I've read a lot of "Creepypasta" stories, some of them scare me, some of them don't. So I decided to come up with one about Borderlands 2. This is going to be in 1st person, remember that his did not happen. Anything in brackets is actually me saying something.
I've been a gamer for a good few years, and the game I have been playing the most of is Borderlands 2, I played through the first game multiple times, and I was dying to get the second game when it got released. I got it and I played it non stop! I had got all 5 characters to Lv50 before the first DLC was released! Then quickly shot up to Lv61, and now Lv72. I can say that I literally "completed" this game 100%. But I still played it. During my time playing online, people duped me black rarity weapons. I knew what they did, but I never used them, I just left them in my bank character. Then I heard about the update that deleted all of these weapons, and I overlooked it, I never really cared.
Then one day while I was playing Halo 4, I got a message from somebody called "52554e2041574159". I though to myself that that was a really odd Gamertag. I had just died on Halo so I opened up the dashboard and read the message. It said "Remember the update that removed all hacked weapons in Borderlands 2? I still have one, join my game and have one for yourself." I was curiuos, so I stopped playing Halo and put Borderlands 2 into the console, loaded it up and joined their game. It took at least a minute to load the game, but when I joined, I noticed something fairly odd about the menu. "52554e2041574159" was not on the active players list. It was an empty lobby. I looked at the message again and looked at their Profile. It said they was offline, they had no friends and no games where on the Compare Game list, and I came to a conclusion. The gamer no longer existed, they had deleted their account. Weirded out by this I checked the game menu again. The game was set to Offline, and I could not change it to anything else, and the Quit button was not selectable. Since I had no other choice - other than switching off my Xbox - I selected Continue and spawned in.
I spawned in Sanctuary, everything was normal. I turned the corner to where Gold Chest is and saw it, the black beam. I didn't see any gun at first, just the beam, I wrote that off a lag. But when I looked at the weapon card, it showed that the weapon had no body, it was just air, and the weapon name was "47686f7374" with the red text "596f752073686f7564206e6f74206861766520646f6e65207 4686174" It had 21753596-E4 Damage, 99.9 accuracy, 1 fire rate and no mag or reload speed. and Ignoring every warning signal that was going on my head I equipped the weapon. The first thing I noticed was that the ammo bar had an infinity sign in it. I shot the weapon. It fired a massive lazer, similar too what the Spartan Lazer does in Halo. I looked at the time and decided it was time for bed, I paused the game and the Quit option was now able to use. I put Ghost in the bank, saved and quit and turned off my system.
The next day I told my friends about what I had found, but they promptly did not believe me. When I got home from school that day I decided to check my game, to see if it was all a dream. But to my surprise, a message came up when I selected my character. "Your save file has been tampered with. If you have a back up, I suggest replacing this save with it. If you don't however, I can't guarantee that what you experience within the next few hours will be entertaining, let alone normal. But you can play. If you want." At the bottom of this message their was another series of jargon letters, this time reading "4d5552444552455220544f204245" I pressed Continue, not knowing what awaited me.
The game started at the begging at the game, in Windshear Wastes on the very first mission. I was worried, why was I put back here? After all I had done? I looked in my inventory to see I still had all my weapons, I did. So I thought just to to solider on. Everything seemed normal, Claptrap escorted me to his place, Knuckle Dragger took his eye and I went to the cabinet, but something sent a shiver down my spine. The mission box read "You've gotten a rather crappy gun, compaired to what you should have on you right now." With another jumble of numbers at the bottom of the box. "446576696c206265207769746820796f75f" But the level of the mission shocked me. Lv666. Ok, this was getting both cheesy and creepy at the same time. I soldered on, and reached the first encounter with the monglets, They were Lv666, and I could only deal 1 damage to them. The next thing I knew was they were right in my face, and downed me in a single hit. I held let FFYL run out and I re spawned in Claptrap's place. I thought how was I meant to defeat these things? Then I faceplam'd. The black weapon! I got it out from my bank and proceeded back to the enemies, I fired the lazer at a monglet, and it died instantly in a gruesome explosion. As I shot the rest they all died the same way, a massive explosion of blood, with guts going everywhere, but not like the normal explosion of blood, it was extremely graphic. I reached Knuckle Dragger and he died in a single shot. I thought to myself this game will be a breeze. And I played through the game normaly, skipping all the side quest.
Everything played normally, until I noticed something strange after the assault on Sanctuary. On my way to the fridge I noticed that the skags were not re spawning, It had been way longer than 10 minutes since I killed them. So I decided to test something, I reached the warp point in The Fridge and warped to Claptrap's Place, I walked to where Knuckle Dagger spawns, but he didn't spawn, I went the the Soaring Dragon. Nobody spawned, not ever Flynt. Did I actually 100% kill these enemies? I decided to ignore this and played the game to the end. After I defeated the final boss, I though to myself, shall I kill every single enemy in the game? Yes, yes I shall. It took about a week, but I killed every single possible enemy in the game.
A week passed after I killed all the enemies. I was still playing the same character, looking through chests to look for legendaries. One day I was sorting a few things through my bank. I turned into the room where the original vault hunters resided, and I accidentally clicked the trigger and shot the lazer. It hit Brick, and he exploded. I stood there, shocked at what I had just done. I reached for the console so I could not save my progress, but then I stopped. What would happen if I killed all the NPC's? It was a really stupid idea, but It might yield something, so I fired the lazer at Mordy, he exploded. I fired the lazer at Lilith, she exploded. And I continued through the game killing every NPC in the game. It took a good hour, but I finally got to the last NPC, Butt Stallion. I look at her, and fired my lazer. Shards of diamond flew everywhere. I stood there, I had just killed every NPC in the game. Did I beat this ridiculous game? Suddenly a message box appeared. It said "No survivors were found, only body parts. The land was barron. But the culprit was no-where to be seen." Suddenly a spine chilling laugh played over the TV, and the screen faded to black. Suddenly a loading screen appeared. The location I was apparently traveling too was "Hall of sighs" There was no tip, but the spinning weapon...ugh. I was a blood red rocket launcher, the shape of the launcher looked like the Legendary Norfleet. The loading screen stopped and a black screen appeared for around 5 seconds, then the world faded in. To my shock, I was now holding a weapon. It was the Blood Red Norfleet, I checked my inventory to see what it was, it was the black weapon I had been using the entire time, but I noticed something else. My character's face had a frightened look on their face, it made me frightened too. I went back to the game. I was in a hallway. With images of all the locations in the game, but they were all red. I walked down the hallway for around 60 seconds, then something horrible greeted me. The severed heads of all the NPC's I had killed. They were dripping in blood, the floor was blood soaked and every footstep I took I heard splashing sounds. I kept walking, shivering at all the heads hanging from the ceiling. I made it to the end of the hallway and I was in front of a door. I was able to open it. Inside the next room was 3 things; a TV, a table, and a sofa, but there was a figure sitting at on the sofa. It was another one of my characters. The character stood up and turned towards me. Then a horrible crackly voice came from them. "Are you happy? You killed them. You thought it was all just fun and games. It wasn't." Then the character opened their eyes. Their eyes were black with red pupils. Something like this.
(OK, now we've established that the character is Maya.) She spoke again. "It was hell! All of my friends! You used me as a puppet of death to destroy them! WHY DID YOU DO THIS!!!" I was frozen, my eyes were fixed on the screen. I felt horribly cold. "I think its about time I got myself some revenge!" Suddenly the room faded away, and a battle intro occurred. She took out the same weapon I had. The battle music was horrible, it was just screams and static. She was fast, It was hard to hit her with the lazer, she fired the lazer too, but I was able to dodge the attacks. I hit her with the launcher, but she did not die instantly. She screamed horribly, and went into Fight for Your Life. She was immediately able to down me. But I downed her to get myself back up, this continued for around 3 minutes until my FFYL bar went down too fast for me to get back up. The was no normal death animation. The other character used her Phase-lock attack, she slowly walked up to me. And she said one last thing. "Finally, fresh meat." She fired the lazer one last time, and the screen cut to black. Then the scariest image ever came up on screen. It was Maya's face, again with the black eyes, but this time the image was hyper-realistic. She had blood pouring from her eyes and mouth. And she was holding my Maya's severed head in her hands. Then extremely loud static noise played, it hurt my ears. Then my TV screen cracked, the image was still there and so was the noises, but then from the cracks in the TV, blood began to pour them. I had enough, I lounged for the Xbox and turned it off. The face was still there, the blood was still there. I through the TV to the ground and, finally, I let out an extremely loud scream, and I passed out.
I never forgot that day. After I had bought a new TV and looked at the game again, my Original character was there. I looked in the bank and saw no black weapon. It was over. I don't play Borderlands 2 much now, but I will never forget that face. It will stay with me for the rest of my days.
Well! What did you guys make of that? Any loop holes? Cliche? I'm not the best of writers, but I gave it my best shot!
I've been a gamer for a good few years, and the game I have been playing the most of is Borderlands 2, I played through the first game multiple times, and I was dying to get the second game when it got released. I got it and I played it non stop! I had got all 5 characters to Lv50 before the first DLC was released! Then quickly shot up to Lv61, and now Lv72. I can say that I literally "completed" this game 100%. But I still played it. During my time playing online, people duped me black rarity weapons. I knew what they did, but I never used them, I just left them in my bank character. Then I heard about the update that deleted all of these weapons, and I overlooked it, I never really cared.
Then one day while I was playing Halo 4, I got a message from somebody called "52554e2041574159". I though to myself that that was a really odd Gamertag. I had just died on Halo so I opened up the dashboard and read the message. It said "Remember the update that removed all hacked weapons in Borderlands 2? I still have one, join my game and have one for yourself." I was curiuos, so I stopped playing Halo and put Borderlands 2 into the console, loaded it up and joined their game. It took at least a minute to load the game, but when I joined, I noticed something fairly odd about the menu. "52554e2041574159" was not on the active players list. It was an empty lobby. I looked at the message again and looked at their Profile. It said they was offline, they had no friends and no games where on the Compare Game list, and I came to a conclusion. The gamer no longer existed, they had deleted their account. Weirded out by this I checked the game menu again. The game was set to Offline, and I could not change it to anything else, and the Quit button was not selectable. Since I had no other choice - other than switching off my Xbox - I selected Continue and spawned in.
I spawned in Sanctuary, everything was normal. I turned the corner to where Gold Chest is and saw it, the black beam. I didn't see any gun at first, just the beam, I wrote that off a lag. But when I looked at the weapon card, it showed that the weapon had no body, it was just air, and the weapon name was "47686f7374" with the red text "596f752073686f7564206e6f74206861766520646f6e65207 4686174" It had 21753596-E4 Damage, 99.9 accuracy, 1 fire rate and no mag or reload speed. and Ignoring every warning signal that was going on my head I equipped the weapon. The first thing I noticed was that the ammo bar had an infinity sign in it. I shot the weapon. It fired a massive lazer, similar too what the Spartan Lazer does in Halo. I looked at the time and decided it was time for bed, I paused the game and the Quit option was now able to use. I put Ghost in the bank, saved and quit and turned off my system.
The next day I told my friends about what I had found, but they promptly did not believe me. When I got home from school that day I decided to check my game, to see if it was all a dream. But to my surprise, a message came up when I selected my character. "Your save file has been tampered with. If you have a back up, I suggest replacing this save with it. If you don't however, I can't guarantee that what you experience within the next few hours will be entertaining, let alone normal. But you can play. If you want." At the bottom of this message their was another series of jargon letters, this time reading "4d5552444552455220544f204245" I pressed Continue, not knowing what awaited me.
The game started at the begging at the game, in Windshear Wastes on the very first mission. I was worried, why was I put back here? After all I had done? I looked in my inventory to see I still had all my weapons, I did. So I thought just to to solider on. Everything seemed normal, Claptrap escorted me to his place, Knuckle Dragger took his eye and I went to the cabinet, but something sent a shiver down my spine. The mission box read "You've gotten a rather crappy gun, compaired to what you should have on you right now." With another jumble of numbers at the bottom of the box. "446576696c206265207769746820796f75f" But the level of the mission shocked me. Lv666. Ok, this was getting both cheesy and creepy at the same time. I soldered on, and reached the first encounter with the monglets, They were Lv666, and I could only deal 1 damage to them. The next thing I knew was they were right in my face, and downed me in a single hit. I held let FFYL run out and I re spawned in Claptrap's place. I thought how was I meant to defeat these things? Then I faceplam'd. The black weapon! I got it out from my bank and proceeded back to the enemies, I fired the lazer at a monglet, and it died instantly in a gruesome explosion. As I shot the rest they all died the same way, a massive explosion of blood, with guts going everywhere, but not like the normal explosion of blood, it was extremely graphic. I reached Knuckle Dragger and he died in a single shot. I thought to myself this game will be a breeze. And I played through the game normaly, skipping all the side quest.
Everything played normally, until I noticed something strange after the assault on Sanctuary. On my way to the fridge I noticed that the skags were not re spawning, It had been way longer than 10 minutes since I killed them. So I decided to test something, I reached the warp point in The Fridge and warped to Claptrap's Place, I walked to where Knuckle Dagger spawns, but he didn't spawn, I went the the Soaring Dragon. Nobody spawned, not ever Flynt. Did I actually 100% kill these enemies? I decided to ignore this and played the game to the end. After I defeated the final boss, I though to myself, shall I kill every single enemy in the game? Yes, yes I shall. It took about a week, but I killed every single possible enemy in the game.
A week passed after I killed all the enemies. I was still playing the same character, looking through chests to look for legendaries. One day I was sorting a few things through my bank. I turned into the room where the original vault hunters resided, and I accidentally clicked the trigger and shot the lazer. It hit Brick, and he exploded. I stood there, shocked at what I had just done. I reached for the console so I could not save my progress, but then I stopped. What would happen if I killed all the NPC's? It was a really stupid idea, but It might yield something, so I fired the lazer at Mordy, he exploded. I fired the lazer at Lilith, she exploded. And I continued through the game killing every NPC in the game. It took a good hour, but I finally got to the last NPC, Butt Stallion. I look at her, and fired my lazer. Shards of diamond flew everywhere. I stood there, I had just killed every NPC in the game. Did I beat this ridiculous game? Suddenly a message box appeared. It said "No survivors were found, only body parts. The land was barron. But the culprit was no-where to be seen." Suddenly a spine chilling laugh played over the TV, and the screen faded to black. Suddenly a loading screen appeared. The location I was apparently traveling too was "Hall of sighs" There was no tip, but the spinning weapon...ugh. I was a blood red rocket launcher, the shape of the launcher looked like the Legendary Norfleet. The loading screen stopped and a black screen appeared for around 5 seconds, then the world faded in. To my shock, I was now holding a weapon. It was the Blood Red Norfleet, I checked my inventory to see what it was, it was the black weapon I had been using the entire time, but I noticed something else. My character's face had a frightened look on their face, it made me frightened too. I went back to the game. I was in a hallway. With images of all the locations in the game, but they were all red. I walked down the hallway for around 60 seconds, then something horrible greeted me. The severed heads of all the NPC's I had killed. They were dripping in blood, the floor was blood soaked and every footstep I took I heard splashing sounds. I kept walking, shivering at all the heads hanging from the ceiling. I made it to the end of the hallway and I was in front of a door. I was able to open it. Inside the next room was 3 things; a TV, a table, and a sofa, but there was a figure sitting at on the sofa. It was another one of my characters. The character stood up and turned towards me. Then a horrible crackly voice came from them. "Are you happy? You killed them. You thought it was all just fun and games. It wasn't." Then the character opened their eyes. Their eyes were black with red pupils. Something like this.

(OK, now we've established that the character is Maya.) She spoke again. "It was hell! All of my friends! You used me as a puppet of death to destroy them! WHY DID YOU DO THIS!!!" I was frozen, my eyes were fixed on the screen. I felt horribly cold. "I think its about time I got myself some revenge!" Suddenly the room faded away, and a battle intro occurred. She took out the same weapon I had. The battle music was horrible, it was just screams and static. She was fast, It was hard to hit her with the lazer, she fired the lazer too, but I was able to dodge the attacks. I hit her with the launcher, but she did not die instantly. She screamed horribly, and went into Fight for Your Life. She was immediately able to down me. But I downed her to get myself back up, this continued for around 3 minutes until my FFYL bar went down too fast for me to get back up. The was no normal death animation. The other character used her Phase-lock attack, she slowly walked up to me. And she said one last thing. "Finally, fresh meat." She fired the lazer one last time, and the screen cut to black. Then the scariest image ever came up on screen. It was Maya's face, again with the black eyes, but this time the image was hyper-realistic. She had blood pouring from her eyes and mouth. And she was holding my Maya's severed head in her hands. Then extremely loud static noise played, it hurt my ears. Then my TV screen cracked, the image was still there and so was the noises, but then from the cracks in the TV, blood began to pour them. I had enough, I lounged for the Xbox and turned it off. The face was still there, the blood was still there. I through the TV to the ground and, finally, I let out an extremely loud scream, and I passed out.
I never forgot that day. After I had bought a new TV and looked at the game again, my Original character was there. I looked in the bank and saw no black weapon. It was over. I don't play Borderlands 2 much now, but I will never forget that face. It will stay with me for the rest of my days.
Well! What did you guys make of that? Any loop holes? Cliche? I'm not the best of writers, but I gave it my best shot!