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Borderlands 3 shield master class

Handsome jack son class for bl3 anyone?

Description:Angels older brother and handsome jacks son,flyn got enraged when Angel was thirteen and he was 16 he left handsome jack and angel because of what jack was doing to his younger sister and left into eridium blight, after half an hour he ended up with a half broken arm and he was bleeding, he fled into a little wooden cottage in the distance, he met a man who called himself fledge hammer who trained him for 8 months in fighting with guns and melee, a month after that Hyperion found the cottage and killed fledge and destroyed the cottage. Flyn then trained for 5-10 years (depends on how big a time gap between borderlands 1 and borderlands 3) in the arts of shields, he was very interested in them and even started buying shields and editing them to his liking. He eventually learned how to edit the shields so quick so that he could do it in about 5 seconds.

Likes:Shields, Lizards, Confusing people and Jakobs guns

Dislikes:Hyperion, Hyperion guns, Snipers and masks

Action skill:Shielding shield, When you use it you see his hands, in his left hand he has the players shield and in the other hand he has a wrench which is the opening of the skill, the skill utilizes the shield to change the recharge rate, delay and capacity incredible for 10 seconds but this also gets rid of all shield effects for 10 seconds but can be customized later so that it adds it's own ability, it's cool down is 60 seconds long

Skill tree number 1:The skill tree to the left which Is named shield has a large amount of skills which include:

Tier 1:
1. Shielded: Increases capacity shielding shield gives you [0/5]

2. I don't want to wait: decreases recharge delay with all shields [0/5]

Tier 2:

1. Shielded damage: when your shield is fully recharged you do slightly increased gun damage [0/5]

2. 2 hours later: your shield takes less damage from attacks with guns [0/5]

3. Fly like a bird:increased jump height when using action skill [0/5]

Tier 3:

1. Instant capacity: when shielding shield finishes your shield doesnt take damage for 3 seconds [0/1]

2. Print it sucka!: Increases action skill duration [0/5]

3. Jakob!: Highly increases Jackobs damage [0/5]

Tier 4:

1. Flurry: small chance to fire 5 bullets instead of one while action skill is active [0/5]

2. Superman: Speed decreased when shields are depleted but you gain massive melee damage [0/5]

Tier 5:

1. Headlock: Headshots do 5x damage when you have a fully charged shield [0/5]

Tier 6:

1. Super nova: when you have the shielding shield on and your shield becomes depleted you release a giant slag nova which slags all enemies [0/1]

Skill tree number 2: Faceless

Tier 1:

1. Robot hater: Damage against robots slightly increased while in action skill [0/5]

2. Corrode: A small percent of your damage is turned corrosive [0/5]

Tier 2:

1. Poison: All corrosion damage lasts longer against enemies [0/5]

2. Resist: you take less elemental damage [0/5]

3. Sprint: When sprinting your shield recharge rate is higher [0/5]

Tier 3:

1. Acid: Corrosion damage is tripled [0/1]

2. Kiss: When you take melee damage your enemy gets corroded [0/5]

3. Spikes: When you are shot there is a very very small chance they will take 100% the damage they did to you when you are using your action skill [0/5]

Tier 4:

1. Cousin: when taking damage from your shield you have a tiny chance to instantly recharge it [0/5]

2. Friend: when you damage an enemy there's a small chance they will become good but it won't work on bosses [0/5]

Tier 5:

1. Robot dumper: When using your action skill you do a huge amount more damage against robots [0/5]

Tier 6:

1. Amplify:when using action skill and shield is fully charged you gain massive amp damage [0/1]

Skill tree number 3: Massacre

Tier 1:

1. Special ability: accuracy is increased [0/5]

2. Firefly: Rocket launcher damage is increased [0/5]

Tier 2:

1. Muscles: you take less melee damage but deal more [0/5]

2. Loser: Kill skill. Killing a enemy makes your melee damage increase for a few seconds. Stacks up to 999 [0/5]

3. Winner: Kill skill. Killing a enemy makes your health higher for a few seconds.
Stacks up to 999 [0/5]

Tier 3:

1. Hair: damage against humans massively increased [0/1]

2. Rock star: shot gun damage increased [0/5]

3. Road runner: you run really fast 3 seconds after your action skill [0/5]

Tier 4:

1. Critical strike: critical strike damage while using action skill massively increased [0/5]

2. Two fists: you do double damage with melee [0/5]

Tier 5:

1. Hola!: melee damage heals you slightly while using action skill [0/5]

Tier 6:

1. Escape: you have nearly 100% elemental resistance while using your action skill [0/1]

And that just about raps it up! Bye!

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