Name: Charles Solotov
Age: 59
Bio: Charles was a high-ranking member of S&S Munition's scientific wing, having spent decades of his life honing his knowledge and skills in the manufacturing and technical aptitude required for building high-end weaponry and refurbishing lower-end model equipment into bullet-spewing death dealers.
However, Hyperion's hostile takeover of Pandora coupled with the local Bandit gunsmiths undercutting the company's sales caused Charlie's company to collapse, right on the brink of his retirement. With his pension gone and with only a commemorative pocket-watch as his severance gift, Solotov wound up on the surface of Pandora with $38 in his pocket and a serious ax to grind with Hyperion and the local bandit clans.
Description: Charles Solotov is a slightly overweight, balding Russian man wearing a tattered suit jacket, a dusty dress-shirt and a pair of slacks with bandoliers of ammunition and mechanical components strapped over his bulbous torso. Next to his gut is a highly-modified Digistruct holster, which is the source of his combat prowess.
Action Skill: Digistruct Hacking.
Charlie uses his extensive weapons manufacturing knowledge to scramble the particles and components of firearms in his equipment slots, merging their effects with one another as he reconstructs them as hybridized bastardizations of their former selves before they grow too unstable and revert back to their original state in his Digistructor.
It essentially merges the up/down slots into one hybrid weapon, and the same for the left/right slots. Merged weapons take on both weapon's strongest characteristics of each other... example, hacking a Vladof chaingun together with a Bandit shotgun would result in a machinegun that sprayed forth walls of buckshot (or a shotgun that fired continuously with an enormous magazine size at the same rate-of-fire as the Vladof AR).
Digistruct Hacking two unique or Legendary weapons would force the hybridized weapon to take on both red-text attributes. For example, merging a Shredifier with a Conference call would produce a minigun that fired far beyond the normal speed of a regular AR with the Conference Call's "phantom" bullets flying in from off-screen. Or a Flakker hacked with a Mongol would produce a shotgun that fired a cloud of gyrojet rockets that spewed forward further than the Flakker normally shoots, spawning the random drunkfire child rockets like the Mongol that exploded into more Flakker explosions.
And so forth... essentially, the Action Skill and character class would be about exploring the various bizarre combinations of rearranging the atoms and gun components of different gear in his Digistructor to produce bizarre and exotic effects.
(I'd have to think up the different character skill-trees and the corresponding skills)
Age: 59
Bio: Charles was a high-ranking member of S&S Munition's scientific wing, having spent decades of his life honing his knowledge and skills in the manufacturing and technical aptitude required for building high-end weaponry and refurbishing lower-end model equipment into bullet-spewing death dealers.
However, Hyperion's hostile takeover of Pandora coupled with the local Bandit gunsmiths undercutting the company's sales caused Charlie's company to collapse, right on the brink of his retirement. With his pension gone and with only a commemorative pocket-watch as his severance gift, Solotov wound up on the surface of Pandora with $38 in his pocket and a serious ax to grind with Hyperion and the local bandit clans.
Description: Charles Solotov is a slightly overweight, balding Russian man wearing a tattered suit jacket, a dusty dress-shirt and a pair of slacks with bandoliers of ammunition and mechanical components strapped over his bulbous torso. Next to his gut is a highly-modified Digistruct holster, which is the source of his combat prowess.
Action Skill: Digistruct Hacking.
Charlie uses his extensive weapons manufacturing knowledge to scramble the particles and components of firearms in his equipment slots, merging their effects with one another as he reconstructs them as hybridized bastardizations of their former selves before they grow too unstable and revert back to their original state in his Digistructor.
It essentially merges the up/down slots into one hybrid weapon, and the same for the left/right slots. Merged weapons take on both weapon's strongest characteristics of each other... example, hacking a Vladof chaingun together with a Bandit shotgun would result in a machinegun that sprayed forth walls of buckshot (or a shotgun that fired continuously with an enormous magazine size at the same rate-of-fire as the Vladof AR).
Digistruct Hacking two unique or Legendary weapons would force the hybridized weapon to take on both red-text attributes. For example, merging a Shredifier with a Conference call would produce a minigun that fired far beyond the normal speed of a regular AR with the Conference Call's "phantom" bullets flying in from off-screen. Or a Flakker hacked with a Mongol would produce a shotgun that fired a cloud of gyrojet rockets that spewed forward further than the Flakker normally shoots, spawning the random drunkfire child rockets like the Mongol that exploded into more Flakker explosions.
And so forth... essentially, the Action Skill and character class would be about exploring the various bizarre combinations of rearranging the atoms and gun components of different gear in his Digistructor to produce bizarre and exotic effects.
(I'd have to think up the different character skill-trees and the corresponding skills)