5
-Chances to fire twice per shot increased by 8%

Tier 5
Surprise 0/1
-Melee Override Skill. While Crimson Blade is on cooldown, only once can you deploy 5 mini Crimson Blades at once that deal elemental damage. Applies Cripple.

Tier 1
Spectre 0/5
-Increases Crimson Blade's speed by 5% and cooldown by 1.0 sec per level.

Fitness 0/5
-Increases Maximum Health by 3% and Movement Speed by 8% per level.

Tier 2
Stunned 0/5
-Crimson Blade has a 20% chance to slow down enemies and reduce their accuracy.

Rush 0/5
-Increases Movement Speed, Gun Damage and Fire Rate by 10% when shields are depleted.

Tier 3
Scavenger 0/1
-Based on Action Skill damage, you regain ammo for all weapon types when Crimson Blade hits an enemy.

Camper 0/5
-While standing Still for a period of time gives you up to 8% Critical Hit Damage and -8% Sway per level.

Fatality 0/5
-Enemies with low health take 50% more Melee Damage.

Tier 4
Progress 0/5
-Increases the number of enemies Crimson Blade can attack by 1.

Loot Hunt 0/5
-When Crimson Blade kills an enemy, enemies have a 20% chance to drop twice the amount of ammo, money, guns, and healing.

Tier 5
Second Chance 0/1
-You have a 50% chance to ignore damage that would otherwise kill you and instead regain full health and +100% Fire Rate for a few seconds.

(Working on Carter's Skill Tree now.)

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