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So I made this character, tell me what you think.

Bullet Mage

Name: Faust

Idea: a character that has infinite ammo and can shoot bullets that deal elemental damage, for a short time.

Weapons and Specialization: he doesn't specialize in one type of weapon, but has plus 50% damage increase with weapons that deal incendiary, shock, corrosive, and slag damage.

Appearance and Clothing: he has bone white hair, pale skin, and blood red eyes, he wears a black hat like a wizards and a black robe that covers his body, underneath the cloak he has to ancient eridian pistols in holsters on each side, and there is a scar across his right eye.

Story: He was once a mercenary that went from planet to planet looking for the next bounty to slaughter, but one day he was ambushed by a group of over 100 men, he savagely and swiftly struck down every one of them, but while he was celebrating his victory he was shot in the back. The first and only thing he heard from his attacker was " Stupid bandits.... your all nothing but wastes of skin". As he lay there death closing in, he realized there was someone else there. He did something he had never done before, begged for help, "please help me and I will follow your orders for the rest of my llife"... and then he saw a figure come closer to him, what it was he didn't know. It was alien in apperiance, almost bird like, it placed its hand on his chest, then he heard the creatures thoughts, "I will help you warrior, but if I do you will live forever in my service unable to die, is that alright with you". "Yes...." he said with his last few breaths, and then, a bright flash of light sweapt the area, and he stood up his clothes had changed, his body had changed, he had changed. Then the being handed him two strange looking glowing pistols and said, “Take these they will make you stronger". Then Faust asked him "Who are you",
the figure paused for a while then said " I am the last of my kind, the last eridian.
"That’s cool and all but, I meant your name genius ...” " oh, very well then you may call me.... Eos”.
Skill Trees and Action Skills

Action Skill: spell slinger

Description: you pull out an eridian pistol that has infinite ammo and deals slag damage, 10 second duration and 60 second cooldown. Cools donw faster when enemies are inflicted with DoT. Can be upgraded to also deal incendiary, shock, or corrosive damage.

A-skill tree (left): Pyro
A1-skill : Red Hot Rounds- by pressing up on the d-pad during spell slinger you can now shoot incendiary rounds.(0/1) NEXT LEVEL: “mmmmmmm crispy”.
A2-skill: Feel the burn- increases burn damage by 5% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL burn damage + 5%.
A3-skill: Burning up- increases length off burn damage by 5% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL burn damage length + 5%.
A4-skill: Fire Blanket – increases fire resistance by 5% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL fire resistance + 5%.
A5-skill: Heavier Hitter- increases gun damage by 4% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL gun damage + 4%.
A6-skill: Burning Bazooka- skill override during spell slinger, by pressing the action button again your pistols are turned into a rocket launcher that deals burn damage. (0/1) NEXT LEVEL “You will all burn”.
A7-skill: Burning Rage- igniting enemies give you a stack of burning rage, maximum of 20, gun damage is increased by .5% per stack. (0/1) NEXT LEVEL “More Fire”.
A8-skill: Fists of Slag- melee override 5% chance to slag enemies with melee attack per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL slag chance +5%.
A9-skill: Burning Rubber- increases movement speed by 3% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL movement speed + 3%.
A10-skill: Inferno- when spell slinger is activated a massive fire nova is set off. (0/1) NEXT LEVEL “I love the smell of burnt flesh in the morning”.

B-skill tree (Middle) Electrician
B1-skill: Charge Shot- by pressing left on the d-pad during spell slinger you can now shoot shock rounds. (0/1) NEXT LEVEL “Well there’s your problem”.
B2-skill: High Voltage- increases electrocution damage by 5% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL electrocution damage + 5%.
B3-skill: Supercharge- increases length of electrocution damage by 5% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL electrocution damage length + 5%.
B4-skill: Insulated Wire- increases shock resistance by 5% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL shock resistance + 5%
B5-skill: Ammo Hog- increases magazine size by 4% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL magazine size + 4%.
B6-skill: Shocking Shells- skill override during spell slinger, by pressing the action button again your pistols are turned into a shotgun that deals electrocution damage. (0/1) NEXT LEVEL “What a shocking turn of events”.
B7-skill: Positive Charge- electrocuting enemies gives you a stack of Positive Charge, maximum of 20, magazine size is increased by .5% per stack. (0/1) NEXT LEVEL “You’re gonna fry you bastards”.
B8-skill: Double Up- grants the use of a second pistol during spell slinger, the right pistol always does slag damage, while the left can be changed if unlocked. (0/1) NEXT LEVEL “ Most things are more fun with two”.
B9-skill: Explosives Expert- increases explosive damage by 5% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL explosive damage + 5%.
B10-skill: Rejuvenation- grants 1% health regen per level when an enemy is affected with DoT. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL health regen + 1%.
B11-skill: Thunderstorm- when spell slinger is activated a massive shock nova is set off. (0/1) NEXT LEVEL “Now that’s what I call a shock to the system”.

C-skill tree (Right): Chemist
C1-skill: Acidic Ammo- by pressing down on the d-pad during spell slinger you can now shoot corrosive rounds. (0/1) NEXT LEVEL “ Careful this stuff really burns”.
C2-skill: Erosion- increases corrode damage by 5% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL corrode damage + 5%.
C3-skill: Food Poisoning- increases length of corrode damage by 5% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL corrode damage length + 5%.
C4-skill: Ant-Acid: increases resistance to corrosive damage by 5% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL corrosive resistance + 5%.
C5-skill: Next- increases weapon swap speed by 4% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL weapon swap speed + 4%.
C6-skill: Corrosive Rain- skill override, during spell slinger by pressing the action button again your pistols are turned into a smg that deals corrosive damage. (0/1) NEXT LEVEL “Ill melt the flesh right off your bones”.
C7-skill: Caustic Avenger- corroding enemies grants you a stack of Caustic Avenger, maximum of 20, your weapon swap speed is increased by .5% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL “This is gonna hurt….a lot”.
C8-skill: Rapid Fire- increases fire rate by 50%. (0/1) NEXT LEVEL “The faster I shoot, the faster they die”.
C9-skill: Gunslinger- increases the length of spell slinger by 10% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL spell slinger length + 10%.
C10-skill: Reload- increases spell slinger cooldown rate by 10% per level. (0/5) NEXT LEVEL cooldown rate + 10%.
C11-skill: Meltdown- when spell slinger is activated a massive corrosive nova is set off. (0/1) NEXT LEVEL “ I hope you guys don’t turn into mutants”.

Echo Logs
[Starting Echo]:
[Faust] “So Eos why the hell are we at this craphole of a planet again”
[Eos] “Because there is a vault hidden somewhere on this planet”
[Faust] “I thought they already found the damn thing”
[Eos] “Yes they did, however there is another on this planet”
[Faust] “Well isn’t that interesting, and tell me, why I should give a damn”
[Eos] “You may not care about the vault but you will care who else is looking for it.”
[Faust] “And who might that be….”
[Eos] “Handsome Jack”
[Faust] “……….”
[Eos] “Faust, are you alright”
[Faust] “It looks like I’ve found my reason for staying”
[Eos] “And that is….”
[Faust] “Why, to put a bullet in Handsome Jacks head of course”.

Start Game:
“I’m coming for you Jack”.
“Let’s get this over with already”.
“Do I really have to do this” [Eos] “Yes” [Faust] “Alright damn it”.
Action Skill:
“You’re screwed now”.
“Draw, you sons a bitches”.
“You’re in my way, move”.
Fight For Your Life:
“You think I’ll let a weakling like you kill me”.
“No, not yet, not until Jacks dead”.
“Oh, you are so dead when I get back up”.
Second Wind:
“I’m still kicking asshole”.
“Told you did get back up”.
“Now, which one of you shot me”.
Being Revived:
“Thanks Partner”.
“Much obliged”.
“Today’s just not my day”.
Reviving Someone:
“Come on now I know you’re better than that”.
Blue Loot:
“Not too shabby”.
“Eh, I’ve seen better”.
Purple Loot:
“Getting better”.
“Looks useful”.
E-Tech Loot:
“What the hell is that” [Eos] “Seems familiar” [Faust] “Okay?”.
“I’ll try anything once….well most things”.
Badass Enemy:
“You don’t look so tough”.
“Oh crap, this is gonna suck”.
“Great, like my job wasn’t bad enough”.
Comparing Items:
“Hm, which one looks better?”.
“What, this is the best that I have?”.
“Whoa, forgot I had that on me”.
Level Up:
“I just keep getting better”.
“I wonder how strong I can get”
“This just isn’t fair, for you”
Skill Trees:
“How am I gonna kill people today”
“Well shoot, it all looks good”.
“Damn this is a tough decision”.
Badass Challenge:
“I’m on fire today”
“Damn I’m good”
“Probably couldn’t do that again if I tried”.
“Hey Eos, did you just feel something?” [Eos] “No” [Faust] “I must have just imagined it”.
“Well he’s not getting back up”.
“Off with his head”.
[Eos] “Nice shot” [Faust] “Thanks, you should try it sometime” [Eos] “I think I’ll leave that to you”.
“Who’s next?”.
Killing tough enemy:
“He was pretty tough after all”.
“Well, that was a nice warm up”
“That was disappointing”
Killing many enemies:
“Another one bites the dust….”.
“These guys are like dominos” [Eos] “Why” [Faust] “Because they all fall down”.
“Anybody left…..didn’t think so”.
Standing Idle:
“Looks like a good place to take a nap”.
[Eos] “Why are we just standing here” [Faust] “Because I feel like it” [Eos] “Well, when are we going” [Faust] “Whenever I fell like it”.
“There’s got to be something to shoot around here”.
Handsome Jack Voice Modulator:
[Eos] “What’s wrong Faust” [Faust] “I don’t want to talk” [Eos] “Why” [Faust] “Because, then I would have to shoot myself”.

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