Hi everyone :)
First of all i would like to ask u guys not to start any flames about this, cos this is a fan creation and if any of you guys still remember BL1, you also probably remember how many awesome custom campaigns and custom gunz BL1 had and still has. Unlocking backdoor editor for all those awesome stuff one could also consider "cheating" or whatever, but many will disagree. Anyway I'm a player with 1000+ hours of gameplay in BL2, also I like to play allegiance cos its much more challenging and more fun to play. You learn to appreciate some gear you would otherwise never use. However I find that Jakobs is by far the most weakest manufacturer in UVHM, besides a very few guns like Twister, Cobra and/or Maggie. As slag being mandatory in UVHM its very hard to play Jakobs there.
Now those are made in gibbed (now dont play innocent here ik a lot of ppl use it) for personal use as well as for discussion idea wise. What would you like to see that this game needs, what would you change and so on. I personally think that bandit being roid shields manufacturer should have some good melee guns as well. Rapier is probably one and only melee gun that is viable in UVHM for any melee character except Krieg. He was made with UVHM in mind, and I will not say that hes OP (cos hes not, but some ppl think he is) but you know what I mean. There is a lot of things in this game which I think are kinda ridiculous.
For example Jill of all Trades COM for mechro which boosts assault rifles and its made by Tediore and Tediore doesnt make any ARs. Why not DAHL or Vladof, any other but Tediore. Funny isnt it?
As this being said, I've made some "normal" guns and not that "black" OP guns which you can probably see in public games or on yt. Don't get me wrong here, I don't use gibbed to construct legit guns for my chars, nor I will. BL1 had some awesome custom guns which I really enjoyed so I've made some guns which I would like to see LEGIT in this game. Like that slag Jakobs grenade and a sniper which you can see in the video. It doesnt look OP, does it? Besides the nade mod, sniper and bandit shootie, others are made for fun as well as for discussion here...
Did I mentioned I like this game :).
That being said, no matter which game I play and if I really like it, I always have so many ideas no matter being some gear or a quest idea, so BL is no difference. I'm sure there is also other ppl who have some ideas as well (and it cant be that I am the only one here who have ever tryed to make a custom gun in gibbed). Post them here. Discuss.
VIDEO: http://youtu.be/B4NrrCkH5qM
So this is my first gun I've made:
Type: Shotgun
Manufacturer: Bandit
The only gun i ever loved. - reference here.
+150% melee. Always without the scope. Any element.
In-game screen here.
Not so OP don't you think? :)
I've named and referenced the other gear as well, but I would like to hear your thoughts/ideas on them. Cmon use your imagination :)
NOTE 1: I've asked about permission to post this here as this being fan creation and a way to discuss new weapons ideas...
NOTE 2: English is not my native language, so sorry about any spelling/grammar errors you might have found.
DISCLAIMER: I will not give any codes for these guns to anyone, so don't even bother to ask, nor I will share them in any way possible. Those are for my personal use only. If you want to replicate them, do that on your own responsibility.
Once again i kindly ask you all not to start any hate about this, if u don't like it, don't read it. Simple as that.
First of all i would like to ask u guys not to start any flames about this, cos this is a fan creation and if any of you guys still remember BL1, you also probably remember how many awesome custom campaigns and custom gunz BL1 had and still has. Unlocking backdoor editor for all those awesome stuff one could also consider "cheating" or whatever, but many will disagree. Anyway I'm a player with 1000+ hours of gameplay in BL2, also I like to play allegiance cos its much more challenging and more fun to play. You learn to appreciate some gear you would otherwise never use. However I find that Jakobs is by far the most weakest manufacturer in UVHM, besides a very few guns like Twister, Cobra and/or Maggie. As slag being mandatory in UVHM its very hard to play Jakobs there.
Now those are made in gibbed (now dont play innocent here ik a lot of ppl use it) for personal use as well as for discussion idea wise. What would you like to see that this game needs, what would you change and so on. I personally think that bandit being roid shields manufacturer should have some good melee guns as well. Rapier is probably one and only melee gun that is viable in UVHM for any melee character except Krieg. He was made with UVHM in mind, and I will not say that hes OP (cos hes not, but some ppl think he is) but you know what I mean. There is a lot of things in this game which I think are kinda ridiculous.
For example Jill of all Trades COM for mechro which boosts assault rifles and its made by Tediore and Tediore doesnt make any ARs. Why not DAHL or Vladof, any other but Tediore. Funny isnt it?
As this being said, I've made some "normal" guns and not that "black" OP guns which you can probably see in public games or on yt. Don't get me wrong here, I don't use gibbed to construct legit guns for my chars, nor I will. BL1 had some awesome custom guns which I really enjoyed so I've made some guns which I would like to see LEGIT in this game. Like that slag Jakobs grenade and a sniper which you can see in the video. It doesnt look OP, does it? Besides the nade mod, sniper and bandit shootie, others are made for fun as well as for discussion here...
Did I mentioned I like this game :).
That being said, no matter which game I play and if I really like it, I always have so many ideas no matter being some gear or a quest idea, so BL is no difference. I'm sure there is also other ppl who have some ideas as well (and it cant be that I am the only one here who have ever tryed to make a custom gun in gibbed). Post them here. Discuss.
VIDEO: http://youtu.be/B4NrrCkH5qM
So this is my first gun I've made:
Type: Shotgun
Manufacturer: Bandit

The only gun i ever loved. - reference here.
+150% melee. Always without the scope. Any element.
In-game screen here.
Not so OP don't you think? :)
I've named and referenced the other gear as well, but I would like to hear your thoughts/ideas on them. Cmon use your imagination :)
NOTE 1: I've asked about permission to post this here as this being fan creation and a way to discuss new weapons ideas...
NOTE 2: English is not my native language, so sorry about any spelling/grammar errors you might have found.
DISCLAIMER: I will not give any codes for these guns to anyone, so don't even bother to ask, nor I will share them in any way possible. Those are for my personal use only. If you want to replicate them, do that on your own responsibility.
Once again i kindly ask you all not to start any hate about this, if u don't like it, don't read it. Simple as that.