These are only ideas and not full blown concepts. You guys can take them and put your own skill trees with them.
Vlad the Gunner
Background: Vlad was a highly skilled soldier in the Vladof Revolution Military that had lost the reason why he even joined in the first place, he was bored. The only way he could try to find himself again was to go searching for the Vaults. He is quite possibly the most selfless Vault Hunter to date since he always stops to help the underdog and people in need. He is also a recovered alcoholic that occasionally slips back into his beloved vodka binges.
Physical: Vlad is tall and built similarly to Brick. Now that I think of it, He kinda looks like Duke Nukem :dukeking: Vlad speaks in a deep Russian accent.
Action Skill: Minigun Massacre - Vlad pulls out his Prototype Vladof Patriots Minigun to cut his enemies down. No time limit, but the minigun has 20 ROF and 500 RNDS of ammo.
Possible Skills: Increase his minigun ammo capacity. Also, he could have something to do with his shots (basically vodka stacks)
Ariel the Siren
Background: ?
Physical: Long, red hair.
Action Skill: Phaselift - Basically telekinesis. Ariel lifts an enemy and flings it around like a ragdoll to move him or smash it into a wall.
Possible Skills: Crush - Hit the AC button and Ariel crushes the enemy in her Phaselift to to extra damage and, if it kills, create a bloody and slaggy explosion.
Marvin the Martyr
Background: Military field medic.
Physical Description: ?
Action Skill: Aggro! - Marvin gathers the attention of every enemy on the battle field. As a result, he can not sprint but he gains massive damage reduction. His allies get revived from FFYL and gain a respectable health regeneration rate while Aggro! is active.
Possible Skills: Martyr - Any time an ally takes a killing blow, Marvin has a chance to take that damage instead and keep his friend out of FFYL.
Other skills to heal, revive, and increase FFYL time.
There you go, whaddya think?
Vlad the Gunner
Background: Vlad was a highly skilled soldier in the Vladof Revolution Military that had lost the reason why he even joined in the first place, he was bored. The only way he could try to find himself again was to go searching for the Vaults. He is quite possibly the most selfless Vault Hunter to date since he always stops to help the underdog and people in need. He is also a recovered alcoholic that occasionally slips back into his beloved vodka binges.
Physical: Vlad is tall and built similarly to Brick. Now that I think of it, He kinda looks like Duke Nukem :dukeking: Vlad speaks in a deep Russian accent.
Action Skill: Minigun Massacre - Vlad pulls out his Prototype Vladof Patriots Minigun to cut his enemies down. No time limit, but the minigun has 20 ROF and 500 RNDS of ammo.
Possible Skills: Increase his minigun ammo capacity. Also, he could have something to do with his shots (basically vodka stacks)
Ariel the Siren
Background: ?
Physical: Long, red hair.
Action Skill: Phaselift - Basically telekinesis. Ariel lifts an enemy and flings it around like a ragdoll to move him or smash it into a wall.
Possible Skills: Crush - Hit the AC button and Ariel crushes the enemy in her Phaselift to to extra damage and, if it kills, create a bloody and slaggy explosion.
Marvin the Martyr
Background: Military field medic.
Physical Description: ?
Action Skill: Aggro! - Marvin gathers the attention of every enemy on the battle field. As a result, he can not sprint but he gains massive damage reduction. His allies get revived from FFYL and gain a respectable health regeneration rate while Aggro! is active.
Possible Skills: Martyr - Any time an ally takes a killing blow, Marvin has a chance to take that damage instead and keep his friend out of FFYL.
Other skills to heal, revive, and increase FFYL time.
There you go, whaddya think?